6 pages double spaced

6 pages double spaced


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Review Paper

The paper must be APA formatted, 7-8 pages in length (not including the title page, reference page, and annotated bibliography), and based on the course textbook plus 5 to 7 peer-reviewed scholarly articles related to the theory developed by B.F. Skinner.


The paper must reflect knowledge of course content and critical thinking, and include the following:


1. APA-formatted title page with–

– Running head, left-aligned (this should be included at the top of every page)

– Your full name

– The course name and number

– The title of paper

– Your instructor’s name

– The date the paper is submitted


2. Main body:


-Paper will begin with an introductory paragraph that articulates a succinct thesis statement.


– Paper must be double-spaced, contain 1 inch margins, and 12 point Times New Roman font used.


– Paper must include source credits in the body using APA style.



3. Required Subheadings: Paper will contain the following subheadings in the body:


– Theorist Biography: A succinct biography of the theorist, two pages in length and relevant to the purpose of the paper.


– Contributions: A two page detailed explanation of the theorist’s most important contributions to the field and description of the theorist’s empirical research methodologies. 


– Evaluation: A two page critical evaluation of the strengths and limitations of your selected theorist’s theory.


– Personal Response: A one to two page personal response to how you see the components of the theory you selected in operation in your everyday life. This should not be a discussion of your personal life, but a selection of concepts applied to your life as you see them through the eyes/concepts of the theorist. How does each concept apply to your life?


4.  Conclusion:  Paper will conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a summary conclusion paragraph.


5. Reference Page:  An APA formatted Reference page listing all sources used in the paper will follow the paper conclusion.


6.  Annotated Bibliography:  The annotated bibliography developed earlier in the course in the Paper Preparation assignment will follow the Reference page. Note that you must submit BOTH a References Page and the Annotated Bibliography.


Note:  Any images and tables used must be placed in an Appendix section following the Annotated Bibliography and are not considered part of the paper body content.




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Itb w6


Please respond to the following:


Suppose you had $20 million U.S. to invest in the international bond market.  Describe how you would invest your money and provide the rationale behind your chosen investments. Be sure to support your statements with arguments and examples. Cite all your sources.

Question 2=( comment )

I believe this is the good time to investing in Vietnam bond. As of today, the vietnam price is affordable for a price of $1 billion of 10 years securities to yield of 4.8percent. The Vietnamese Dong will be revalued around $0.80 to $1.11 per dong. According to the investing.com, Vietnam 10 year bond was increase 4 to 5% in the last ten year, I believe the vietnam bond continous to increase in the next ten year base on the Vietnam relationship to the globla economic. According to reuters.com, Vietnam’s bans are increasing their investments in govermnet debt as the slowoing economy cuts deamnd for funds, helping the treaury triple its bond sales in the first five months of the year.

The teasury tripled its slaes of govenment debt make me more comfortible to invest my oney in to Vietnamese Dong. The slowed growht annual rate make more stable for furture bond. Every investment is a risk, but you have to look in to the vietnam grown fast in the last 10 years based on the last 20 years.






Please respond to the following:


Create a list of 3 best practices for investors who wish to diversify their portfolio internationally. Explain each best practice and provide arguments and examples to support your recommendations. Cite your sources.

Question 4=( comment )

Invest in developed markets are usually more stable and offer less risk.  

Hold a diversified portfolio  to  reduce risk. A investor as organization  (wealth) can achieve  diversified portfolio  due the amount of funds in the portfolio is large enough for in-house diversification (gbr.pepperdine.edu).

Mutual funds, offer quick returns and currency, and also offer a quick way to diversify which helps reduce the risk (gbr.pepperdine.edu).

Equities, are very good for investors that want to diversify their portfolio. An investor should know in which company and how much to invest in its stock or sector. It is recommended to not invest all you have. An  investor must create its own fund (investopedia.com).

A diversify portfolio will help an investors when the market is booming because sell the bond is impossible and unprofitable. A diversified portfolio is very important in any moment in the financial market business, because it is hard to  figure out the market and its uncertainties (investopedia.com).





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1) Explain the process by which an ionic compound attains equilibrium in an aqueous solution. 2) Determine whether a precipitate will…

1) Explain the process by which an ionic compound attains equilibrium in an aqueous solution.

2) Determine whether a precipitate will form when 70.0 ml of a 0.0040M Ca(NO3)2 solution is mixed with a 30.0 ml of a 0.010 M Na2SO4 solution at 25 degrees C. Explain.


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2 The Crime Scene


Crime scene personnel includes uniformed officers, detectives, and other specially trained personnel. Crime scene investigators know that suspects leave trace evidence, and their job is to locate this evidence and preserve it. please be prepared to discuss the objectives of a crime scene investigation, crime scene personnel, and trace evidence. 300 words


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Economics Homework. willing to pay more to get it done.

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Two important policy goals of the government and the Fed are to keep unemployment and inflation low, while at the same time making sure that GDP is increasing at an average of 3% per year. It is important to have the right mix of policies and that all the variables be timed perfectly.

Part 1: Assume that the country is in a period of high unemployment, interest rates are at almost zero, inflation is about 2% per year, and GDP growth is less than 2% per year.

  • Suggest how fiscal and monetary policy can move those numbers to an acceptable level keeping inflation the same.
  • What is the first action you would take as the president? As the chairman of the Fed? Why?
  • What would be your subsequent steps?
  • Make sure you include both the positive and negative effects of your actions, and include the trade-offs or opportunity costs. 

Include the following concepts in your discussion:

  • Demand and supply of money
  • Interest rates
  • The Phillips curve
  • Taxation
  • Government spending
  • Wages
  • Costs of inflation
  • The multiplier and the tax multiplier
  • The idea of tax rebates to stimulate the economy

Part 2: Assume that the country is in a budget deficit and carrying a very large debt. Discuss the dangers of a high debt to GDP ratio and a growing budget deficit. Would this affect any policy changes you discussed in Part 1?


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who can help

For this assignment, you will be writing an informal business proposal memo.

Your company is interested in venturing into the world of social media as part of a growth strategy. Unfortunately, the decision makers have very limited experience or knowledge in this area. They are particularly interested in the following social media services, among others:

Your boss has asked you to investigate the types and uses of social media that might be appropriate in the workplace. In addition, you are also asked to compare and contrast the services and provide a recommendation that would be suitable to your company’s goals. Specifically, your boss would like you to prepare an informal proposal in the business memo format.

At a minimum, your essay should address the following in the business memo format:

  • Provide a brief summary of the types of social media options that are available.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in the workplace.
  • Compare and contrast at least 2 of the current social media options.
  • Present and support your personal recommendation.
  • Follow the informal proposal business memo protocol (Review Chapter 6: “Workplace Formats for Writing” and see Figure 6.9 below from page 126 for additional guidelines). Creativity in alignment with the 4 Cs of business writing is encouraged.

Figure 6.9 Informal versus Formal Proposals





Primarily internal but can be external

Primarily external, competitive


2-3 pages

8-10 pages


Introduce a longer proposal (like a cover letter for a resume) or raise an issue relevant to the immediate audience

Response to an RfP (request for proposal)


Includes necessary information:
  • Ability to meet the client’s need
  • Rationale for selecting proposal
  • Description of the intended action and the anticipated results
  • Costs involved, including materials, personnel, and resources
  • Timeline
Contains more sections than an informal proposal:
  • Transmittal letter that provides context for the proposal
  • Preliminary pages, including title page, table of contents,
    and executive summary
  • Description of proposal, including process, cost factors,
    deliverables, timeline, personnel involved
  • Appendix, if warranted

Tone/writing style

Informal tone; simple language and sentence structure; use of visuals, bullet points, sub-headings, etc.

Formal tone; complete details presented in
short paragraphs a concluding call to action, visuals,
bullet points, subheadings, etc.


Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/

Google+. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=oz&passive=1209600&continue=https://plus.google.com/?gpsrc%3Dgplp0

LinkedIn. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/

Pinterest. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/

Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/

Grading Rubric


Demonstrates mastery of rhetorical mode and uses it to deliver appropriate, detailed, and pertinent content structured in a logical pattern. Uses transitional devices to achieve coherence throughout the informal proposal in business memo format. Presents advantages, disadvantages, and personal recommendation.


Critical Thinking

Demonstrates critical analysis of topic with the use of relevant, insightful, and logical subpoints that presents and supports personal recommendation form an integrated essay argument in support of a central thesis.


Format and Presentation

Follows format and presentation requirements for an informal proposal business memo. Demonstrates effective college-level syntax, word choice, correct grammar, and mechanics. Creativity in alignment with the 4 Cs of business writing encouraged.


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Effective Evolution and Processes Affecting Evolution”


Geneticists compare DNA base sequences among organisms and from this data determine a gene’s rate of evolution. Different genes have been found to evolve at different rates. Explain why some genes might have faster rates of evolution than other genes as populations adapt to their environments, and give an example with your explanation.



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Week 8 Learning Activity

Processing a Burglary Scene

Set up a mock crime scene in your house or business and process it for evidence as you would at a real burglary scene. Take pictures of the evidence and collect it by using the method of your choice. Note: for this learning activity you will not have package the evidence.

Submit at least four or five photos in a PowerPoint presentation with an explanation of the crime scene.


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