If I were an African American planning on having children, I might want to be screened to see if I..

If I were an African American planning on having children, I might want to be screened to see if I were heterozygous for sickle cell. (I could be without ever having exhibited noticeable symptoms.) But since I am a European American, there is statistically little need for me to do so. Some people object to such reasoning, saying that it is potentially racist because it makes an assumption about one’s health based on one’s race. What do you think? Do you know of any other diseases that are statistically linked to certain populations?

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In 200 words or more, Should a work/life balance be part of your businesses plan to alleviate the sa

In 200 words or more, Should a work/life balance be part of your businesses plan to alleviate the sacrifice of starting a new business? How will the organization and employees benefit of such practices?


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Take a look at the latest Presidential Order that relates to strengthening cybersecurity that…

Take a look at the latest Presidential Order that relates to strengthening cybersecurity that relates to critical infrastructure:


Let’s look at a real-world scenario and how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plays into it. In the scenario, the United States will be hit by a large-scale, coordinated cyber attack organized by China. These attacks debilitate the functioning of government agencies, parts of the critical infrastructure, and commercial ventures. The IT infrastructure of several agencies are paralyzed, the electric grid in most of the country is shut down, telephone traffic is seriously limited and satellite communications are down (limiting the Department of Defense’s [DOD’s] ability to communicate with commands overseas). International commerce and financial institutions are also severely hit. Please explain how DHS should handle this situation.

You must do the following:

It should have minimum 200 words


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A manager of a nightclub realizes that demand for drinks is more elastic among students and is… 1 answer below »

A manager of a nightclub realizes that demand for drinks is more elastic among students and is trying to determine the optimal pricing schedule. Specifically, he estimates the following average demand for his customer types: Under 25: q^r=18-5p Over 25: q=10-2p The two age groups visit the nightclub in equal numbers on average. Assume that drinks cost the club $2 to make. If the manager cannot identify to which group his customers belong, what is the uniform monopoly price? If the manager can identify to which group his customers belong, what price will he charge each group. Assume the manager can only charge a single price to each group. If the manager can charge a separate entry fee and a price per drink for each group, what two-part price will the manager set for reach group. Now suppose that once again it is impossible to identify which group the customers belong. Suppose the manager lowers the price of drinks to equal to marginal cost and still wanted to attract both customers, what entry fee would the manager set?



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Respond in one or more of the following ways: Ask a probing question. Share an insight from having..

Respond in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Please view the example before you start!
Please include at least one references in the response.

Write a 50-100 words response to the post below:
Impacts of Stereotype Threat

Although, I have not experienced athletic stereotyping or the threat that exist with sports categorizing or labeling; however as an African American woman with dark complexed skin, I have suffered from the negative impact of stereotyping between dark and light skin women. As a little girl growing up, I was constantly reminded of how unattractive and unwanted I was due to the color of my skin. The exhibition of the stereotype threat was presented by other people of color, especially African American men. The words still ring in my ear, “I prefer a red-bone girl with good hair over a dark-skinned girl.” When a young African American girl is subjected to negative connotations and inferences regarding her appearance, particularly when she is unable to receive positive affirmations from her family and community, it affects her self-esteem and social identity. Allport predicted that members of a stigmatized group may respond with “obsessive concern” about being labeled and treated in terms of the negative characterization of their group (Stone, Lynch, Sjomeling & Darley, 1999). A challenge persist in a young African American woman to effectively and consciously identity positively to her in-group when the in-group is imperiling negative disincentives within the group.

Our African American history has revealed that under the slavery reign, extreme inconsistent cognitive behavior was implanted and inoculated into the culture to believe they were less than t Discussion PSYC 6204 – Impacts on Stereotype Threat Week 6 Discussion PSYC 6204 – Impacts on Stereotype Threat Week 6heir oppressors. It was a basic fundamental observation that dark skin African American slaves were placed in the fields to work and the light-skinned or mulattos were assigned to work in the comforts of the big house. Schmader et al. (2008) outlined, stereotype threat stems from cognitive imbalance that occurs when people’s positive sense of self is inconsistent with the expectation that a social group to which they identify should fail in a given performance domain (Rydell, McConnell & Bellock, 2009). Even currently, the topic of dark and light-skinned exists and continues to impact the stereotyping of preference based on the color tone of skin. As a result of the inconsistencies and rejections placed in dark-skinned girls ‘head, they focus on ways to become more acceptable by bleaching or decolorizing their skin, and others stay trapped in a negative perception leading them to make harmful and destructive decisions regarding their life.


Rydell, McConnell & Bellock. (2009). Multiple social identities and stereotype threat: Imbalance, accessibility, and working memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(5), 949-966.

Stone, Lynch, Sjomeling & Darley. (1999). Stereotype threat effects on Black and White athletic performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1213-1227.


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Orignal paper (have to submit it to turnitin) The assignment for this module contains three parts. R

Orignal paper  (have to submit it to turnitin)


The assignment for this module contains three parts. Respond to all parts of this assignment on one Word document. 


1. How did the Great Wave of Immigration affect the city of Chicago (from “Did You Know” in Immigration: A Documentary and Reference Guide, Chapter 3, Documents section)?   


2. Examine Edwin Levick’s 1906 photograph of immigrants on the deck of the S.S. Patricia within “The Dawn of the Twentieth Century and the Renewed Promise of America” section from Chapter 3 of the Immigration: A Documentary and Reference Guide. What can you determine about the immigration experience from studying this image and from the information contained in the caption below the image? 


3. Use simple Internet research to provide short answers to the following questions (be sure to cite your sources using MLA format):  What countries and ethnic groups comprise the Slavic peoples?  What was the Haymarket Riot and what was its relation to Immigrant groups?  What did Henry Cabot Lodge, Henry Ford, Father Coughlin, and the Ku Klux Klan have in common?  

    • Posted: 4 years ago
    • Due: 13/09/2015
    • Budget: $15

    "Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

    For years, students thought that the recipe writing format was only for the chefs. However, given…

    For years, students thought that the recipe writing format was only for the chefs. However, given that there are multiple courses, it is important for students to understand the recipe writing format. This knowledge will help in their coursework. More so, this knowledge will also equip them with essential skills such as analytical skills, creativity, and writing skills. The thing is most students view recipe writing format as boring and demanding. Therefore, the majority of them turn to writing sites in need of help homework. If you need help homework with your recipe writing format, then you are in the right place.

    My Homework Writers has been offering homework solutions in the recipe writing format to thousands of students from all over the globe. Therefore, our writers have mastered the recipe writing format. This means that you will acquire professional and quality help if you seek help in our writing firm.

    Definition of a Recipe

    Although most students use this term, majority of them do not know the definition of a recipe. This knowledge is essential in case one needs to understand the recipe writing format. Therefore, a recipe is a set of instructions that direct cooks on how to prepare a particular dish. It includes a list of ingredients that one should use in preparing the dish. Ingredients are the substances that are combined to make a specific dish. They defer from dish to dish. Thus, the goal of a recipe is to provide the specific ingredients for a certain dish. If you need help homework understanding this concept, then you can relax. My Homework Writers is discussing the recipe writing format into details.recipe writing format

    ” data-medium-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?fit=300%2C156&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?fit=720%2C373&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-42517 aligncenter jetpack-lazy-image” src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?resize=394%2C205&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”394″ height=”205″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?resize=300%2C156&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?resize=174%2C90&ssl=1 174w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?w=748&ssl=1 748w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 394px) 100vw, 394px” data-lazy-src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?resize=394%2C205&is-pending-load=1#038;ssl=1″ srcset=”″>recipe writing format ” data-medium-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?fit=300%2C156&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?fit=720%2C373&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-42517 aligncenter” src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?resize=394%2C205&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”394″ height=”205″ srcset=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?resize=300%2C156&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?resize=174%2C90&ssl=1 174w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ZbCxmRB.png?w=748&ssl=1 748w” sizes=”(max-width: 394px) 100vw, 394px” data-recalc-dims=”1″>
    The Importance of a Recipe

    Knowledge of the importance of a recipe is also significant in helping a student comprehend the recipe writing format. Moreover, it helps them to be committed in writing a good recipe. Among the many tools used by a chef, the most important one is the recipe. It helps the chef to come up with a practical and theoretical approach in preparing a dish. A recipe, therefore, communicates the ingredients and protocol that a chef must follow in making his creation. This recipe also allows the chef to train his or her staff by using the recipe to replicate his or her skill. are issued to students in order to test their creative ability. Instructors also want to test students on the ability to create a well-organized structure. Therefore, if you need help homework on the recipe writing format, don’t hesitate to seek writing help from us.

    The Recipe Writing Format

    ‘I need help homework with my recipe’. This is one phrase that is very common in the search history of most students. Although the recipe writing format is considered easy, it is actually very hard. It requires thorough accuracy. A small mistake when listing the ingredients, the measurements, or the order of the process could make you write a wrong recipe. Therefore, My Homework Writers is providing you with a step-by-step structure on how to write a good recipe. These steps include:

    Step 1: Visualize Your Reciperecipe writing format ” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?fit=205%2C300&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?fit=699%2C1024&ssl=1″ class=”wp-image-42518 alignright jetpack-lazy-image” src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=346%2C506&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”346″ height=”506″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=205%2C300&ssl=1 205w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=768%2C1124&ssl=1 768w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=699%2C1024&ssl=1 699w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=61%2C90&ssl=1 61w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?w=793&ssl=1 793w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 346px) 100vw, 346px” data-lazy-src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=346%2C506&is-pending-load=1#038;ssl=1″ srcset=”″>recipe writing format ” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?fit=205%2C300&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?fit=699%2C1024&ssl=1″ class=”wp-image-42518 alignright” src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=346%2C506&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”346″ height=”506″ srcset=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=205%2C300&ssl=1 205w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=768%2C1124&ssl=1 768w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=699%2C1024&ssl=1 699w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?resize=61%2C90&ssl=1 61w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cookbook-template-34.jpg?w=793&ssl=1 793w” sizes=”(max-width: 346px) 100vw, 346px” data-recalc-dims=”1″>

    In order to write a good recipe, it is important to first visualize what your recipe is. Try to imagine what you would want your final dish to look like. This will guide you on what is required, and what to avoid.  Decide on the ingredients to use to achieve the final product you want. Additionally, decide who your readers will be. Your audience has a great impact on what and how you write your recipe. For example, if you are writing a family recipe, make sure it is, clear and authentic. In addition to that, ensure the ingredients and the measurements are very specific to avoid confusion in the kitchen.  Besides that, if you’re writing a recipe to the public who have more concern with the modern lifestyle, ensure you have less focus on the tradition. Put more attention on the taste and the accessibility of the modern ingredients.

    Step 2: Come Up With the Ingredients List

    A successful dish must be made up of clear ingredients. Since your recipe is set to be used over the years, make sure you clearly explain what and how much of the ingredients are required. The most important ingredients must be listed first. More so, all the ingredients must be listed in order of use as explained in your step by step instruction. Spell out everything that is required in your recipe. In case it is tablespoons for example that one must use to measure the ingredient, ensure you specify this to avoid confusions. Additionally, if you are using the same ingredients but using a different style, ensure you include this in your recipe. Students who need help homework in determining the ingredients to use for their recipe writing format can contact My Homework Writers. We provide quality homework solutions to all your writing problems.

    Step 3: Providing the Measurements and Volume of Your Ingredients

    recipe writing format

    ” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?fit=266%2C275&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?fit=266%2C275&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-42528 alignleft jetpack-lazy-image” src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?resize=328%2C339&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”328″ height=”339″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?w=266&ssl=1 266w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?resize=87%2C90&ssl=1 87w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 328px) 100vw, 328px” data-lazy-src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?resize=328%2C339&is-pending-load=1#038;ssl=1″ srcset=”″>recipe writing format ” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?fit=266%2C275&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?fit=266%2C275&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-42528 alignleft” src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?resize=328%2C339&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”328″ height=”339″ srcset=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?w=266&ssl=1 266w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image007.jpg?resize=87%2C90&ssl=1 87w” sizes=”(max-width: 328px) 100vw, 328px” data-recalc-dims=”1″>The most important part of a recipe is the measurements. Measurements can make a whole dish to be completely opposite than what is outlined in the recipe. Thus, for each ingredient you give; indicate exactly how much one should use. In addition to that, also write how the measurement should be taken. This means that you should specify if the measurements are to be taken using a tablespoon, for example, a cup, or using a weighing balance.  When you are giving the measurements, also ensure you use consistent abbreviations for the measurements. For example, use ‘tsp’ to indicate that the chef must use a teaspoon. This is the most widely used abbreviation for a table of spoon. In case the ingredients do not have a numerical measurement, capitalize it and direct the cook on the other method they can use to know how much to use.

    Step 4: Providing the Steps

    When providing the steps, it is very important for a student to be precise. More so, students must ensure they provide the ingredients in the order that they used them. Lack of order can result to chaos. Thus, give a clear order on how to go about each step. Besides that, order will also make a student’s recipe writing format easy and applicable. It is recommended that students must first create a draft to guide them on how the steps should follow each other. This outline eventually helps them to write a good guide that directs the reader and helps them keep track on which ingredients to use and what to do after each step. For recipe writing format help, My Homework Writers is providing the ideal writing help. Therefore, if you need help homework with your recipe writing format just contact My Homework Writers.

    Step 5: Including the Techniques to Use in the Recipe

    Sometimes a cook is required to utilize various techniques when designing a particular dish. It could be smoking, boiling, simmering, or baking. Whichever technique you provide, ensure you provide instructions on how to go about it. For example, if you tell the cook to simmer the meat after they have marinated it, give the entire details on how they should go about it. This step also requires the students designing the recipe to indicate the level of heat and the type of equipment to use when preparing that dish. For example, the student might indicate in their recipe that the cook is required to use a mixing bowl to prepare their dish, and then bake it in the oven at low heat. It’s also essential to indicate the time frame. Try and approximate how much time is taken in each step. This will help eliminate cases of undercooking or overcooking.

    Step 6: Describing How to Finish the Dish

    After one is done writing the steps, one is required to indicate how their readers should complete the dish. For example, try and tell them if they should cool their meal for ten minutes after its done cooking, slice the meat, or how to plate the dish. Ensure you explain into details how your final dish should look like in order to give your readers a taste of how and what to expect. Besides that, giving your audience a look of the final dish shows that you are interested with their output. For those who need help homework with this step in their recipe writing format, My Homework Writers is here to help you out.recipe writing format

    ” data-medium-file=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?fit=300%2C144&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?fit=720%2C346&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-42520 aligncenter jetpack-lazy-image” src=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=473%2C227&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”473″ height=”227″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=300%2C144&ssl=1 300w, https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=768%2C369&ssl=1 768w, https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=1024%2C492&ssl=1 1024w, https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=187%2C90&ssl=1 187w, https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?w=1447&ssl=1 1447w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 473px) 100vw, 473px” data-lazy-src=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=473%2C227&is-pending-load=1#038;ssl=1″ srcset=”″>recipe writing format ” data-medium-file=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?fit=300%2C144&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?fit=720%2C346&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-42520 aligncenter” src=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=473%2C227&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”473″ height=”227″ srcset=”https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=300%2C144&ssl=1 300w, https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=768%2C369&ssl=1 768w, https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=1024%2C492&ssl=1 1024w, https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?resize=187%2C90&ssl=1 187w, https://i2.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/2_Preparation-and-Planning_Plating_IIMG_0794.jpg?w=1447&ssl=1 1447w” sizes=”(max-width: 473px) 100vw, 473px” data-recalc-dims=”1″>
    How to Prepare Gluten-Free Roast Sausages and High Fiber Vegetables

    Most people are not fans of chopping and frying dishes for hours. This is especially the case if they are from demanding jobs and just want to relax. If you are among one of these, then here is the recipe to use. It is pretty easy and straightforward. More so, it is not time-consuming. It is the one-tray wonder that you have been searching for. This recipe will save your time and energy. In addition to that, you will acquire the chance of utilizing leftover vegetables in an efficient manner. Here is how to go about it:

    recipe writing format

    ” data-medium-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?fit=300%2C200&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?fit=720%2C480&ssl=1″ class=”wp-image-42561 aligncenter jetpack-lazy-image” src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=560%2C373&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”560″ height=”373″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=300%2C200&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=768%2C512&ssl=1 768w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=1024%2C683&ssl=1 1024w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=135%2C90&ssl=1 135w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?w=1200&ssl=1 1200w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 560px) 100vw, 560px” data-lazy-src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=560%2C373&is-pending-load=1#038;ssl=1″ srcset=”″>recipe writing format ” data-medium-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?fit=300%2C200&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?fit=720%2C480&ssl=1″ class=”wp-image-42561 aligncenter” src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=560%2C373&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”560″ height=”373″ srcset=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=300%2C200&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=768%2C512&ssl=1 768w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=1024%2C683&ssl=1 1024w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?resize=135%2C90&ssl=1 135w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image001-2.jpg?w=1200&ssl=1 1200w” sizes=”(max-width: 560px) 100vw, 560px” data-recalc-dims=”1″>


    5tb of Olive oil

    1 ½ chopped onion

    4 cups of water

    1c of chopped carrots

    2 sliced red onions

    3 mixed peppers which are chopped

    A sprinkle of mixed herbs

    10 oz of fresh spinach

    4 plum tomatoes

    A pack of large fresh sausages

    500g of chopped sweet potatoes

    One large broccoli head

    Equipment Needed

    A pan

    An Oven

    A chopping board

    A sharp knife

    A white plate

    A roasting or a baking tray

    Aluminum foil

    A plate

    Olive oil


    Serving spoon


    • Begin by preheating the oven to 200℃/ Fan 180℃/ Gas Mark 6. This will give the oven time to reach adequate temperatures to use for your cooking.
    • As it heats, carefully ash your sweet potatoes and mixed peppers using running water. Having done that, place them on a clean surface such as a plate to ensure they drain the remaining water.
    • After that, pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a baking or roasting tray. Ensure the oil spreads to the entire base of the tray. Having done that, place it in the oven for just 5 minutes.
    • As the tray heats, chop the sweet potatoes and the mixed peppers. Ensure the sizes are even to give your meal a decent and uniform look. Then proceed to place the sausages, the chopped sweet potatoes, and the chopped mixed peppers in the baking tray. Toss in the olive oil and then ensure it roasts for 15 minutes.
    • Go ahead and also chop the plum tomatoes into equal portions.
    • As they roast, go ahead and slice your red onions. After that, wash the large broccoli head and leave it also on a clean surface in order to drain the water.
    • Add the sliced red onions to the baking tray and also sprinkle the mixed herbs onto the tray. Ensure you sprinkle at every corner of the baking tray. Having done that, toss it with the chopped sausages and vegetables. After that, return it to the oven and allow it to roast for another 15 minutes.
    • As the dish is coming into place, meanwhile you should be cooking the broccoli. To cook the broccoli, put the large broccoli head in a pan of boiling water for just 5 minutes.
    • By now, your sausages and vegetable dish is almost done. Therefore, prepare to remove it from the oven.
    • Before that, drain the water from the pan where the broccoli head was coking.
    • Slice it into simple slices that are also uniform
    • Remove the sausages and vegetables from the oven and mix them with the broccoli slices. Since both are done, it is now time to serve the dish.

    Serving the Dish

    The following recipe was prepared for approximately 4 people. Therefore, you should be able to serve at least four people using this dish. Here are the steps to serving this dish:

    • Begin by choosing a white plate on which to serve. White plates are recommended because they do not visually compete with the food you are serving. This is significant for us because our dish is very colorful.
    • The next step requires you to visualize the plate. This will help determine on how the portions of the dish will be placed on the plate in order to avoid sausages being so much on one side of the plate and few on another side. To achieve this, it is essential to scoop an equal amount of the dish them symmetrically place it on your plate.
    • It is important to play with the visual element of the food. Thus, in order to increase the visual element of the food, it is recommended that one can add the coriander leaves. Coriander leaves help in bringing out different textures of the dish. If not, one can also serve the dish with spinach sprinkled with olive oil.
    • Having done this, one can now proceed to eat their dish. Dig in and enjoy this gluten-free dish!
    • A great way to increase the taste of this dish is also to serve it with orange juice. It helps in bringing more flavors to the meal.

    Tips of a Good Recipe Writing Format

    In order to write a good recipe, there are various tips that My Homework Writers is providing to make this happen. These tips will guide you in your recipe writing format. More so, they will help you delineate certain aspects that should not appear in your recipe.  These tips include:

    Providing an Original Recipe

    Authenticity is very important even in cooking. Therefore, when a student is creating a recipe writing format, it is very essential for them to come up with an original recipe. In order to make this happen, research is very important to acquire new ideas. As you go through the recipe of other known authors online, ensure you take notes. These notes will help you identify how to improve a certain dish. Alternatively, these notes can help you come up with a new recipe that others will eventually admire and use in their cooking. It is also very important to research on what your audience wants. By doing this, you get to identify new dishes that they might want to know how to prepare.

    Make it Clear

    recipe writing format

    ” data-medium-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?fit=300%2C216&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?fit=381%2C274&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-42521 alignright jetpack-lazy-image” src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?resize=392%2C281&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”392″ height=”281″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?resize=300%2C216&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?resize=125%2C90&ssl=1 125w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?w=381&ssl=1 381w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 392px) 100vw, 392px” data-lazy-src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?resize=392%2C281&is-pending-load=1#038;ssl=1″ srcset=”″>recipe writing format ” data-medium-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?fit=300%2C216&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?fit=381%2C274&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-42521 alignright” src=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?resize=392%2C281&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”392″ height=”281″ srcset=”https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?resize=300%2C216&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?resize=125%2C90&ssl=1 125w, https://i1.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ELI_11614_MakeitClear.png?w=381&ssl=1 381w” sizes=”(max-width: 392px) 100vw, 392px” data-recalc-dims=”1″>The audience of a recipe is very diverse. Contrary to the opinions of most students, recipes can be used even by children and the elderly. Therefore, it is important to be very specific about the ingredients to use, the type of equipment to use, the measurements, the various types of cooking methods to use in preparing the dish, and other important elements of the recipe. This will help create clarity and ease the process of following the recipe. Avoid beating around the bush when giving the steps and measurements to use. This is because the reader can easily misinterpret your recipe. In the worst cases, it could lead to a kitchen hazard.

    Break Down Your Point

    The recipe writing format encompasses a lot of steps. It requires a student to clearly explain how these steps follow each other and also what should be done in each step. In order to create a successful recipe, it is important for a student to break down their points into simple paragraphs that are identified as steps. Fortunately, most students are aware of each step. However, in case you need help homework with breaking down your points, our professional writers can help you.

    Use Images in Your Recipe Writing Format

    Food photography has become a common and appealing manner to draw the attention of the audience. Therefore, in your recipe writing format, do not hesitate to include your own photos or drawing of the ingredients you are using. This helps the audience to get a clear picture of what to use when following your recipe. In addition to that, ensure you indicate the images of the equipment you are using and also a presentation of the finished dish. The image of the finished dish will help the cook who in this case is the audience determine if they successfully replicated your food, or if they successfully plated the dish according to your standards. However, when including the images, ensure you only use professional photos and drawing. Such photos tend to be clearer rather than one that the writer has taken using low clarity.

    Use a Template During the Recipe Writing Format

    recipe writing format

    ” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image003-3.jpg?fit=176%2C260&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image003-3.jpg?fit=176%2C260&ssl=1″ class=”wp-image-42527 alignleft jetpack-lazy-image” src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image003-3.jpg?resize=226%2C334&ssl=1″ alt=”recipe writing format” width=”226″ height=”334″ data-recalc-dims=”1″ data-lazy-srcset=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image003-3.jpg?w=176&ssl=1 176w, https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image003-3.jpg?resize=61%2C90&ssl=1 61w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 226px) 100vw, 226px” data-lazy-src=”https://i0.wp.com/www.myhomeworkwriters.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/image003-3.jpg?resize=226%2C334&is-pending-load=


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