Case Analysis on Netflix

Case Analysis on Netflix
Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

the executive summary needs to be approximately 500 words, the report needs to be approximately 1000 words including introduction, body and conclusion. and the Appendices for 1500 words. Plagiarism no more than 20%.


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business-level case analysis written up in correct report format on an organisation. The case study is on Netflix.

Executive Summary: Assessment of Netflix current 2015 business level and corporate
strategy and the capacity of Netflix to sustain competitive advantage.

Body: Findings from external and internal analysis utilising the Business Systems Model
and Drivers of Industry Development (referring to appendices).

Conclusion: Key strategic issues/findings (at least 2) related to the Netflix’s current 2015 performance, issues it faces and options and recommendations for the future.

Appendices: Only two (2) analytical tools must be used to be capable of completing this report.
1. The Components of a Business System (p.82 of text) including analysis of the Resource Base/ Stock of Assets (tangible and intangible, relational and competencies see text p. 93), Activity System (complete a generic value chain analysis p. 91 of text) and Product Offering / Value Proposition (pp. 82-91) must be used.
2. Drivers of Industry Development analysis (text p.257) must also be undertaken.

Any data and information completed during research should be placed into appendices. The report should refer to these appendices but focus on the findings in the body. The findings are discussed in the report body and linked to a central argument about the firm’s current performance, issues it faces and options and recommendations for the future. The report must be underpinned with solid contemporary research showing an understanding of strategy process, content and context.

**Extensive description of data without critical evaluation and analysis will score very low marks.**

When identifying key strategic issues should consider the extent of alignment between the organisations internal capabilities and its changing industry and market. “Gaps” should be identified and options to address those “gaps” evaluated. This involves the use of both analysis and critical thinking.

Both the above assessment of the company’s alignment with its environment and the evaluation of future strategic options must be underpinned by the individual’s competent use of appropriate business and industry level analytical tools. The report however should only include the conclusions and summative discussion from this analysis (detailed results from the analysis should only be presented in appendices not in the body).

Recommendations for the organisation need to be provided as a result of the individual investigation. An explanation needs to be provided as to how and why this recommendation is the one that will provide the company with sustained competitive advantage (supported with theory and data analysis).

Also see the case study:

Netflix by Willy Shih; Stephen P. Kaufman; David Spinola
Supplemented by Case Flash Forward: Netflix (2009)
Netflix –


Case Flash Forward: Netflix (2009)

Please also have a look on the learning guide (p5-p9) i have provided for more information on the assignment.

Important links:
Porter 2008 five competitive <forces>.

Pest Model

Chapter 5

Chapter 4


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