Entries by Vismak Mak

Pick 1 hotel offering and      write a new process map for it. Along with charts, give a detailed explanation      of the new process and where such improvement will benefit the hotel and      increase customer satisfaction. Be sure to include all costs, resources,      and management functions. Using the data gathered      for check-in and checkout under your new process, present control charts      that demonstrate the new process performance to management.

You are now ready to present a process improvement to hotel management in the areas of focus (check-in, checkout, and hotel offerings). Individual Portion Complete the following: Using process mapping and      reviewing the information set forth below in BOLD. present the      new processes for check-in and checkout to management. Assignment Asset- Scenario Hotel Escargo Mission […]


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You have heard of an expert who has a highly reliable “track record” in the correct identification of favorable vs. unfavorable market conditions. You are now considering whether to consult this “expert.” Therefore, you need to determine whether it would be worth paying the expert’s fee to get his prediction. In order to simplify the analysis, you have decided to look at two possible outcomes for each alternative (instead of three). You are interested in whether the market will be Favorable or Unfavorable, so you have collapsed the Medium and Low outcomes. Here are the three alternatives with their respective payoffs and probabilities.

Please view the attachment as a guidance to view the assignment. Scenario: You have heard of an expert who has a highly reliable “track record” in the correct identification of favorable vs. unfavorable market conditions. You are now considering whether to consult this “expert.” Therefore, you need to determine whether it would be worth paying the […]


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So, what/who annoys you? And why? Related to your pet peeves: What sort of rule would you impose on others to “fix” this problem? How would you go about enforcing it–penalties/fines/executions–what? How would this improve your life?

Someone should do something… This is ridiculous… We must take action… It’s time we stood and… The omnipresent lament of the public, a rallying cry for action, or posturing of empty suit politicians. Anywhoo, lotsa stuff annoys me: guys in tank tops who aren’t at the gym or playing a sport (it’s an undershirt at […]


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Based on your readings this week, what does the research show about the new health club owner’s strategy to motivate members to visit the health club and exercise more often? Is she on the right track with her incentives plan? Why or why not? What does the literature show about the effect of external rewards on intrinsic motivation? Based on the persuasion literature, what techniques might be successful in helping the new owner attract new business? What clues does the persuasion literature offer in terms of how to market the gym and the incentives plan successfully? Finally, how might cognitive dissonance theory and/or self-perception theory play a role in members’ adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

This week you have read research on the theories of motivation, cognitive dissonance, and self-perception, as well as processing persuasive messages. Now you will have a chance to showcase what you have learned by creating a recommendation based on this scenario (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. about a local health club. Your post should […]


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Researching the Humanities Do some research on the Internet to find out what “the study of humanities” is all about. Locate 3 good Internet sources that you think give a good answer to this question. Copy down the URLs and also be sure to include the titles of each web page.

Option 1: Researching the Humanities Do some research on the Internet to find out what “the study of humanities” is all about. Locate 3 good Internet sources that you think give a good answer to this question. Copy down the URLs and also be sure to include the titles of each web page. Scan through your […]


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How would the patient’s care be handled in your community? Identify the nearest hospital to the area you have chosen that treats the problem. Trace the patient’s course to this hospital.

In Columbia,SC ..Does  community have the required medical resources to handle the patient’s problem? How would the patient’s care be handled in your community? Identify the nearest hospital to the area you have chosen that treats the problem. Trace the patient’s course to this hospital. List the healthcare professionals and facilities that would be encountered […]


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Write an imaginary case study for your hypothetical patient. Explain how the patient moved through the healthcare delivery system. With respect to the costs you calculated last week, describe how the patient will pay for the cost of treatment.

Disease Process Write an imaginary case study for your hypothetical patient. Explain how the patient moved through the healthcare delivery system. With respect to the costs you calculated last week, describe how the patient will pay for the cost of treatment. Analyze the healthcare delivery system as illustrated in this case. What problems did you […]


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This exercise will be completed in a Power Point presentation as if the individual student were presenting it as a lesson for the rest of the class. Links to film clips, articles, and sites are encouraged. The minimum guidelines for the presentation are: Background on the Team/Person/Organization Selected What is notable? What do you want us to know about your topic? What are “they” doing right or wrong or both?

This exercise will be completed in a Power Point presentation as if the individual student were presenting it as a lesson for the rest of the class. Links to film clips, articles, and sites are encouraged. The minimum guidelines for the presentation are: Background on the Team/Person/Organization Selected What is notable? What do you want us […]


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For most of us, these questions might seem absurd. Barring theft, towing or anything external to my car, I can know that my car will be where I left it, because inanimate objects do not get up and move on their own. I can know this because previous empirical evidence has shown this to be a justified true belief. The questions of epistemology that Hume, Descartes, and Kant raise aren’t so much about whether or not knowledge exists, whether or not the justification for our true beliefs exists, but rather how such justification exists, and in what manner can we be justified in our true beliefs so as to secure some sense of certainty as it relates to our knowledge in general. That, we act as if we are justified in our true beliefs about the permanence or stability of inanimate objects, for example, but why?

So far this semester we have read about and discussed questions and problems in the areas of metaphysics and epistemology. Within metaphysics, we discussed issues with the notion of “realness” with regard to immaterial and material objects: to what degree can or should we consider immaterial objects as real? We’ve discussed the role that metaphysics […]


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