Our aim is to address yet another question: What do the historic injustices done to African Americans add to theodiceal discussions? We focus on thatquestion in terms of Beloved, The Bluest Eye, and Paradise.

No less then 8 to 10 Pages paper



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This course focuses on Toni Morrison’s novels and the problem of theodicy. Theodicy¾a combination of two Greek words, theos (God) and dikē (justice)¾signifies one’s denial or assertion of God’s existence. Those who assert that God exists wrestle with these questions: (A) Is God good if God allows evil? (B) Is God omnipotent (all-powerful) if God is unable to eradicate evil? (C) Is God omnipotent, good and tolerant of evil for the sake of a greater (eschatological) good?




Our aim is to address yet another question: What do the historic injustices done to African Americans add to theodiceal discussions? We focus on thatquestion in terms of Beloved, The Bluest Eye, and Paradise.








Required Texts




Three novels by Toni Morrison: Beloved; The Bluest Eye; Paradise.








  1. A final paper of no more than ten pages, which is worth 75% of your final grade.  E-mail your essay to me and name the document as follows: TMPT.Last name First name. Base your paper on one of these three questions:


    This course focuses on Toni Morrison’s novels and the PROBLEM of THEODICY.




    ¾a combination of two Greek words, theos

    1. (God) and dikē (justice)¾signifies one’s denial or assertion of God’s existence.


      Our aim is to address yet another question: What do the historic injustices done to African Americans add to theodiceal discussions? We focus on thatquestion in terms of Beloved, The Bluest Eye, and Paradise



      Toni Morrison: BELOVED: I need you to only on chapters ” She was crawling already  THROUGH chapter Beloved is my sister. Then summary or an abstract paper on the Topic THEODICY




      I want you to look at the women in the community when they came to I24, To pray for Sethe and Denver. Then look at what kind of evil was Paul D was possessed with?  And the White Denver whom was she to Sethe and look at her being a running away as well. SO I NEED YOU TO THINK DEEPER THEN YOU WOULD ALL WAYS ON THIS PAPER.









1. How do Beloved’s Amy Denver, Baby Suggs and Stamp Paid help one respond to (A), (B) and (C)?




2.  How do The Bluest Eye’s Pecola Breedlove and Elihue M. Whitcomb help one respond to (A), (B) and (C)?




3.  How do Paradise’s “eight-rock” patriarchs and Convent women help one respond to (A), (B) and (C)?


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