Male nurses face more difficulties and challenges than female nurses due to gender stereotypes and the perception that nursing is a nurturing profession for women.

Male nurses face more difficulties and challenges than female nurses due to gender stereotypes and the perception that nursing is a nurturing profession for women.


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For many years, the nursing career has always been considered a gender-typed career. The profession was performed only by women because of their characteristic compassion and caring for others. Out of the nursing workforce in the United States, men represent less than 5.8 percent. Since men started to take interest in the career of nursing, they have faced a variety of challenges, stressors and barriers. Male nurses face more difficulties and challenges than female nurses due to gender stereotypes and the perception that nursing is a nurturing profession for women.


1- “Men do not care”

· Women are compassionate and care givers, those characteristics identify them; while men on the other side, are known for their rough treatment.

2- Male nurses do not have a role model most of the time.

· Some barriers start while in nursing school programs. With the male nursing faculty being less than the general population of males in nursing, men do not feel the same connection with instructors and clinical rotation managers as female do.

3- Male nurses experience more role strain than female nurses when it comes to touching patients of the opposite sex and even the same one.

· Male nurses reported to be hesitant to touch female patients, fearing of being accused of inappropriately touching them; and when touching men, they fear of giving the impression of being gay.


In conclusion, the nursing career has been chosen by women for a long time, despite this, men interests in the field have increased over the years. With this, people would imagine that the barriers keeping men from entering a nursing program would disappear, but they still exist. The gender stereotyping in the nursing career must be stopped; men have proven to be good care takers, as much as women.

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