two page paperrr

two page paperrr


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help with DQ questions com/350 class


4 DQ Questions 200 word response each.






  1. What is your experience with PDM (participative decision making)? What specific conditions make it the “right” management approach? When should it be avoided? What steps can a leader take to ensure that PDM works?



2. What formal and informal communication activities and ICT tools/ methods are used by leaders in each of the four styles: traditional, transactional, transformational and network?  Which style is LEAST familiar to you and what new communication skills or behaviors would you have to develop to be effective in that style 


3.Describe the structure of your current (or a recent) organization (traditional, relational, cultural, network or a combination). Based on the text and your experience, a) describe what is required for communication to be effective in each structure, b) define the best communication opportunities and vehicles for the organization you selected. Next, c) evaluate the effectiveness of the communication strategy in that organization and d) what should be improved and how?



4. Communication Campaigns. One VP estimated that it takes 1,111 communications with employees before each employee “gets” the message and adapts his/her behavior. In fact, communicating about key topics in organizations is more like a campaign of many communications to a variety of audiences, with carefully selected and clearly stated messages, using a variety of vehicles and presented many times over a long period of time. Think of a communication campaign in an organization and identify the different audiences, messages, vehicles and length of the campaign.



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Attend an event of an Asian American group

Attend an event of an Asian American group (cultural festival, rally, traditional wedding, religious celebration) OR visit an Asian American place (e.g., Chinatown, Koreatown, Little Tokyo, Little Saigon, Little India, Montrey Park, Manila Town). This does not mean just going to a movie or to a restaurant with “ethnic” food. Rather, you need to find an event or a place in which you will be in the center of a cultural life of other ethnic group than yours. After you have attended an event or visited the place, summarize your experience (what you observed, what you did, and whom you met), and make an analytic evaluation of that experience by applying what you learned in this course. In this ethnography, I look at

  1. How well you described what you did and what you observed.  Observation should include physical surroundings (buildings, colors, smells, streets) and happenings of the place or the event, cultural interactions between people (vendors, customers, visitors, attendees, audiences) including cultural mannerism and language use, etc.
  2. How well you applied your cultural experiences to class topics and class readings.
  3. How well you analyzed your experience through the lens of an Asian American Studies student.

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Chemistry HW OWL

Chemistry HW OWL 9 Chapters 


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Security Education & Training

1.    What avenues should an aspiring information security professional use in acquiring professional credentials?

Rubric for this discussion assignment

a.    Topic coverage min 300 words
b.    Reflection/application from personal experience
c.    Correct APA Citations including citing the textbook
d.    Writing Standards



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Cover page:

  • name
  • ID#
  • partners names
  • explainment

First page:

  • objective
  • theory (background)
  • equations
  • diagram
  • prodecure
  • data table
  • calculations
  • Discussions/conclusion
  • Data sheet

I will attached pictures. you will do the lab 104.

In this Lab, in class we experience addition of vectors.



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nancy Carol

Discussions #10


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Need help with the following:

I need to Create a plan that describes a qualitative research study and the method that I  will use to analyze the data collected.

I need at least three outside sources within the literature review section of the study.
My research plan should resemble a research article from a refereed journal, without the results section, but with an expected conclusions section.

The most time and emphasis should be placed on the method and expected conclusions sections of your paper, as appropriate qualitative research methods are the focus of this course.

Format: My selected topic Theme: Online Learning in High School from the students perspective.

For your selected topic, complete the following information:

  • Abstract – This is a relatively short piece that summarizes the paper; it is no more than one page in length (double spaced). Within this section, you offer a brief description of the research study to be done. This piece of the proposal should be written in such a way that the reader of your research plan will be interested in your proposal and want to read further to discover the details.
  • Introduction – This is where you introduce the study. Here you discuss the problems by going from general to more specific, leading to the hypothesized investigation, solution, and proposal to conduct research on the hypothesis or hypotheses.
  • Literature Review – In this section, you should present existing information regarding your topic. You will present summaries of articles and their findings that support the background leading up to your study, or any aspect of the research proposed.
  • Method – In this section, you tell the reader how you will gather the data that you will use to test your hypothesis or hypotheses in your research study, as well as all qualitative research procedures you will use to gather and evaluate your data. Your target audience and the specific research techniques that you will use should be identified in this section of the paper.
  • Expected Conclusions – Using fake data, create charts, graphs, and any analyses you think are appropriate for this proposal. Then, write a summary description, evaluation, and comparison of the qualitative research technique(s). Discuss each method’s procedures, strengths and weaknesses, typical findings, best applications, and the unique qualities of each.

Length: 12-15 pages.




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full anser for Homework quality engineering

I got quality homework an d ineed to solve it i will pst the file qistion as attach and please use minitap to solve quistion from 7to 10 the name of the book is (introduction statictal of quilty cntrol) 7TH 


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