Module 03 Written paper- Case Study (Care Plan)

Module 03 Written paper- Case Study (Care Plan)

This week you will need to look at the provided case study and develop a care plan for a patient that has a Clostridium difficile Colitis. Please use the provided format for building your care plan. You will need to use your nursing reference materials as you build this care plan.

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6 Page Research task

6 Page Research task

I have to do a APA paper format with all the guidelines that I send. I have to do the project on the Finback whale ONLY IN FLORIDA.

The research paper guidelines:

  1. why a species becomes extinct? Analysis of a Local Endangered Species

Paper must be from 6 full pages to a maximum of 12 pages that are written in…

  • Arial

-Size 12 font


-APA format … without an abstract

all research material is to be included and properly cited when the paper is turned in for the rough draft evaluation and the final copy.

Any person who is interested in doing this paper please contact me at or phone number: 7869086255 & 3059030980

I need this due by April 21st at 12:00 pm. I can pay $55 dollars , willing to negotiate. Please and thank you .

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Macro-Level Legal Inequality: Whether there is gender inequality in pay.

Macro-Level Legal Inequality: Whether there is gender inequality in pay.

Inequality paper step 1: Pick A Topic

  1. Macro-Level Legal Inequality: Whether there is gender inequality in pay.

Micro-Level Example of that Inequality: The gender wage gap is widening more and more as the years pass by. Studies show that women’s wages are gradually decreasing as time passes.

  1. Gender gap pay is worse than I thought. Study shows women earn half the income that men receive. The study was taken place for 15-years the outcome showed that women get paid half of what men do. From the years 2001-2015 the percentage gap was a 51 percent. There are studies that go all the way back to 1968 that show men were still making a higher pay than women do. The most recent research shows women in the United States make $0.80 on the dollar compared to their male counterparts. Every year there’s talk on the news on how there will be a close on gender gap pay equal day. After many years there still hasn’t been anything done on that year. In 2019, the equal pay day will be on April 10th. There isn’t much hope in anything happening this year because nothing has happened in the past on this day. Studies show if the united states contained on this very slow and steady journey to address the issue head on and are ready to make actual change, then the pay parities won’t reach the goal till 2059. Pay parities is just a different name for Equal pay for equal work as stated in the article. In this news article, it explains how the united states is one of the last countries to be taking care of matters, for an example. in the European Union and others have created policies pegged at creating more pay transparency. Sweden, Finland and Norway.


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What legal reforms would you propose to alter this advantage, if any?

What legal reforms would you propose to alter this advantage, if any?

The Paper will be an 8 page double-spaced paper (1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font). Any text beyond 8 pages will not be read! First, let’s review what you should have completed already:

In Step 1, you thought of a social inequality topic, and one example of how the ‘haves’ come out ahead from your own experience, a case or statute you have read, the newspaper, current events, or from research/reading you have done.

In Step 2, you used 3 empirical social science sources you found outside of class to show that your example is part of a broader pattern of ‘haves’ coming out ahead rather than an isolated incident. Your 3 additional empirical sources are works of social science that are published in peer-reviewed journal articles or academic book presses (NOT law reviews). These sources must be written by social scientists who conducted original empirical research. Therefore, you showed me your sources to confirm that it will count as one of your 3 empirical sources.

In Sept 3, you will have 1 Law Review Article that you need to summarize before writing the paper to help you develop your own legal reform.

Now, it is time to write your completed paper! First, you will take the summary you wrote in Step 1 and use that as the beginning of your paper. By doing this, you will clearly be introducing your chosen social inequality and the specific real example that illustrates that inequality at the beginning of your paper.

Second, you will use the summaries of your empirical sources from Step 2 to build your argument. Your use of sources will be assessed by how relevant the sources are to your chosen topic and how effectively you are able to use the empirical findings in those sources to support your example. Each time you explain a source, you also want to explain how that source connects to the micro-example you used at the beginning of the paper (i.e., you want to make it clear that the results of that research article are showing that your micro-example is not an isolated incident but actually is representative of a broader pattern in society). Using a source to report a simple statistic will not earn as many points as explaining the topic, methods, and results of the sources. (Note: You also may use any relevant readings & materials from class if you think they strengthen your argument that your micro-example is really a macro-level problem, but those materials will not count among your 3 outside sources).

Third, you will use your summary(that you did on the law review) of your Law Review Article in Step 3 to help you develop your own legal reform. You will use your Step 3 summary to show your reader what one scholar has said, but you ultimately should be using that scholar’s work to help you make your own normative argument. The key question you are answering is: What legal reforms would you propose to alter this advantage, if any? The novelty of your proposed legal reforms will be assessed by how thoroughly your reforms address and challenge the systematic advantages of the ‘haves’. Your proposal should show how you intend to minimize the differences between ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ and should be innovative, comprehensive, and detailed. Your reforms also should illustrate creativity, originality, and awareness of how you would handle obstacles to your reform. You must rely on at least 1 scholarly opinion in a Law Review Article, but do not merely reiterate the normative views of the scholar. Instead, use and cite the author’s work to further your own reform agenda. If you decide either that there is no possible legal reform for your chosen topic or that nothing should be done to alter the advantage of the ‘haves’, you still must explain your position in light of relevant readings & materials from class plus your 3 other empirical sources described in the prior paragraph.

You must cite the scholarly sources appropriately in your paper and include a bibliography at the end of your paper. The bibliography will not count as part of the paper length.


Point assessment:

4 points: Relevance and description of the chosen example

12 points: Novelty of the suggested legal reform

10 points: Quality and quantity of use of sources

4 points: Style (Clarity of Writing, Use of Section Headings & Paragraphs, Grammar, Spelling, etc.)

30 points: TOTAL (30% of your grade)

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Inequality Assignment

Inequality Assignment

The Paper will be an 8 page double-spaced paper (1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font). Any text beyond 8 pages will not be read! First, let’s review what you should have completed already:

In Step 1, you thought of a social inequality topic, and one example of how the ‘haves’ come out ahead from your own experience, a case or statute you have read, the newspaper, current events, or from research/reading you have done.

In Step 2, you used 3 empirical social science sources you found outside of class to show that your example is part of a broader pattern of ‘haves’ coming out ahead rather than an isolated incident. Your 3 additional empirical sources are works of social science that are published in peer-reviewed journal articles or academic book presses (NOT law reviews). These sources must be written by social scientists who conducted original empirical research. Therefore, you showed me your sources to confirm that it will count as one of your 3 empirical sources.

In Sept 3, you will have 1 Law Review Article that you need to summarize before writing the paper to help you develop your own legal reform.

Now, it is time to write your completed paper! First, you will take the summary you wrote in Step 1 and use that as the beginning of your paper. By doing this, you will clearly be introducing your chosen social inequality and the specific real example that illustrates that inequality at the beginning of your paper.

Second, you will use the summaries of your empirical sources from Step 2 to build your argument. Your use of sources will be assessed by how relevant the sources are to your chosen topic and how effectively you are able to use the empirical findings in those sources to support your example. Each time you explain a source, you also want to explain how that source connects to the micro-example you used at the beginning of the paper (i.e., you want to make it clear that the results of that research article are showing that your micro-example is not an isolated incident but actually is representative of a broader pattern in society). Using a source to report a simple statistic will not earn as many points as explaining the topic, methods, and results of the sources. (Note: You also may use any relevant readings & materials from class if you think they strengthen your argument that your micro-example is really a macro-level problem, but those materials will not count among your 3 outside sources).

Third, you will use your summary(that you did on the law review) of your Law Review Article in Step 3 to help you develop your own legal reform. You will use your Step 3 summary to show your reader what one scholar has said, but you ultimately should be using that scholar’s work to help you make your own normative argument. The key question you are answering is: What legal reforms would you propose to alter this advantage, if any? The novelty of your proposed legal reforms will be assessed by how thoroughly your reforms address and challenge the systematic advantages of the ‘haves’. Your proposal should show how you intend to minimize the differences between ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ and should be innovative, comprehensive, and detailed. Your reforms also should illustrate creativity, originality, and awareness of how you would handle obstacles to your reform. You must rely on at least 1 scholarly opinion in a Law Review Article, but do not merely reiterate the normative views of the scholar. Instead, use and cite the author’s work to further your own reform agenda. If you decide either that there is no possible legal reform for your chosen topic or that nothing should be done to alter the advantage of the ‘haves’, you still must explain your position in light of relevant readings & materials from class plus your 3 other empirical sources described in the prior paragraph.

You must cite the scholarly sources appropriately in your paper and include a bibliography at the end of your paper. The bibliography will not count as part of the paper length.


Point assessment:

4 points: Relevance and description of the chosen example

12 points: Novelty of the suggested legal reform

10 points: Quality and quantity of use of sources

4 points: Style (Clarity of Writing, Use of Section Headings & Paragraphs, Grammar, Spelling, etc.)

30 points: TOTAL (30% of your grade)

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7-1 Final Project – Needing Revision And Correction On Each Paper Done Already Following Rubric Below!

7-1 Final Project – Needing Revision And Correction On Each Paper Done Already Following Rubric Below!

You may want to use this as a checklist to make sure that your paper is ready for submission:

Did you submit the paper through Turnitin? ***

I recommend that you submit your paper through Turnitin well before it is due.

Make adjustments if needed and then resubmit.

You will have to submit the paper into the submission folder to run it through TII

Is the Turnitin percentage 25% or less?

This is the goal.

It is important to look at the report to see where the citations may need to be fixed.

Did you make adjustments and rerun the paper through Turnitin?

Are all of the in-text citations noted correctly?

Quotation marks used when needed?

Author, date, and page numbers used correctly?

Large quotes done correctly?

Is the reference list done correctly?

Titles of books and journals (and volume number) italicized?

In alphabetical order?

Is the format correct for each reference based on its type?

If electronic sources are used is the URL included (but NOT the retrieval date)?

Is the format of the paper correct?

Title page? Formatted correctly

Running head?

12 pt font, double spaced, 1 in. margins?

Reference Page in correct format?

Subtitles placed correctly?

Did you look at the rubric to make sure that you covered everything that should be included?

Did you reread your paper and run spell check

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Critical Thinking task Diabetes

Critical Thinking task Diabetes

Report Issue
Write a 250 word (double spaced) paper on diabetes. Include the following topic heading:







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99GU2 General Capstone 4.

99GU2 General Capstone 4.

Part A. 75 Words

Refer to Chapter 6 of Looking Out, Looking In Becoming a Critical Thinker ISBN-13:978-1285438597 and answer the following: Think of a time when you spoke with someone whose speech violated the syntactic rules that you are used to. Explain the scenario and the situation. Identify what you thought about that person. What was your first impression? Explain how your impression of that person influenced – he or she did not follow standard linguistic rules? Think about it in hindsight. Was this first impression valid? Why or why not?

Part B. 4 Pages

How the Media Distort Reality

Read the following essay from Becoming a Critical Thinker (p. 129). Base your paper on the W.I.S.E approach (from Becoming a Critical Thinker, Chapter 2). Look for errors in thinking and explore viewpoints that are different from those expressed in the essay. Conduct research to support your viewpoint and include three references in your paper.

Part C. 75 Words

Review the three profiles on Einstein, Bly, and Vitz in Chapter 1 of Becoming a Critical Thinker. Apply and elaborate on three of the concepts you learned in Chapter 1 (one to each profile). What were the lessons you learned from reviewing these three profiles? Why is it important to check facts and test opinions? Of these three profiles, who do you admire the most and why?

Part D. 4 Pages

You will research topic: Smoking in public places should be banned.

Agree or disagree and support your points with research., write a paper that clearly supports one side of the argument, with the intent of challenging or changing a reader’s viewpoint. The aim or purpose of this essay is to clarify your position on your chosen topic/issue, develop that position deeply, and write an essay explaining your opinion in such a way that you challenge your reader to evaluate his or her own position. The underlying goal of the persuasive essay is to persuade the reader to agree with your position, and possibly to change his or her own position on the issue.

Structural requirements:

• A focused presentation of the issue. The writer presents the issue so the reader understands it. Issues need more or less explanation and examples, depending on what the audience already knows.

• A clear position. The thesis is positioned effectively, usually at the beginning or end of the essay, and repeated for emphasis and clarity as needed.

• Plausible reasons and convincing support. The writer must provide reasons for supporting the position. The writer must go beyond simply asserting reasons, by including examples, statistics, expert testimony, and/or anecdotes to support the reasons.

• Anticipating opposing position and objections. An effective argument for a position includes recognizing and refuting opposing arguments, as well as anticipating and answering a reader’s questions. You must clearly and objectively articulate the opposing position.

• Careful use of sources. Sources must be used and documented in APA format.

Questions to address as you write your Persuasive Essay:

• Purpose and audience: Does the writing meet the assignment requirements and engage the audience?

• Idea development: Is the topic appropriate, neither too broad nor too narrow? Is the writer’s position clear? Are the major reasons for support included, and are they clear and logical and specific? Are the reasons supported with convincing specific examples? Are opposing arguments recognized and countered?

• Organization: Does the title capture the central focus? Does the introduction capture attention, give necessary background and convey the position? Is the thesis clear? Is forecasting, if used, effective and clear? Do transitions and the overall organizational pattern provide a smooth flow? Does the conclusion provide a sense of closure and make the topic relevant to the reader (Is it more than just a summary)?

• Style: Are the sentence and word choices appropriate to a college essay? Are words vivid, exact and correct? Does the sentence structure add impact? Are sentences complete, smooth, clear, correct and efficient?

• Conventions: Are there few, if any, mistakes in following the conventions of Standard Written English?

• Citing Sources: Do the sources used provide reliable and adequate information? Is source material properly cited and documented in a standard format?

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Prepare an argumentative essay on a topic inspired by your reading of Just Mercy.

Prepare an argumentative essay on a topic inspired by your reading of Just Mercy.

For this assignment, you will write an argumentative essay on a topic inspired by your reading of Just Mercy.

I want my topic to be “finding ways to better treat mentally ill prisoners” this topic and research essay should be reflecting to the book called “just mercy” if you do not have the access to the book than you can always go to google and read some chapter summaries. Ensure that it is a focus that can be fully explored in an essay of 750-1000 words. This can be especially tricky for an argumentative essay. It must be specific and narrowed.

Because this is a research-based essay, you should begin by collecting and reading appropriate sources. You should have at least three scholarly sources for this essay, although you will probably consult more. Then spend time brainstorming, drafting, and fleshing out your ideas. Of course, since you are using research, you will also need to appropriately cite your sources using MLA requirements.

As we are focused on college-level writing, this essay should be polished and professional. Neither first nor second person narration are acceptable. Your language should be polished and sophisticated and appropriate to the topic you have chosen. For an argumentative essay, your rhetorical situation is an especially important consideration.

please underline your thesis and/or topic sentences in every paragraph!


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