Develop a 25 to 50-word summary

Develop a 25 to 50-word summary

Step One: Find an article about effective professional communication that was published in the last 18 months.

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Step Two: Read the article and develop a 25 to 50-word summary. Summaries shorter than 25 words and longer than 50 will not receive credit.

Step four: The table requests that you provide a hyperlink to the article, your 25-50 word summary, and your name (in the employee section). Fill in the table with the requested information.

In order to receive your points for completing this task you must do the following:

Provide a viable link (not a URL) to the article

Ensure your summary is no less than 25 and no more than 50 words

Fill in the “Employee” section with your first and last name

Copy the webpage link to the article you summarized and submit it to the Professional Experience 1 link in Blackboard

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