Post your analysis of what Roger Boisjoly should have done on the night of the launch, after the teleconference.  Make sure you identify and apply at least 2 relevant ethical factors we have studied in your ethical analysis. [By an ethical factor I mean a toolkit item we have discussed, such as promoting good consequences or the fact that it is more important to stick to the rules in a competitive situation.] Posts must be grammatical and stylistically appropriate (e.g., use full sentences and avoid net terms such as imho).

Book:  Schlossberger, Eugene The Ethical Engineer

1. READ in the textbook: When to Fight a Battle (86-89), Principles of Accountability (112-114), Promoting Good Consequences (122-124), Universality (125-130), The Golden Rule (132-134), When to Break the Rules (135-146), Whistleblowing and (Case 27) the B.A.R.T. case (149-163)

2. RESEARCH further, online or in the library, the Challenger case.

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3. POST Challenger Case. Make sure you read the instructions. Original post (5 pts.) due 10/8; reply (5 pts.) due 10/15 10pm

Do assigned reading and further researching the Challenger case online or in the library,

1. Post your analysis of what Roger Boisjoly should have done on the night of the launch, after the teleconference.  Make sure you identify and apply at least 2 relevant ethical factors we have studied in your ethical analysis. [By an ethical factor I mean a toolkit item we have discussed, such as promoting good consequences or the fact that it is more important to stick to the rules in a competitive situation.] Posts must be grammatical and stylistically appropriate (e.g., use full sentences and avoid net terms such as imho).


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