Describing the role, relevance and future potential of a Comprehensive Primary Health Care Approach to a health or health systems issue in a selected country.

Describing the role, relevance and future potential of a Comprehensive Primary Health Care Approach to a health or health systems issue in a selected country.

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

When you understand block 2 and block 3
Write a 3,500-word paper on the role, relevance and future potential of a Comprehensive Primary Health Care Approach to a health or health systems issue in a community or country of your choosing.
Your paper should:
• show a sophisticated understanding of the factors facilitating and constraining the implementation of Comprehensive PHC
• show the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the health issue and setting you have chosen
• demonstrate a capacity to explain and apply relevant structures and processes relevant to CPHC
• justify any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments, not mere assertions

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