Identify and describe briefly those whom you will select for inclusion in the stakeholder group representation or NAT or NAC.

Unit 6-10 Discussion
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements


The needs-based action learning project that you have been exploring for this course is now reaching the identification and selection of people whose interests are really at stake for inclusion in the NAC or NAT. However, the complexity of the needs-based issues characterizing stakeholders’ interests also requires a hybrid action planning framework to ensure that the categories of datasets generated reflect the SAF chosen. In prioritizing the topic categories under which the stakeholder representation can be grouped, the action learning model to use in validating the structural analysis of the SAF must be assessed for needs-based data accuracy and completeness.

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Therefore, describe the action learning model you will use to ensure that the right people are represented on the NAT or NAC. Identify and describe briefly those whom you will select for inclusion in the stakeholder group representation or NAT or NAC. Examine the characteristics of the action learning model you will use in determining the needs-based SAF. Also, discuss how you will go about making sure that the needs-based SAF chosen is reflective of the category of datasets’ interests for structural analysis. And, given that the combined data are subject to messy problems of accuracy and completeness, how would you make sure the data is clean?


In Units 3 and 5, you were introduced to various analytic tools used in the public needs assessment planning process. However, in this unit, you understood that the complexity of the needs-based SAF may require a hybrid action planning process. For this, you further explored the hybrid action learning data tools used in gathering quantitative and qualitative data and analysis methods to supplement your understanding of the needs-based planning and prioritization process.

By way of updating your understanding, the qualitative data is part of what you will use to determine themes or groupings of needs, and its analysis will help with the process of prioritization. On the other hand, the quantitative datasets are statistics typically represented as objective numbers used to quantify the scope of a problem or the potential societal change as a result of a solution.

Explain the types of qualitative and quantitative (objective numerical) data gathering tools you plan to use, their purposes to inform the thinking on your public needs assessment project, and support decision making in this community-based or government-influenced public problem. Think about what kinds of action learning information would be required to help understand the scope and depth of the problem.

Describe qualitative themes you might expect to see and areas of the problem they might measure quantitatively, as well as how they will contribute to methods of prioritization. Note any missing qualitative data pieces and quantitative datasets that might be critical to making a good public needs assessment prioritization decision in your proposed case example. Explain how you would use these categories of background information and what you believe you will do with it in terms of structural analysis.


Based on the six peer-reviewed articles you located in this unit’s study, determine the etiological analysis of the SAFs and identify at least three problem-solving models that can underpin your public needs assessment project. Provide a rationale and justification as to which of the identified problem-solving models is an appropriate model for the facilitation of the etiological analysis you would use in tackling the SAF for your public needs assessment project.

Then, briefly describe how information derived from the articles can help you in designing the conceptualization of measurable action plan for your public needs assessment project. Be sure to draft an example of the overall goal, at least one outcome objective, one process objective, one program or project hypothesis, and at least two activities.


You have been planning your needs assessment project for quite a few weeks now, and you undoubtedly have some idea of how you believe the problem you selected will be solved. Based on the course texts and on the articles you located in this unit’s studies, analyze the differences and similarities in making the MOC plan happen from the perspectives of the individual, organization, and society.

What role could the public sector, its citizenry, governments, regulations, systems, practices, and processes play in planning for the change management based on the needs-based action learning model for program planning, as well as type of decision made and who it may affect? What does this mean for public sector solutions to society’s problems, either the big ones or the small? In your post, consider how KTA intervention framework or perhaps another suitable framework can be used in the facilitation of your needs-based action learning of program or project planning, implementation, monitoring, and performance evaluation processes.

Reflecting on your public needs assessment project, what modification should be made to your MOC plan? Remember that you will need to specify the needs-based action learning model for program planning and action intended to be taken, the purpose of that action including who or what it is meant to change, the time frame in which it needs to occur, materials and directions, and the areas where it applies in your project. You will later incorporate this into your final assignment in the course, so paying attention to the feedback you receive from your instructor and peers will be important in making the final revision for submission in the next unit.


Using the two peer-reviewed articles on ethnographic and OBE approaches you identified in the this unit’s study, provide a summary of your reflective action learning assessment on the validity and accuracy of the evaluation methods used in terms of the progress, results-based accountability, and performance reporting.

Be sure to also consider some of the ups and downs, uncertainties, challenges, efficiency, or effectiveness issues with service, program or project use patterns, ethnographic implications, as well as the intended OBE methods to assess your public needs assessment and planning project’s progress.

Finally, because the scientific merit action research template (SMART) form is the research plan that serves as the skeleton for your dissertation proposal in the DPA program, perhaps, it may be good to get introduced to it. Being introduced early to the SMART form will not only help you better acclimate yourself on what will be expected of you at the dissertation phase, but also you could perhaps start reflecting on the relevant questions noted on some of the sections as lenses to help shape your public needs assessment and planning project.

For this, also provide a summary of how the action learning activities and knowledge base on public needs assessment and planning, can be helpful when it is time to complete sections of the SMART form for your dissertation proposal in the DPA program. For this discussion, you are not required to complete the SMART form itself now. However, to acclimate yourself on what will be expected of you at the dissertation phase, just indicate how knowledge developed in this course can be translated to help address specific sections of the form.


What were the challenges in creating the evaluation design and incorporating an action research approach? How did the collaborative learning team experience enhance the process and help you resolve these challenges? Conversely, was the team experience difficult, and if so, how and why?


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