week 10 RSC application 2

Submit: Self-Assessment


As a researcher, you must understand that the body of knowledge the world uses to reason and analyze phenomena is always changing. There are always places to improve upon, refine, and add to the knowledge in your discipline. Likewise, your own skills and knowledge follow the same pattern. The skills you have acquired through this course are only the foundation of a very complex field. Even an experienced qualitative researcher knows that being able to identify where one still needs improvement and how to obtain additional skills is an important step toward continuously becoming a well-rounded researcher.


To prepare for this Application:

  • Assess your progress and skills with qualitative reasoning and analysis. Where do you still need to improve, and what is your plan for improving those skills?
  • Consider what role this course has played in helping you determine a dissertation topic approach. Has your original topic and approach changed? Why? How?
  • To what extent has using a software package informed your understanding of research in general? How has it informed you about how to read the findings of a research article?
  • Think about how this course fits into your residency requirements. Are you on track? Have you registered for your next residency?

The assignment:

  • Craft a 2- to 3-page paper in which you assess your progress in qualitative reasoning and analysis. Be sure you have addressed the questions above.

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Java Program


Project: Fear 




Let’s create a simulation. Children are out Trick Or Treating in various costumes having a great time. But real monsters are lurking about trying to get them! Imagine your neighborhood plotted out on graph paper with each co-ordinate x and y. The trick or treaters are at their co-ordinates and various monsters are at their own co-ordinates. If the trick or treater plays a trick on a monster, it may dispel the monster. However, if the monster attacks first, it may be the end of our trick or treater.


* Create UML diagrams for the classes. We will use 2 classes for the monsters and trick or treaters and a main class you will name Project4. Use following information to also determine the variables with their ranges, default values, etc.


* Classes have their own files


Added Classes:


Class Monster

  variables (remember to make them all private to protect them, and set default values in the constructors.

  – String monsterName, Count Dracula, Red Dragon, Skeleton, etc.

  – String weapon

  – int weaponType, 0=fangs, 1=breathes fire, 2=claws, 3=spits, etc.

  – int xPosition

  – int yPosition



  – Monster() at least 2 constructors. Set default values for those not passed into the constructor.

  – get() methods

  – set() methods, this is where you check if the input is valid. String length and number range (hint, how large is your map?).

  – attack(x, y) x,y of target. Target must be same position of monster unless range attack. Suggestions, 0-5 = melee (bite, claw, etc), 6+ range (spit, fire breath, etc)

  – move(x, y) updates xPosition, yPosition using the set() methods. 

  – toString() returns a string to print info on the monster.



Class TrickOrTreater

  variables (remember to make them all private to protect them, and set default values in the constructors.

  – name of the trick or treater

  – String costume

  – String trickType, scream, toiletPaper the monster, etc.

  – int xPosition

  – int yPosition



  – TrickOrTreater() at least 2 constructors. Ã¥Set default values for those not passed into the constructor.

  – get() methods

  – set() methods, this is where you check if the input is valid. String length and number range.

  – attack(x, y) x,y of target.

  – move(x, y) x,y is the destination, update xPosition, yPosition

  – toString() returns a string to print info on the trick or treater.



* Attacks in this case shouldn’t be printed in the class/object since the victim isn’t known, only the coordinates of the victim. Please think about this fact so you’ll realize this when designing in the future.

test RIGOROUSLY everything in a main() method with command line inputs especially get(), set() and attack() methods

* create a package, compress it into a .jar file, import the .jar file into a new project

1. be sure the private methods & variables you want private, are declared private and public are declared public

2. right-click on the project name on the left side of the screen

3.  select “Properties” on the drop-down menu

4.  under “Categories:”, then “Build”, then click on the bullet called “Packaging”

5.  check the box next to, “Compress JAR File”

6. next, Clean and Build

7. start a NEW project and call it anything

8. right-click the “Libraries folder in your new project and select “Add JAR/Folder

9. find your new .jar file and add it ex: import Infestation.Agent;


* Finally, after you import your new package into a new project, test it all again.



Once completed, use this checklist: 



– classes created correctly & in separate files

– complete and correct info. at the top

– formatted correctly

– correct naming convention

– private variables

– correct use of getters & setters

– overloaded constructors

– overridden toString() method



– project compiles

– project runs without crashing

– object instantiation

– range checking

– use of move()

– use of toString()



– .jar file works correctly when imported into another project




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when can you have this completed by?

1.     By hand, compute the mean, median, and mode for the following set of 40 reading scores:











































2.     Compute the means for the following set of scores saved as Ch. 2 Data Set 3 using IBM®SPSS® software. Print out a copy of the output.


Hospital size (number of beds)

Infection rate (per 1,000 admissions)






















3.     You are the manager of a fast food store. Part of your job is to report which special is selling best to the boss at the end of each day. Use your knowledge of descriptive statistics and write one paragraph to let the boss know what happened today. Use the following data. Do not use IBM®SPSS®software to compute the statistics needed; rather, do it by hand. Include a copy of your work.


Special number



Huge Burger



Baby Burger



Chicken Littles



Porker Burger



Yummy Burger



Coney Dog



Total specials sold




4.     Suppose you are working with a data set that has some different (much larger or much smaller than the rest of the data) scores. What measure of central tendency would you use and why?


5.     For the following set of scores, compute the range, the unbiased and the biased standard deviations, and the variance. Do the exercise by hand.


31, 42, 35, 55, 54, 34, 25, 44, 35


Why is the unbiased estimate greater than the biased estimate?


6.     Use IBM®SPSS®software to compute all the descriptive statistics for the following set of three test scores over the course of a semester. Which test had the highest average score? Which test had the smallest amount of variability?


Test 1

Test 2

Test 3
































7.     This practice problem uses the data contained in the file named Ch. 3 Data Set 3. There are two variables in this data set.





Height in inches


Weight in pounds


Using IBM®SPSS®software, compute all of the measures of variability you can for height and weight.


8.     Review the following frequency distribution. Create a histogram either by hand or by using some other application such as a Microsoft®Excel®document.


Class interval























9.     A third-grade teacher is looking to improve her students’ level of engagement during group discussions and instruction. She keeps track of each of the 15 third graders’ number of responses every day for 1 week. This information is available in Ch. 4 Data Set 2. Use IBM®SPSS®software to create a bar chart (one bar for each day).


10.  Identify whether these distributions are negatively skewed, positively skewed, or not skewed at all, and why.


a.     This talented group of athletes scored very high on the vertical jump task.

b.    On this incredibly crummy test, everyone received the same score.

c.     On the most difficult spelling test of the year, the third graders wept as the scores were delivered.


11.  For each of the following, indicate whether you would use a pie, line, or bar chart, and why.


a.     The proportion of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors in a particular university

b.    Change in GPA over four semesters

c.     Number of applicants for four different jobs

d.    Reaction time to different stimuli

e.     Number of scores in each of 10 categories


From Salkind (2011). Copyright © 2012 SAGE. All Rights Reserved. Adapted with permission.


Part B


Complete the questions below. Be specific and provide examples when relevant.


Cite any sources consistent with APA guidelines.




Salkind (2011) describes statistics as a “set of tools” (p. 18). How do behavioral scientists use those tools?


How would you use descriptive statistics to report the effectiveness of a baseball team? How would you use inferential statistics to report the effectiveness of a baseball team? In this example, what is the sample and what is the population?


What does a measure of central tendency tell us about a data set? Identify the three common measures of central tendency used in descriptive statistics and give an example of each. How do you calculate them?


What is variability in a data set? Identify three measures of variability used in descriptive statistics, explain how to calculate each, and give an example of each.


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A patient with Musculoskeletal Limitations Complicated by a medical Illness.

A patient with Musculoskeletal Limitations Complicated by a medical Illness.

The Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP), was implemented as a commitment to improving the safety of surgical patients by reducing post-operative complications. Although some surgical complications are unavoidable, surgical care can be improved through better adherence to evidence based practice.

Case Study: A 60-year old patient with a long standing history of right knee pain has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and has been recommended a total left knee arthroscopy to improve chronic discomfort and improve mobility.

The patient’s past medical history includes hypertension and an irregular heart rate. The patient denies any allergies.

The patient reports to the hospital at 1 p.m. for a left knee replacement. A medication reconciliation is completed, and the patient reports taking the following medications with a sip of water at 8:00 p.m.:

• Lisinopril 10 mg PO daily

• Toprol 25 mg PO daily

• Celebrex 200 mg PO daily

While in the pre-operative holding area, vital signs are taken and are within normal limits. No hair removal was performed. The patient was ordered and received Ancef 1 gram IV mini bag, at 2:30 p.m. The patient was transferred to the operating room, where anesthesia monitoring began at 3:00 p.m., a urinary catheter was placed, and a forced air warming device was placed to maintain the patient’s temperature.

After recovering in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU), the patient was transferred to a surgical floor. Post-operative orders included:

• Ancef 1 gram IV mini bag every 8 hours

• Long leg TED hose and sequential compression stockings to right leg while in bed

• Lovenox 30 mg subcutaneously every morning, starting the following morning

• Urinary catheter to be discontinued at 3:00 p.m. on post-operative day 1

The patient progressed well, both with pain control and mobility. TED hose and sequential compression stockings were worn while in bed. On the first post-operative day, the first dose of Lovenox was administered at 1000 a.m. and the last dose of Ancef was received at 2:30 p.m. The patient was able to void after removal of the urinary catheter. The patient progressed well and was discharged home on post- operative day 5.

Evidence shows that more than 45 million operative procedures are performed in the United States each year. Approximately 40% of operative procedures result in a surgical complication. The Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) was implemented to improve quality of care of surgical patients, by reducing surgical complications. Nurses play an important role in this process by following and adhering to evidence based and best practice protocols.

Using evidence based practice from two professional nursing journals, and/or your nursing textbooks, answer the following questions:

1. Explain one of the SCIP core measures, and how it has impacted the prevention of surgical complications. 2. Explain why no hair removal was required for the surgical procedure. If hair removal were ordered, explain the appropriate technique.

3. What methods were used to ensure that the recommended VTE/DVT prophylaxis was implemented, and why is the timing important? Explain your rationale with evidence.

Using APA format, write a two (2) to three (3) page paper (excluding the cover and reference page) that addresses the case study. A minimum of two (2) current professional references must be provided. Current references include professional nursing publications dated within five (5) years, and/or a textbook(s) used for the course that is no more than one (1) edition old. Websites are not to be used as professional resources or references.




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i need help with this document

Problem 1)  Look at the scatterplot below.  Does it demonstrate a positive or negative correlation?  Why? 

                    Are there any outliers?  What are they? 






            Problem 2)  Look at the scatterplot below.  Does it demonstrate a positive or negative correlation?  Why? 

                                Are there any outliers?  What are they? 




                Problem 3)  The following data come from your book, problem 26 on page 247.  Here is the data:


                        Mean daily calories                             Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000 births)

                        1523                                                    154     

                        3495                                                    6

                        1941                                                    114

                        2678                                                    24

                        1610                                                    107

3443                                                    6

1640                                                    153

3362                                                    7

3429                                                    44

2671                                                                                                        7


a)      For the above data construct a scatterplot using SPSS or Excel (Follow instructions on page 244 of your textbook).  What does the scatterplot show?  Can you determine a type of relationship?  Are there any outliers that you can see?

b)      Using the same data conduct a correlation analysis using SPSS or Excel.  What is the correlation coefficient?  Is it a strong, moderate or weak correlation?  Is the correlation significant or not?  If it is what does that mean?   


Problem 4)


Bill is doing a project for you in the marketing department.  In conducting his analysis regarding consumer behavior and a new product that has come out, he tells you the correlation between these two variables is 1.09.  What is your response to this analysis?


Problem 5)


Judy has conducted an analysis for her supervisor.  The result she obtained was a correlation coefficient that was negative 0.86.  Judy is confused by this number and feels that because it is negative and not positive, is means that it is bad.  You are her supervisor.  How would you clarify this result for Judy regarding the meaning of the correlation?


            Problem 6)


                        Explain the statement, “correlation does not imply causality.”


            Problem 7)


                        Using the best-fit line below for prediction, answer the following questions:


a)      What would you predict the price of Product X in volume of 150 to be (approximately)?

b)      What would you predict the price of Product X in volume of 100 to be (approximately)?




                Problem 8)


You are interested in finding out if a student’s ACT score is a good predictor of his or her final college grade point average (GPA).  You have obtained the following data and are going to conduct a regression analysis with these figures:

            ACT    GPA

            22.0     3.0

32.0     3.78

33.0     3.68

21.0     2.94

27.0     3.38

25.0     3.21

30.0     3.65


a)      What is the R?  What type of relationship does it indicate (strong/weak; positive/negative)?

b)      Go to the coefficients readout.  The constant is the intercept.  Under that is the ACT and that is the slope.  Using the straight line formula of Y = mx + b, which you will find on page 262, you will now predict some future GPA scores:  In the formula (m) is the slope; (x) is the variable that you are looking to use as a predictor; and (b) is the intercept.  Predict GPA from the following ACT scores using the regression equation/straight line formula (show all your work):


1)      20

2)      25

3)      34










Chapter Eight


Show all your work



Problem 1)

A sample of nine students is selected from among the students taking a  particular exam.  The nine students were asked how much time they had spent studying for the exam and the responses (in hours) were as follows:


            18, 7, 10, 13 12, 16, 5, 20, 21

Estimate the mean study time of all students taking the exam.  Round your answer to the nearest tenth of an hour, if necessary.


Problem 2)

Scores on a particular test have a mean of 64.6.  The distribution of sample means for samples of size 100 is normal with a mean of 64.6 and a standard deviation of 1.9.  Suppose you take a sample of size 100 of test scores and find that the mean is 63.  What is the z-score corresponding to this sample mean?


Problem 3)

There are 349 teachers at a college.  Among a sample of 110 teachers from this college, 66 have doctorates.  Based on this sample, estimate the number of teachers at this college without doctorates.


Problem 4)


Sample size = 400; sample mean = 44; sample standard deviation = 16.  What is the margin of error? 


Problem 5)


A sample of 64 statistics students at a small college had a mean mathematics ACT score of 28 with a standard deviation of 4.  Estimate the mean mathematics ACT score for all statistics students at this college.  Give the 95% confidence interval. 


Problem 6)

A government survey conducted to estimate the mean price of houses in a metropolitan area is designed to have a margin of error of $10,000.  Pilot studies suggest that the population standard deviation is $70,000.  Estimate the minimum sample size needed to estimate the population mean with the stated accuracy. 


Problem 7)

A researcher wishes to estimate the proportion of college students who cheat on exams.  A poll of 490 college students showed that 33% of them had, or intended to, cheat on examinations.  Find the margin of error for the 95% confidence interval. 


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Project for Geniusalert92

1. Conduct an audit of the following safety management system elements at your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar and have access to the required information:




Occupational Health and Safety Management System 3.1.1 8 2.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy3.1.2 8 3.

Responsibility and Authority 3.1.3 8 4.

Employee Participation 3.2 8 5.

Review Process, Assessment, and Prioritization 4.1, 4.2 9 6.

Risk Assessment 5.1.1 11 7.

Hierarchy of Controls 5.1.2 14 8.

Design Review 5.1.3 15 9.

Management of Change 5.1.3 19 10.

Procurement 5.1.4 20 11.

Monitoring and Measurement 6.1 21 12.

Incident Investigation 6.2 22 13.

Audits 6.3 23 14.

Corrective and Preventive Actions6.4 23 15.

Feedback to the Planning Process 6.5 23 16.

Management Review 7.1, 7.2 24


Below you will find some suggested sources for the objective evidence to support your evaluation:


ï‚· Documents: Organizational safety manuals and instructions, safe operating procedures, and job hazard analyses



ï‚· Records: E-mails or letters from management to employees, safety meeting minutes, mishap logs, audit reports, OSHA citations, inspection reports, risk assessments, and training records.


ï‚· Interviews: Management personnel, supervisors, and employees


 Observation: Walk through some workplaces to observe conditions for yourself. 2. For each management system element, discuss the objective evidence you found (or were unable to find). Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s implementation of each element against available reference sources and best practice information. Use the following five-tier evaluation scheme to rate each element:


ï‚· World Class: OHS performance


ï‚· Strong: Conforming/complete, may have minor gaps with action plans


ï‚· Moderate: Scattered non-conformances need to be addressed, positive trends/major elements in place ï‚· Significant Non-Conformances Exist: Still needs focus


ï‚· Major Effort Required: Major or systemic non-conformances exist Appropriate references include the course textbook, textbooks from other college-level courses, ANSI/AIHA Z10- 2012, other published consensus standards (ANSI, ASSE, AIHA, ISO, NFPA, etc.), OSHA standards and voluntary guidelines, and articles published in professional journals. Blogs, Wikipedia, About.com, Ask.com and other unmonitored Internet resources are not considered scholarly references and should not be used. Please contact your professor if you have any questions about the appropriateness of a reference source.


3. If an element is found to be less than World Class, provide recommendations for improvement. Be sure to use appropriate scholarly reference sources to support your recommendations.


4. Conclude the audit report with a summary of the overall status of the organization’s safety management system. The Course Project must be a minimum of seven pages and a maximum of 10 pages in length, not including the title, abstract, and reference pages. A minimum of five professional references sources must be used.


*****************Resource Textbook***************

Manuele, F. A. (2014). Advanced safety management: Focusing on Z10 and serious injury prevention (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 


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