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Why Time Magazine Owes the Fitness Industry a

Big Fat Apology

Tom Venuto

At first I was tempted to title this article, ―why John Cloud and the editors of Time magazine are idiots.‖ But

then I thought that might be a bit harsh and decided to simply call for an apology and a correction for all the

errors they made in last week’s article, Why exercise won’t make you thin.

I wasn’t even going to write this at first, because I figured that sending it to my 300,000+ subscribers would

only draw more attention to the TIME story, and they’ve gotten enough free publicity from the blogosphere


But after receiving countless e-mails from my Burn The Fat subscribers, all imploring me to write a rebuttal,

and then after receiving the email from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) yesterday, I

reconsidered. The ACSM said:

“Last Friday, an article appeared in Time Magazine making statements that we believe run counter to fact and

the public interest. The article claimed that exercise, contrary to the research with which we are all familiar, is

not an effective health tool, particularly as it pertains to weight loss…”

They continued, (addressing the fitness professionals on their mailing list):

“Your assistance is needed in getting the right health message out to the public. Also we encourage you to

adapt our letter to the editor and submit it to your local news outlets, helping readers and viewers get the best

evidence-based facts and information. “

Assistance has arrived. Here is the right health message that the ACSM was calling for. I believe you’ll find my

information below more accurately reflects the facts than TIME’s one-sided story. Feel free to forward this

information to your friends and colleagues. Link to this, Digg this, re-tweet this and share this on facebook. I

also encourage you to send your letters to the editors of TIME.

The truth about exercise, appetite and weight loss

John Cloud, a writer for Time magazine, says that he gets hungry after exercise, so he often eats more on the

days he works out than on the days he doesn’t. Therefore, he proposes that exercise won’t make you thin and

might actually prevent you from losing weight.

You don’t say? You mean that you don’t lose weight if you put the calories you just burned right back in by

stuffing your face with muffins and doughnuts! Who’d have thunk?
It’s tough not to pick on a ―fitness journalist‖ who thinks that exercise turns fat into muscle. But sarcasm aside

for a moment, exercise can increase hunger in some cases. Hunger is a normal regulatory response of the body

to maintain energy balance and weight homeostasis anytime you’re in a calorie deficit and losing body mass,

whether that is achieved through exercise or dietary restriction. That doesn’t mean exercise is ineffective for

weight loss, it means you need DIETARY RESTRAINT to lose weight! Dietary restraint means that if you want

to lose weight, sometimes you have to feel hungry and NOT EAT! (even while stressed, emotional, tempted,

etc.) This takes work, and part of that work is to practice the self-discipline to not eat every time you feel the

urge and to pursue the self-education to understand the realities of the energy balance equation.

You’ll have to provide the self-discipline, but let me see if I can help with the education part (pay attention,

Time magazine!)

Not exercising = not smart

The International Journal of Obesity recently published a review of the effects of exercise on appetite

regulation. Dr. Martins of the Obesity research group in Norway explained that in our obesogenic environment

today, NOT exercising is likely to lead to weight gain:

“It has been systematically shown that the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle inevitably produces a state of

positive energy balance, as the physiological system is unable, at least in the short to medium term, to

compensate by decreasing energy intake.”

Translation: if you sit on your butt, and you live in a Western society in this technologically-advanced,

convenience-based world, surrounded by eating c

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