Write your well-constructed thesis, topic sentences, supporting details roughly before beginning.


Write a literary essay on Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee

Novel: Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee

Be aware that you will be writing about a novel, which in its broadest sense is any extended fictional narrative almost always in prose, in which the representation of character is often the focus. Good authors use the elements of fiction, such as plot, theme, setting etc. purposefully, with a very clear goal in mind. One of the paths to literary analysis is to discover what the author’s purpose is with each of his choices. Avoid the problem that many students have, which is to hold the erroneous assumption that simply retelling what happened in detail is good enough (no, it is not). Plot summary is necessary, but not the intended goal in a literary essay.


In addition to being written at college level, your essay must meet the following criteria:

  • include an introduction with a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion
  • use specific supporting details from the book and at least two from outside sources. Go to the Miami Dade Databases (not Google) for your sources
  • use at least three quotes from the book
  • use MLA style. It is helpful to keep your handbook open to the MLA tab as you write.
  • be at least 5 paragraphs, about 750 words minimum (that’s about 3 typed, double-spaced pages in Times New Roman 12 point font)
  • adhere to Standard American English grammar and mechanics rules

A Helpful Approach:

  • Read Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee in its entirety before beginning your paper. Take notes as you read. If you feel you need some guidance as to themes you might be looking out for, take a quick look at the following Schmoop page: http://www.shmoop.com/disgrace-coetzee/themes.html for guidance. Read the novel and mark interesting passages and save necessary source information (such as page numbers) for your in-text documentation and your Works Cited list.
  • Think about the topic and approach you chose located in the Topics and Approaches page. Do not simply repeat or summarize the story.
    • Write your well-constructed thesis, topic sentences, supporting details roughly before beginning.
  • Do some research. It’s important to know a bit about apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa before you begin the paper. Take notes and save necessary source information for your Works Cited list.
    • Use at least two outside sources from scholarly sites or journals.
    • Look at sample papers to refresh your memory concerning the format in Rules for Writers, 8th edition.
    • Write a 5-paragraph (or more) essay, about 750-words (or more if necessary).
    • Avoid expressions, that announce your argument; just state the argument without phrases such as the following: “in my opinion”; “I think”; “I believe.” Avoid “very” and “really in formal writing.
  • Revise, edit, and proofread, proofread, proofread. You may also use any of the writing labs and centers in any MDC campus, where a tutor might help you. There are some sites that help you catch grammar errors, such as GrammarRater, but remember, they’re not human and don’t read for content.

Remember: While you assemble your sources, keep your handbook open (or your online source handy).


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Evidence and reasoning to support each subclaim.

Essay Four will be a well-informed, argumentative 8-10 MLA-formatted research essay that demonstrates the skills you’ve developed this semester. Develop a strong draft that includes a review of the Essay Checklist items and pre-revision before submitting.

Successful Essay Four submissions will include –

  • An interesting hook.
  • An introduction that provides necessary context for the debate.
  • A sound main claim.
  • Closely related subclaims required to defend the main claim.
  • Evidence and reasoning to support each subclaim.
    • Each subclaim must be defended by at least two different source authors.
  • A counterargument and rebuttal.
  • Properly embedded quotations, paraphrases, and summaries.
  • Your analysis and explanation of key points and all quotations, paraphrases, and summaries.
  • Accurate in-text citations.
  • A conclusion that leaves the reader with something to think about.
  • A Works Cited page for all sources I have not provided.
    • Everyone will have a minimum of THREE Works Cited entries.
  • A demonstration of your mastery of the technical skills of academic writing.

Research and Sources

For Essay Four, you are required to use a minimum of five outside sources, THREE of which must be from your independent research. You can also use sources peers have found, but, again, THREE sources you use must have been found through your independent research.

Developing Your Research Focus

When thinking about your research focus, look at the “Big Questions” page for your topic and see if any of those ideas speak to you. You’ll find your topic pages by clicking on your topic button, below. That will lead you to the Modules page where you will find both the “Big Questions” and “Sources” pages for each topic.


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Stolen Art & Artifacts

Hey, I have an easy art essay, its 3 pages. the requirements are below.

Stolen Art & Artifacts

The next time you’re in a museum, and you see artifacts from Mexico, Africa, Pacific Islands, Indonesia, Native American, and so on, ask yourself—how did it get from “there” (the country of origin) to “here”—in this museum? Did the museum buy it from the native peoples where it is from? In many cases, it was looted/plundered/stolen/ill-acquired by a colonizing nation. It was common practice for the colonialists to collect souvenirs and artifacts of this “new” discovery or newly occupied territory. These artifacts were sent back and displayed in a museum or some other institution. Today it is common practice for museums to sell their artifacts to other museums or private collectors, who then, after some amount of time, sell or gift them back to another museum or collector, etc.

Eventually we find ourselves admiring one of those taken-bought-sold-resold-donated-gifted artifacts and wondering “Is this legitimately here or has it been “laundered” through the exchange of multiple owners?”

This assignment focuses on these issues as well as the excavation of ancient sites (sometimes burial grounds).

You are required to use at least 4 artworks (include: artists, cultures/country, date) NOT from your textbook as examples throughout your writing. Please also include the image into the body of your essay, that way your writing will flow more smoothly. Do not include the images as separate documents.
Use at least 4 sources from the links that I have provided. You may use other sources; be sure that they are verifiable sites and not blogs or Wikipedia.
Examples of antiquities/artworks
This is a brief list of some examples of artworks that are under the banner of “acquired by questionable means.” (You do not have to use these works of art- though they should serve as inspiration for research. And besides, there’s a ton more where these came from.)


The Gates of Babylon taken and distributed in museums throughout the world from Iraq
• Marble reliefs from the Parthenon frieze taken by the British in the late 1700’s
• Native American artifacts, of dubious origin, in museums donated by collectors
• African artifacts from Benin (and countless other places in Colonized Africa)
• Incan Peruvian Art taken by Yale scholar in 1911
………There are so many more….

Use these articles to help guide your research.
Museums and looted art: the ethical dilemma of preserving world cultures
https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2015/jun/29/museums-looting-art-artefacts-world-culture (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Native American artifacts tell a story of loss, betrayal and survival
http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/blog/native-american-artifacts/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Louvre Puts Nazi-Looted Art in Public Eye in Effort to Find Rightful Heirs

https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/louvre-launches-new-galleries-nazi-looted-art-180968130/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

U.S. returns huge haul of pre-Columbian artifacts to Mexico
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mexico-artifacts/u-s-returns-huge-haul-of-pre-columbian-artifacts-to-mexico-idUSBRE89P00J20121026 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

From Napoleon to the Nazis: the 10 most notorious looted artworks
https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/nov/13/10-most-notorious-looted-artworks-nazis-napoleon (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Art World’s Shame: why Britain must give its colonial booty back https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2014/nov/04/artworlds-shame-parthenon-elgin-marbles-british-museums (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
European Summit to Discuss the Return of Looted West African Art
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/european-museums-discuss-returning-looted-african-art-180964555/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

To Return or Not: Who should own indigenous art?

http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20150421-who-should-own-indigenous-art (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Mexico Aztec headdress could go home from Austria

http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-17878130 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.5 Native American Cultural Sites Looted in San Diego County https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/history/genealogy/5-native-american-cultural-sites-looted-in-san-diego-county/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Write a detailed response to each of the 7 points below.
Your essay must be a minimum 2.5 pages, double-spaced, with images integrated throughout.
Use at least 4 sources from the links that I have provided. You may use other sources; be sure that they are verifiable sites and not blogs or Wikipedia.
A bibliography is required and you may include this in the end of your essay.
You are required to use at least 4 artworks (include: artists, cultures/country, date) NOT from your textbook as examples throughout your writing. Please also include the image into the body of your essay, that way your writing will flow more smoothly. Do not include the images as separate documents.

Can art be legitimately acquired by a colonialist nation? Define what means are legitimate in your response.
What about Native American artifacts? Who owns them? What does the law say if you find something on your property? (Keep in mind, it was circa 1850 when Native Americans in the Southwest were relocated to live in reservations, previously there were no borders and the land was theirs for thousands of years.)
Should artifacts be taken out of museums and returned to the original maker’s cultural place of origin?
Do you think there should be statute of limitationson when a nation should ask for their artifacts back? What if the nation is suffering from turmoil for a long period of time and isn’t stable enough to ask for their art back until 200 years later? What then?
Under what conditions should museums keep their artifacts? Should they even be allowed, ever?
At what point does the artwork become part of human history? And not just one culture’s history?
How does the clash of cultural values affect our perception of artifacts in the graves of other cultures? (Keep in mind that places like the Egyptian pyramids are first and foremost gravesites)


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Native American artifacts tell a story of loss, betrayal and survival

Question Description


Stolen Art & Artifacts: The next time you’re in a museum, and you see artifacts from Mexico, Africa, Pacific Islands, Indonesia, Native American, and so on, ask yourself—how did it get from “there” (the country of origin) to “here”—in this museum? Did the museum buy it from the native peoples where it is from? In many cases, it was looted/plundered/stolen/ill-acquired by a colonizing nation. It was common practice for the colonialists to collect souvenirs and artifacts of this “new” discovery or newly occupied territory. These artifacts were sent back and displayed in a museum or some other institution. Today it is common practice for museums to sell their artifacts to other museums or private collectors, who then, after some amount of time, sell or gift them back to another museum or collector, etc.

Eventually we find ourselves admiring one of those taken-bought-sold-resold-donated-gifted artifacts and wondering “Is this legitimately here or has it been “laundered” through the exchange of multiple owners?” This assignment focuses on these issues as well as the excavation of ancient sites (sometimes burial grounds).


  • Images
    • You are required to use at least 4 artworks (include: artists, cultures/country, date) NOT from your textbook as examples throughout your writing. Please also include the image into the body of your essay, that way your writing will flow more smoothly. Do not include the images as separate documents.
  • Sources
    • Use at least 4 sources from the links that I have provided. You may use other sources; be sure that they are verifiable sites and not blogs or Wikipedia.
  1. Examples of antiquities/artworks

This is a brief list of some examples of artworks that are under the banner of “acquired by questionable means.” (You do not have to use these works of art- though they should serve as inspiration for research. And besides, there’s a ton more where these came from.)


  • The Gates of Babylon taken and distributed in museums throughout the world from Iraq 
    • Marble reliefs from the Parthenon frieze taken by the British in the late 1700’s 
    • Native American artifacts, of dubious origin, in museums donated by collectors .
  1. Use these articles to help guide your research.

Native American artifacts tell a story of loss, betrayal and survival

http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/blog/native-american-artifacts/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Louvre Puts Nazi-Looted Art in Public Eye in Effort to Find Rightful Heirs

https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/louvre-launches-new-galleries-nazi-looted-art-180968130/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

U.S. returns huge haul of pre-Columbian artifacts to Mexico

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mexico-artifacts/u-s-returns-huge-haul-of-pre-columbian-artifacts-to-mexico-idUSBRE89P00J20121026 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

From Napoleon to the Nazis: the 10 most notorious looted artworks

https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/nov/13/10-most-notorious-looted-artworks-nazis-napoleon(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Art World’s Shame: why Britain must give its colonial booty back https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2014/nov/04/artworlds-shame-parthenon-elgin-marbles-british-museums(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

European Summit to Discuss the Return of Looted West African Art
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/european-museums-discuss-returning-looted-african-art-180964555/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

To Return or Not: Who should own indigenous art?

http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20150421-who-should-own-indigenous-art (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Mexico Aztec headdress could go home from Austria

http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-17878130 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.5 Native American Cultural Sites Looted in San Diego County https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/history/genealogy/5-native-american-cultural-sites-looted-in-san-diego-county/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


  • Write a detailed response to each of the 7 points below.
  • Your essay must be a minimum 2.5 pages, double-spaced, with images integrated throughout.
  • Use at least 4 sources from the links that I have provided. You may use other sources; be sure that they are verifiable sites and not blogs or Wikipedia.
  • A bibliography is required and you may include this in the end of your essay.

You are required to use at least 4 artworks (include: artists, cultures/country, date) NOT from your textbook as examples throughout your writing. Please also include the image into the body of your essay, that way your writing will flow more smoothly. Do not include the images as separate documents.

  1. Can art be legitimately acquired by a colonialist nation? Define what means are legitimate in your response.
  2. What about Native American artifacts? Who owns them? What does the law say if you find something on your property? (Keep in mind, it was circa 1850 when Native Americans in the Southwest were relocated to live in reservations, previously there were no borders and the land was theirs for thousands of years.)
  3. Should artifacts be taken out of museums and returned to the original maker’s cultural place of origin?
  4. Do you think there should be statute of limitationson when a nation should ask for their artifacts back? What if the nation is suffering from turmoil for a long period of time and isn’t stable enough to ask for their art back until 200 years later? What then?
  5. Under what conditions should museums keep their artifacts? Should they even be allowed, ever?
  6. At what point does the artwork become part of human history? And not just one culture’s history?
  7. How does the clash of cultural values affect our perception of artifacts in the graves of other cultures? (Keep in mind that places like the Egyptian pyramids are first and foremost gravesites)

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Write an essay explaining how to do something specialized or out of the ordinary

For this assignment, write an Informative Essay. Choose one of the following: a Profile or a How-to essay (Writer’s Way, Chapter 13).See below for details:

a. Profile: Interview someone you do not know or do not know well. Find an “angle” that will make this person unique or interesting to readers and focus on this angle in your profile. (For an example, read “Victor,” by SolvejgWastvedt in WW pp. 226-227; notice how the angle being explored is Victor’s use of things people might throw away.) Describe the person so the reader has a dominant impression of him or her. Work in quotes from your subject as necessary. Do not refer to yourself in the essay.

Note: Do not turn in your interview. Your Profile should be written in essay form, not as a series of questions and answers.

b. How-to: Write an essay explaining how to do something specialized or out of the ordinary. Make your essay interesting and engaging, and write to a specific audience that needs to know or can benefit from learning how to perform this task. (For example, everyone needs to know how to change a tire, but an essay about changing a tire will be more effective if it targets college freshmen who commute to campus.) Include several of the Eight Teaching Tips (WW, pp. 240-242) and be sure to avoid COIK (pp. 239-240). Do not refer to yourself in the essay.

Additional requirements for your Informative Essay:

500-700 words

APA Style (title page, running heads, 12-pt. Times New Roman, double spaced, etc.)


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The Cask of Amontillado

The Cask of Amontillado”

Read Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.”

We have read a couple of Poe’s short stories already so we are familiar with his use of imagery, symbolism, and intrigue. This story alludes to all three elements.

Next Writing will be based on this short story. This will be a literary analysis essay in MLA formatting and 1000 – 1200 words.

Here is a link to help you understand how to write a Literary Analysis essay. Read through this link and understand the structure of the essay before you begin the Timed Writing.


In addition, here is a sample of a well-written Literary Analysis:


Finally, please remember that you need to outline your essay and draft it before you begin it.


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Discuss how government policies can influence economic growth

Purpose of Assignment

Week 3 will help students develop an understanding of what money is, what forms money takes, how the banking system helps create money, and how the Federal Reserve controls the quantity of money. Students will learn how the quantity of money affects inflation and interest rates in the long run, and production and employment in the short run. Students will find that, in the long run, there is a strong relationship between the growth rate of money and inflation. Students will review the basic concepts macroeconomists use to study open economies and will address why a nation’s net exports must equal its net capital outflow. Students will demonstrate the relationship between the prices and quantities in the market for loanable funds and the prices and quantities in the market for foreign-currency exchange. Student will learn to analyze the impact of a variety of government policies on an economy’s exchange rate and trade balance.

Assignment Steps

Resources: National Bureau of Economic Research

Develop a 2,100-word economic outlook forecast that includes the following:

  • Analyze the history of changes in GDP, savings, investment, real interest rates, and unemployment and compare to forecast for the next five years.
  • Discuss how government policies can influence economic growth.
  • Analyze how monetary policy could influence the long-run behavior of price levels, inflation rates, costs, and other real or nominal variables.
  • Describe how trade deficits or surpluses can influence the growth of productivity and GDP.
  • Discuss the importance of the market for loanable funds and the market for foreign-currency exchange to the achievement of the strategic plan.
  • Recommend, based on your above findings, whether the strategic plan can be achieved and provide support.

Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


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Identifying how it utilizes any literary devices or techniques

  1. I want you to analyze your choice of fiction. It can be a poem, a short story, a play, or even a novel. All that is required is that it is, in some way, a print text. You are expected to analyze it similarly to how we’ve done in the past. Some of these strategies include:
    • Identifying how it utilizes any literary devices or techniques
    • Considering how it seeks to represent a cultural concept or idea, operating as a time capsule
    • Reflecting on its association to a specific genre or literary movement
    In other words, the initial stage of your essay should summarize and break down a specific print text of choice, establishing how it can be defined as “literature.” How you do this is ultimately up to you. Afterward, however, I want you to find a non-print text, analyzing it according to the same strategies. This can be an episode of a television show, a movie, a video game, or even a tweet. The goal of this research project is to essentially bridge the motivations of literature to other mediums, identifying how (or how not) literary styles, techniques, or movements can exist in new mediums. Some ways to bridge between print and non-print texts include:
    • Determining how modality, including visual and audio content, affects literature
    • Thinking about how interactivity affects messaging in literature, such as comparing a video game or hypertext to a short story of similar topic or meaning
    • Considering whether or not the use of additional media, such as the assistance of visuals and sound, removes the mystery/complexity common to written literature.
    In sum, I don’t want you to merely compare/contrast two texts of varying mediums. I want you to develop a sophisticated thesis drawing a conclusion about the health of literature in 2018 and whether or not new media can meaningfully “carry the torch” of literature into the end of the twenty-first century and beyond. Your essay should be a minimum of 1500 words (roughly six pages double-spaced). Your essay will be graded in accordance to your depth of analysis, your originality, and your strict adherence to both grammar and MLA documentation rules. You are also expected to give a short presentation during the final week of the semester discussing what you’ve chosen to analyze to the rest of the class.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

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International and Intercultural Communication

Seperate each assignment

400 word response, identify what techniques you can implement to improve the likelihood that your communications will be received and understood as you intended. Can you identify and reduce the likelihood of barriers interfering with the communication? Give examples. Use at least one resource to support your key points.


400 word response, critically examine your personal level of intercultural communication competence. Is it important for you to achieve a certain level of intercultural communication competence? Would enhanced intercultural communication competence help you personally? Professionally? Academically? Include examples in your submission and use at least one resource to support your key points. 


International and Intercultural Communication

After reviewing section 2.4 of the text titled International and Intercultural Interpersonal Communication, visit The Hofstede Centre (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (https://www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare-countries/) and continue to explore national cultural dimensions. Here you will choose two countries to compare and contrast in terms of cultural dimensions.

Develop a two-page, APA-formatted paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe how the two countries are similar in terms of Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions.
  • Describe how the two countries are different in terms of Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions.
  • Given a scenario where two organizations, one located in each country, are to do business with each other, provide recommendations that would be beneficial in helping management address communications in terms of the different cultural perspectives. Your paper must be two pages (not including title and reference pages) and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

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