Entries by Vismak Mak

What are the nearest relatives of your chosen species?

Question 1 Select one species of organism that is interesting to you (try to pick something different from your classmates’ choices—you only have about two million to choose from). Show the hierarchy of classification for the organism you choose from Domain through to binomial name (genus and species). Be sure to write the names in […]


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Different genes have been found to evolve at different rates.

Geneticists compare DNA base sequences among organisms and from this data determine a gene’s rate of evolution. Different genes have been found to evolve at different rates. Explain why some genes might have faster rates of evolution than other genes as populations adapt to their environments, and give an example with your explanation.   “Looking […]


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Describe at least four of the five types of prezygotic reproductive barriers. give a brief description of each.

1. Describe at least four of the five types of prezygotic reproductive barriers. give a brief description of each. 2. Name each phase of mitosis in animal cells and explain what happens during each phase. 3. Each of the four major kinds of plants is associate with four important evolutionary events. What are those events, […]


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Pedigree Analysis Assignment

Pedigree Analysis Assignment For this assignment you will need to pick a heritable trait in your (or your friend or relative’s if you have limited information about your biological family) family and build a pedigree consisted of three generations and at least 10 individuals. Next to each square or circle on the pedigree, please write […]


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What has been the importance and significance of these processes and their cyclic interaction to the evolution and diversity of life?

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis form a critical cycle of energy and matter that supports the continued existence of life on Earth. Describe the stages of cellular respiration and photosynthesis and their interaction and interdependence including raw materials, products, and amount of ATP or glucose produced during each phase. How is each linked to specific organelles […]


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Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution

Assignment 3: Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, has had an ongoing influence on society as well as the relationship between humans and their environment. With the onset of industrialization came the drastic increase in urbanization, setting up of factories in places which were once biomes, […]


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Describe the health care organization’s service strategy

Complete the following portions of your strategic plan: Describe the health care organization’s service strategy. Include strategies to create a healing environment within your organization that affects patients, visitors, and employees. Be sure to address the following: How does your service strategy develop a culture of customer service? How does your service strategy create an […]


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What are the nearest relatives of your chosen species?

Question 1 Select one species of organism that is interesting to you (try to pick something different from your classmates’ choices—you only have about two million to choose from). Show the hierarchy of classification for the organism you choose from Domain through to binomial name (genus and species). Be sure to write the names in […]


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Explain why some genes might have faster rates of evolution than other genes as populations adapt to their environments, and give an example with your explanation.

Geneticists compare DNA base sequences among organisms and from this data determine a gene’s rate of evolution. Different genes have been found to evolve at different rates. Explain why some genes might have faster rates of evolution than other genes as populations adapt to their environments, and give an example with your explanation.   “Looking […]


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