Compare/contrast how your organization practices decision making with respect to setting standards and improving patient care.

Compare/contrast how your organization practices decision making with respect to setting standards and improving patient care.

Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature.


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Describe how these traits were beneficial.

Based on your personal experience, describe characteristics of an effective manager. Describe how these traits were beneficial. Which of these characteristics are also discussed in the literature?

Support your discussion and opinions with facts, relevant examples from personal nursing practice, and at least two citations from the reading or peer-reviewed professional nursing literature.


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Magical Realism

We are ready to begin working on our research essay although it is not due for another week or more. We will all use the same topic, a simple one that is focused on explaining Magical Realism, what it is, where it came from, and some of its practitioners. I suggest that you start with simple research about what Magical Realism is, how it came about, the great authors of Magical Realism, and finally how it manifests itself today, that is to say, in what genres.

As you prepare this essay please beware that you must include and quote three to five outside sources, use the MLA format, and in the process of the paper explain what magical realism is, how it developed, some of the great authors and works, and its international scope today. If you have any questions, please email me immediately.

We are doing the same topic for a variety of reasons, the first being, I do not want something purchased from a cheating site like Course Hero. When our software reveals that you have done that, you are no longer a member of this class. You will receive an unconditional and final F in the class, no discussion, no appeal.

I made the topic very simple, so if you have never written a documented essay, you will still have no trouble. You can use as few as three sources, as I say above, and we have been working the whole term on the format, except we now will deploy several quotations and certainly a works cited page.

We are starting in Module 6 so that you may begin to gather some sources to quote, begin an Annotated Bibliography, and get started–with plenty of time to ask all the questions you want to ask.

Why don’t you start with the article “What Is Magical Realism, Really,” a very good place to start, and you can certainly use the article as one of your three–or five sources if you use that many.

Second Possible Topic for the Documented Research Essay

If you do not like the first topic, you can do this one:

(this is the title you must use and support):

The Characterization of the Misfit in Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

In this essay, do what you did with the Dee essay: tell how, in this case the Misfit, is characterized by WHAT HE SAYS (and you must include an analysis of a variety of the very revealing things he says, to include his apology for not having on a shirt, his apology for what Bailey says to his mother, his response to the grandmother’s question–“You wouldn’t shoot a lady would you?” and more. Another critical and revealing statement is “Jesus threw everything off balance,” and perhaps the final one you must address: “She would of been a good woman . . .”

WHAT HE DOES, and of course there is less here–killing his father is NOT one since he did not kill his after–but he certainly does some terrible things during the course of the story.

and what others say about him–be careful; you can include what his dad said and what the prison psychiatrist said but you have to figure out what both really said because the Misfit does not get it right.

Now you do this very carefully and thoroughly but you MUST ADD a minimum of three OUTSIDE SOURCES that you quote at least once each in your essay. These would be articles on the Misfit, the story, or something to do with what you are doing in the essay. Quote each one a minimum one time each and include a Works Cited page with the sources you use, in alphabetical order and MLA format.

Any questions about this optional topic email me.

The most important part of the paper will be the Conclusion–where you give a summary of what the different aspects of his characterization show the reader and then how we should finally take the Misfit based on O’Connor’s careful and subtle characterization.


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Current Event Essay 3 Prompt

English 124 Current Event Essay 3 Prompt

For your third paper you will be required to write an essay at least 8 pages longbuilding an argument based on one of the topics covered in Chapter 25 (….) Draw evidence from the readings in that chapter, and make a persuasive argument of your own based on the chapter’s topic.These chapters and classic arguments give you a wide range of choices for topics, so choose the one you find most interesting.

Your essay needs to be clear and unified under your thesis.Make sure to include specific evidence from the articles you read, to show how and why you analyzed the articles the way you did in your essay.Make sure to review the section in your textbook on proper MLA citation for any quotes or paraphrases you use from your outside source.Make sure to use one or more sources outside the book to support your argument.

Grading Criteria

Successful papers will have:

  1. A developed introductory paragraph, with a clear thesis.What argument will you make about the topic you have chosen?What key evidence will you use for support?

(10 points)

  1. Well-supported, unified body paragraphs with specific examples that reinforce your thesis.Evidence must support the position taken in your introduction.Essay must demonstrate the student’s own thoughts about the topic, supported by the articles they read from the chapter they selected.(80 points)
  2. Student must describe and refute at least one counterargument to their essay.

(10 points)

  1. Smoothly integrated quotes from the book and one or more outside source.(10 points)
  2. A conclusion that summarizes your main point, and offers a final thought about the value of your argument.(10 points)
  3. Your paper will also be thoroughly edited for sentence-level errors.If you have any questions on sentence structure or grammar, visit the Writing Center, or see me in my office. (5 points)

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Where does the fallacy occur, and why is it a red herring?

Reading the below conversation between Nick and Joey. Then, answer the following questions (2 paragraphs each):

1. This conversation includes a red herring fallacy. Where does the fallacy occur, and why is it a red herring? Be sure to define the fallacy, and discuss how it is fallacious within the context.

2. At the end of the conversation, Nick says, “I proved that you’re wrong, and if you’re wrong, I’m right.” Is this a true statement? Does proving that someone else is wrong about something mean that you are right about that same something? Explain your answer (this statement also includes a sneaky fallacy; identify/explain it for +1 EC to your overall score).

Joey: So, what happens when you’re wrong?

Nick: Well, Joey, I’m never wrong.

Joey: But you can’t always be right.

Nick: Well, if it’s your job to be right, then you’re never wrong.

Joey: But what if you are wrong?

Nick: Okay, let’s say that you’re defending chocolate and I’m defending vanilla. Now, if I were to say to you, “Vanilla’s the best flavor ice cream”, you’d say …?

Joey: “No, chocolate is.”

Nick: Exactly. But you can’t win that argument. So, I’ll ask you: So you think chocolate is the end-all and be-all of ice cream, do you?

Joey: It’s the best ice cream; I wouldn’t order any other.

Nick: Oh. So it’s all chocolate for you, is it?

Joey: Yes, chocolate is all I need.

Nick: Well, I need more than chocolate. And for that matter, I need more than vanilla. I believe that we need freedom and choice when it comes to our ice cream, and that, Joey Naylor, that is the definition of liberty.

Joey: But that’s not what we’re talking about.

Nick: Ah, but that’s what I’m talking about.

Joey: But … you didn’t prove that vanilla’s the best.

Nick: I didn’t have to. I proved that you’re wrong, and if you’re wrong, I’m right


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Situation Analysis

Unit 1 Assignment: Parts 1–3 Checklist: Summarize a marketing strategy for Lee’s business addressing each part.

Part 1 Mission

Redefine Lee’s Mission. Lee’s current mission is more of a product-oriented mission statement. For example, “We sell flowers” or “We make pizza.”

  • Write a marketing-oriented mission statement for Lee’s business.

Part 2: Situation Analysis

Organization Strengths and Weaknesses:

  • Describe methods that Lee could use to identify her internal strengths and weaknesses information. For example, some businesses use secret shoppers to identify an organization’s strengths and weaknesses. Explain your response.
  • Who are the direct and indirect competitors for Lee’s business located in your area?
  • Using sources like the U. S. Census Bureau (Go to Browse by Topic), describe the demographics affecting Lee’s business in your area.
  • How is technology being utilized in the industry assigned that might have a positive or negative impact on Lee’s business?
  • Identify Lee’s competitive advantage against her direct and non-direct competitors in the city nearest to where you live.
  • Finally, define the term “sustainable competitive advantage” and explain what advice you would give to Lee in her quest to build a sustainable competitive advantage.

Environmental Scan:

Part 3: Marketing Objectives

  • Set Marketing Plan Objectives for Lee’s (see page 25 of your text).
  • Identify at least two S.M.A.R.T. goals (i.e., Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to the Mission, and Time-bounded).

These first three parts of the paper should be a minimum of 1 ½ pages or 350 words, and use APA format and citation style. Your paper should include headings (Part 2: Situation Analysis: Environmental Scan etc.) an introduction, and conclusion.


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What are the similarities and differences between the two cases?

The seventeenth century could be described as the century of royal absolutism. Using to examples, compare how royal absolutism help create strong centralized states. What are the similarities and differences between the two cases? Were these states necessarily bad given the absence of any power sharing at the highest levels or did some carry out positive reforms even though power was concentrated in the hands of the sovereign?


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Explain how and why the issue is important for international development

I need an research papet about Child Soldiers in Uganda its an essay in my Development class. and all content should have clear citation and come up with an clear specific thesis statement. I need to review the thesis statement before you begin writing.

the essay should be based on any development in action podcast or scholarly articles:

develop a clear thesis statement

explain how and why the issue is important for international development

present a clear argumemt supported by reliable evidence

critically analyze the development issue chosen


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Weather Conditions Shortage Stable Supply Surplus Motel

There are 5 questions total, they are all in the attached files. The second file is the work sheet for assignment.

A local real estate investor in Orlando is considering three alternative investments; a motel, a restaurant, or a theater. Profits from the motel or restaurant will be affected by the availability of gasoline and the number of tourists; profits from the theater will be relatively stable under any conditions. The following payoff table shows the profit or loss that could result from each investment: 
Weather Conditions Shortage Stable Supply Surplus Motel $-7,500 $12,000 $23,000 Restaurant 3000 7,000 6,500 Theater 5000 6,000 4,000 

Determine the best investment, using the following decision criteria. 
a. Maximax b. Maximin c. Minimax regret d. Hurwicz (α = 0.4) e. Equal likelihood 2. A concessions manager at the Tech versus A&M football game must decide whether to have the vendors sell sun visors or umbrellas. There is a 35% chance of rain, a 25% chance of overcast skies, and a 40% chance of sunshine, according to the weather forecast in college junction, where the game is to be held. The manager estimates that the following profits will result from each decision,


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