Psychology,Discussion Prompt: Trilemma

Discussion Prompt: Trilemma
Wk 4: Discuss 2
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In essence, the Trilemma is a decision that each person needs to make about the claims Christ made about Himself. Discuss your insights with your fellow learners. What questions still linger in your mind about who Jesus is? Was he really God made flesh? Was he just a good teacher? Should he matter to us?

Assignment Instructions
Please scroll down to the input box to type your response to the discussion prompt. After keying in your response, click the SAVE button. Once you’ve posted your initial response to the question, you can join your fellow learners in the discussion forum by clicking the "Discussion" tab on the top of the "Course Outline" page.

Grading Criteria
Click the "Grading Criteria" button below to view the rubric, which will be used to evaluate your contributions for this activity.

Grading Criteria
Discuss (Discussion field can’t be blank).

Word count: 0
Drop files here The file size should not be more than 3 GB


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Expository Essay

Conducts an analysis of a book and states the intent of the book.
Introduction: typical introduction working from general “hook” to a specific
Paragraph 1: Summarize the book
Paragraph 2: Describe the author’s position/intent (what was the author trying
to prove/explain in this novel…in other words, why did they write it? Provide
Paragraph 3: Argue whether you agree with the position of the
Conclusion: Work from closing your thesis to closing general idea (opposite
structure of the introduction).
Step 1: Start with a “working thesis” (Color in the movie Pleasantville was used to
Ø Start with a hook that gains general interest of your audience
Ø Write your introduction
Ø Close with your thesis with your topic and position
Step 2: Summarize the novel
Ø Explain the text/movie but direct your summary it at supporting your
Ø This is mathematical-like thinking (Abstract thought)
Ø What is important that they know about the book/movie in order to make
your argument meaningful?
Step 3: What is the director/producer trying to say?
Ø DON’T SAY “I believe” write it assertively (strongly) “The author of the
novel was trying to…”
Ø Discuss what the author of this novel was trying to show through the
characters and plot development.
Ø Give examples and support your argument with logical explanations of how
those examples show your opinion to be true.

Step 4: What is your opinion on the theme (not the book!!!).
Ø “I” is allowed in this section only
Ø Critically examine the position on the producer/director
Ø You can agree or disagree with what they were trying to say. Is it a valuable
point or are they misdirected??
Step 5: Conclusion
Ø Close thesis
Ø End with general points around the theme and the movie


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Management-Statistic Center in UAE

Statistic Center in UAE


A detailed report on leading organizational development (OD). Intervention
The length of the report is minimum 3000 words; maximum 4000 words.

This in-depth analytical work will assess your skill to adopt appropriate OD principles in application to policy making and change regarding your place of employment (work)

Hint :

– My report about " Statistic Center in UAE" SCAD
– this wibsite.

– Palees Follow the HR/OD Intervention Completion Report foucs on beteen 70 % to 90 %.

– also Make sure to follow example report in Word DOC whoe they do and toking about what in table of content

about "Poor Organizational Structure Hindering Effectiveness of Abu Dhabi Farmers Services Center (ADFSC)".

– Follow the Chapter 9: Introduction to Interventions


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Business-Mary Seacole stock performance and recommendation

Mary Seacole stock performance and recommendation


Assume you work for an investment company, Melmoth Financial Group, and a new client, Mary Seacole, asks you to purchase 600 shares of stock for her–300 shares in each of two industries and 100 shares in each of three companies within each industry.
The final report should be 10-12 pages (1.15 spacing) including the title page, table of contents, executive summary, introduction, findings and discussion, conclusions, recommendations, and references. Take the following steps to complete the progress and analytical reports:

A. Analyze the data in the weekly values table. Consider the following, in addition to other points of interest you may find:
1. What is the overall gain or loss of the portfolio and of the S&P/TSX Composite Index?
2. Which individual companies gained value? Which gained the most?
3. Which lost value? Which lost the most?
4. How and when did the S&P/TSX Composite change in value?
5. Did any dramatic changes in value occur in the stock or in the S&P/TSX Composite? If so, when?
6. Which weeks had the most gain and the most loss for the stocks and for the Composite Index?

B. Gather information on the S&O/TSX Composite Index so you can briefly explain what the index is to your client in your report. Remember that the TSX Composite is not a dollar value, but rather an index number that is helpful only when comparing it to the index number from previous time periods. Answer the following questions in a couple of paragraphs as you explain the Composite Index to your client in your letter report. Be sure to provide appropriate citation and references.
1. What is the S&P/TSX Composite Index in general? What is its purpose?
2. When and why was it created?
3. How is the number determined? Is it a dollar value? Why not?
4. Who uses the S&P/TSX Composite Index, and why?
5. What does a comparison of the performance of the S&P/TSX Composite Index and the performance of specific stocks or portfolios of stocks show?

C. Create three graphics to support and reinforce the points you make in the report.

1. A table that shows the purchase and selling values and gain or loss of each stock and of the whole portfolio.

2. A multiple-line graph that compares the performance of the overall portfolio with the performance of the S&P/TSX Composite Index over the eight weeks Ms. Seacole has owned the stock. Because the portfolio value is a dollar amount and the S&P/TSX Composite Index is an index number, you cannot plot them directly in the same graph. You must convert both in some way so they can be legitimately compared. The most logical conversion is percentage of change so the reader can see the percentage of change each week compared to the first week and thus the overall gain or loss in value of the portfolio.

The formula for computing percentage of change is latter time period minus former time period divided by former time period: Week 2-Week 1 divided by Week 1. Be sure the decimals are correctly placed. For a legitimate comparison of the selling value with the purchase value, you should always use the purchase value as the “former” time period. That way, the comparison will show how much the stock went up or down since it was purchased. For example, for the third time period, the formula will be Week 3-Week 1 divided by Week 1.

3. One other graphic (not another table) that helps illustrate how the stock performed.

Label your graphics as Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 and provide a complete, appropriate title for each graphic that introduces the reader to the specific content of the graphic Capitalize the titles correctly, and include the figure number as part of the title. The client’s name should appear in each graphic’s title.

D. Determine the stock in which Ms. Seacole should invest further using the data and graphics you prepared in the prewriting stage and using research on the effects on the stock market.

E., Write a draft of your report telling your client how her stock has performed, what this performance means for future investment, and what recommendations you have.

Support what you say with the graphics you created from the data you collected weekly and with references to articles that discuss the companies or industries in which Ms. Seacole holds stock. These sources should help explain possible influences on the value of the stock. You should use at least six sources in explaining the effects on the stock values. Be sure to document the source in your report in APA style.

Remember to do the following with the graphics you use in your report.

1. Insert the graphics in the report where appropriate to support what you are saying in the text. Be sure to refer to each graphic before it appears in the text.
2. If a graphic will not fit at the bottom of the page, put it at the top of the following page, and continue with text on the preceding page where the graphic would not fit.
3. In the report, when referring to the graphic and its content, avoid merely describing the overall content of the graphic. Point out two or three key pieces of information in the graphic or point out a conclusion that can be drawn from the content of the graphic.

E. Revise, edit, and format the report.

Revise the draft of the report. In revising, first the content. Should more be added in a section? Should some content be deleted? Check to see that the content is enough in each section to meet the purpose of the report—to let your client clearly understand how her stock performed and why you have made particular recommendations.

Follow the guidelines for formatting the report on the peer review sheet and rubric carefully. Ensure all citations and references are in APA 6th edition style.


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Biology Writing Assignment

Biology Writing Assignment


Writing Assignment

You must write on a topic based on an article from the popular press (magazine, newspaper, or other source) that has something in it about biology. In your paper, explain the science so that it is clear that you understand the biological principle(s) involved and why you chose this particular article. Why is it interesting to you? What does it have to do with your professional or personal interests? (e.g. if you are interested in becoming a lawyer, you might pick an article about the ethics of copyrighting genes)

Where to Find a Suitable Article. Anywhere you want; there a number of reputable online newspapers and magazines. If in doubt, please ask me if your source meets the criteria. A random person’s blog post or Wikipedia would NOT be a good example of something from the popular press. If you actually picked up a newspaper, I’m sure you would find an article relating to biology in some way. While I encourage you to use peer-reviewed literature in your paper, I want you to find something for a lay audience to base your paper from.

Explaining the Science. The goal here is to convince me, or anyone who reads the paper, that you have identified and understood the basic biological principles and problems dealt with in the article. You may use your textbook and other reference materials, including primary peerreviewed literature as a resource to help you explain the science. For instance, if the article is about the ethics of human cloning, you will want to tell me about the human life cycle (including mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization), the process of reproductive cloning, the success rates of cloning in other animals, and so on. List the reference materials you have consulted in the text with footnotes or in parentheses and also in a properly-cited bibliography at the end of the paper. Wikipedia and the dictionary are not considered appropriate references, although I encourage you to use them to get to primary sources.

Explain Why You Chose This Article. The goal here is to connect this article and the scientific content to something else in your personal or professional life. Why did the article catch your attention? How does it relate to other things that are important to you? How will understanding the science improve your understanding of the larger issue or context?

Mechanics Complete and upload online by November 29, 2018 Must be 3-5 pages typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1 inch margins (not including references).


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Tourism-Good and Bad development on Cultural Tourism

Good and Bad development on Cultural Tourism
Summary: A brief Context of your research, in which you state the broad domain or subject area in which your proposed study is to be located, and the specific topic area with which it will deal. In your Rationale, or justification for the research, you should explain briefly why there is a need for the research that you propose to undertake, and identify clearly the benefits likely to derive from it, including the specific contribution which you believe it will make to the advancement of knowledge in your chosen field. 2. Research Question, a Research Aim and Research Objectives: The research question, or research aim, is literally, just that. What do you intend to research and find out? “Aim" means intention. "Objective" means goal. When you are composing your list of research objectives think of what you actually intend to do (research aim), which will be concerned with answering your research question and advancing knowledge in the field, and how the intermediate goals (research objectives) that you have to achieve help in order to reach your research aim. Your research aim and objectives must be feasible within the constraints of your current knowledge base, time and finance. Restrict the number of objectives to between two and four.


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Work and personal or family time

Work and personal or family time

Answer the questions with NO MORE THAN 300 words. NO PLAGIARISM AT ALL. No sources should be used. If you can finish the assignment before the deadline that would be great. write at least 300 words for each question but no more than 300. Please follow all directions.
1.We have all had times where it was necessary to balance work and personal or family time. Give an example of a time when you had too many things to do in both areas of your life and describe how you went about prioritizing your time.
2.Describe how you approach a complex or difficult problem.
3.Discuss an example of a specific plan that you personally had established and then had to change. How did you do it?
4.Give an example of a lesson you have learned from making a mistake. What did you do differently going forward?
5.Describe ways you are able to show others you care about them, yet do not compromise other people’s needs and requirements.
6.How do you handle it when you are interested in some subjects more than others?
7.Give an example of a rule that you follow relative to interacting with others. Where did you learn that rule? How flexible is it?
8.What do you do if you feel like you are being mistreated? Give an example of a time that this happened to you and how you handled it.
9.How demanding are you of yourself and others? Do you think you are sometimes too demanding? Give an example of a situation where being demanding helped achieve the goal. Did it lead to other problems? Would others ever describe you as aggressive? Why or why not?
10.How do you organize details for use and recall? What system do you use?


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Great Wall of the Southwest

Great Wall of the Southwest


The most well known of President Trump’s campaign pledges was to construct a wall on the southern border of the United States. This because a rallying cry at Trump’s rallies (Build that wall! Build that wall!), but polls indicate that most Americans do not favor the construction of a literal wall. The idea has also not been enthusiastically embraced within the halls of Congress. However, President Trump signed an executive order that would begin construction of a wall, but construction of a thousand foot long concrete fortification would require Congressional approval (and funding!). The debate in Congress will likely center on three questions: 1) Would a border wall be effective in curtailing illegal immigration?, 2) Is reducing illegal immigration a desirable policy goal, and 3) How will we pay for the wall?
It can be difficult to really get a sense of what building a wall of this size would entail. The following article breaks down the estimated costs, the magnitude of the materials that would be required, and the logistical hurdles of the construction project.

The following article is a Q&A on how the wall would work and whether or not it would effectively reduce illegal immigration. Consider it a starting point as you look for your own information:

The second article address to what extent illegal immigration is actually a problem for the United States in the first place. It contains several articles from commentators debating the issue:

This last article address one proposed plan to pay for the wall. President Trump has consistently stated that Mexico will pay for the wall, but this claim has been viewed with great skepticism from across the political spectrum. Mexican officials have repeatedly stated that they will not pay for the wall and the Mexican president recently canceled a trip to Washington D.C. in response to Trump’s comments. Recently, Trump suggested that the wall would be paid for via a 20% tariff (import tax) placed on Mexican imports. Many economists fear this would ignite a trade war and argue that tariffs don’t work and that the cost is passed on to American consumers in the form of higher prices. The following article discusses a well-known trade war from the 1960s, the so called “Cognac-Chicken War” between the United States and western Europe.

Read all of these articles, but focus your position paper on ONE topic. Would the wall be effective, should we use tariffs to pay for it, or should we even be trying to prevent illegal immigration at all? You could go other directions as well, but whatever you do be sure to focus your paper on a singular position.

Students will write a 400, not to exceed 450, word position paper over the work assigned by the instructor. The bibliography and heading do not count towards the required word count. The paper must be written in MLA format, double spaced, and include a bibliography if outside sources are used. Students are expected to utilize proper grammar and syntax.


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Business-Discovery and Brainstorming

Discovery and Brainstorming


Prior to beginning this discussion, review this week’s readings and Weekly Lecture.

There are four requirements for a complete and credible job analysis. The process begins with a position questionnaire, moves to a job analysis, which provides the information for the job description, and finally, the job description provides the criteria for the performance evaluation. Each task is specific and guided in both performance and outcome.


Research each of the four tasks. Explain the process of each task and its intended outcomes. Utilize at least two resources for each task and cite your sources.


Analyze each of the four tasks and compare the processes. Consider the following, and support your thoughts with your research: Are there overlaps of definitions? Is there any order in which the tasks could be completed? Can any task be avoided or abbreviated? How do the tasks work together? Where does the concept of needs assessment fit?


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