Why is hydration so important to our survival?

question 1. Why is hydration so important to our survival?

question 2. How does water regulate our body temperature?

question 3. Electrolytes support many body functions. In general, what roles do electrolytes perform in the body? How do our bodies maintain fluid balance including how we gain and lose fluids?

question 4. What happens to the body when it is dehydrated?

question 5. Wwhy is it that alcohol has that dehydrating effect or in other words what might the mechanism be that makes that happen?

question 6. In many parts of the country in the summer we may see triple digit temperatures. What is heat stroke and heat exhaustion? As we continue to analyze heat stroke, prepare three tips you would give a young athlete, adult and/or senior on the importance of hydration and prevention of heat stroke.


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Why are chromosomes important?

I have attached two labs with corresponding post lab work sheet for you to complete.

1.    Why are chromosomes important?

2.    How are meiosis I and meiosis II different?

3.    Why do you use non-­sister chromatids to demonstrate crossing over?

4.    What combinations of alleles could result from a crossover between BD and bd chromosomes?

5.    How many chromosomes were present when meiosis I started?

6.    How many nuclei are present at the end of meiosis II? How many chromosomes are in each?

7.    Identify two ways that meiosis contributes to genetic recombination.

8.    Why is it necessary to reduce the number of chromosomes in gametes, but not in other cells?

9.    Blue whales have 44 chromosomes in every cell. Determine how many chromosomes you would expect to find the following.

a.    Sperm Cell:

b.    Egg Cell:

c.    Daughter Cell from Mitosis:

d.    Daughter Cell from Meiosis II:

10.  Research and find a disease that is caused by chromosomal mutations. When does the mutation occur? What chromosomes are affected? What are the consequences?

11.  Diagram what would happen if sexual reproduction took place for four generations using diploid (2n) cells.

1.    As a cell grows, what happens to its surface area : volume ratio? (Hint: Think of a balloon being blown up). How does this ratio change with respect to cell division?

2.    What is the function of mitosis in a cell that is about to divide?

3.    What would happen if mitosis were uncontrolled?


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What are the main components of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906?

  • What are the main components of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906? How was this law attempting to protect the public?
  • What are the main components of the Sherley Amendment: How was this law attempting to protect the public?
  • How did the 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act improve the 1906 Food and Drug Act?
  • What are the main components of the 1952 Durham Humphrey Act? How was this law attempting to protect the public?
  • What are the main purpose and influence of the Kefauver-Harris Amendment of 1962? How was this law attempting to protect the public?

  • What is the main purpose of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970?

  • List and briefly describe the 5 levels of drug scheduling under the controlled substances, schedule I-V”

  • What are the 3 main steps in regulating the development of new pharmaceutical drugs?
  • Define and describe the 2 main drug prevention strategies: Supply Reduction and Demand Reduction

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Ethics of this controversy

Assignment 8

Several institutions, including the craft store Hobby Lobby and Wheaton College in suburban Chicago, have opted to decline birth control coverage to their employees or student because birth control use violates the religious principles of the governing organization.  In the case of Wheaton College, the college has decided to end all student health care coverage in order to avoid violating the regulations of the Affordable Care Act. (See article below.)

In your opinion, are these institutions behaving ethically?  (There is no RIGHT answer! You will graded on the strength of your thinking and writing, not on the position you take.)

Right a persuasive essay of at least 800 words that outlines your opinion on the ethics of this controversy.  Use at least 2 resources to support your positions.


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What are the implications for the quality of care?

The practice of medicine, long valued for individual entrepreneurship and physician control, has undergone dramatic change. Physicians now face vexing oversight of case and utilization management and loss of control over the allocation of health care dollars. Managed care organizations control health costs by arbitrarily refusing reimbursement for certain medical procedures and reducing payments for others. Since medicine is now a less attractive career option, will fewer high performing individuals choose to become physicians? What are the implications for the quality of care?


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discuss the concept of glycemic index and glycemic load in foods

In one paragraph, discuss the concept of glycemic index and glycemic load in foods.  How do foods differ in these? In another paragraph, discuss the effects of consuming foods that are high or low in glycemic index and glycemic load. How do they affect blood glucose and health?  Cite and discuss at least one outside reference source to support your statement. 


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Scientific Journal Article Critique

Scientific Journal Article Critique

Each time you evaluate an article, you will complete Part I and Part II. You will submit on a typed hardcopy Part I., and Part II on the due date listed in your syllabus.

Part I.

1. Skim the article (take light notes)

·      Read the abstract. The abstract informs you of the major findings of the study, and the importance. 

·      What is the big picture of the study (this is done as you read the article)

·      Record terms or techniques you are not familiar with. 

·      Include questions to parts of the article you do not understand.

·      If you are unfamiliar with concepts discussed throughout the article, then perform a Google search.

2. Re-read the article

·      Go to the Materials and Methods and Results section, and ask the following questions within each section

o   Was the study repeated? (You should know why a study must be repeated. If you do not know ask Prof. Olave or Dr. Bignami ASAP)

o   What was the sample size? Is this representative of a large population?

o   What were the variables? Controls?

o   What factors might affect the outcome (according to the investigators)

o   Interpret the data within each figure without looking at the text. Once you have done this, then read the text.

o   Understand the purpose of the Materials and Methods

3. Preparing to summarize the article:

·      Describe the article in your own words first. Can you explain to a friend without looking at your notes? If not, then most likely you do not understand. Go over your notes again.

·      What was the purpose of the study? 

·      A reader who has not read your article must understand your summary.

4. Write a draft of your summary:

·      Begin to write the article without looking at your notes. If you choose to look at your notes, then you may not understand the article, and may unintentionally plagiarize. 

·      Ask yourself the following questions to write your summary (without looking at your notes) in your own words:

o   What was the purpose of the study?

o   What questions were asked?

o   How did the study address these questions?

o   What assumptions did the author make?

o   What were the major findings?

o   What questions are still unanswered (according to the authors of the article)

Part II. Critical Review and Assessment of the Article

·      In your summary, include your own analysis and evaluation of the article.

·      Do not include personal opinions

·      Use professional language. For example:

Common language: Dipodomys merriami is a kangaroo rat that has a longer Loop of Henle, and this helps it survive better in the desert by retaining more water.

Professional language: A longer Loop of Henle in Dipodomys merriami allows for greater water absorption, an adaptation that has led to survival in an arid environment.  

·      How did this study answer questions proposed in the introduction section of the paper? 

·      Include the limitations of the study:

o   Does the data support the conclusions of the study. Explain.

o   What questions remain unanswered?

o   How could future studies be improved?


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Describe the structure of DNA and the steps of protein synthesis.

Part 1

Answer the following questions, in a total of 350 to 700 words.

•   Describe the structure of DNA and the steps of protein synthesis.

•   Describe the relationships between the following terms:

◦                     DNA

◦                     Chromatin material

◦                     Gene

◦                     Chromosome

•   Use the following gene in protein synthesis:

◦                     TAGGACCATTTTAGCCCC

▪                                       Show the mRNA.

▪                                       Show the tRNA.

▪                                       Name the amino acids that will be placed in the polypeptide chain. (Use the codon table in Ch. 10, Figure 10.8A of Campbell Biology.)

•   A gene will direct the making of polypeptide chains, and polypeptide chains form proteins. All enzymes are proteins. Therefore, how would you explain carrying a gene for a trait that does not show up in the offspring?

•   In order for DNA to pass genetic information to the next generation, DNA must replicate successfully. Mistakes in replication could result in major problems in heredity.

◦                     Explain how DNA replicates.

◦                     Describe the formation of the leading strand and lagging strand and include the enzymes involved.

◦                     Why do the legs replicate differently?

Apa format. Cited work and references Required

Part 2

Answer each question in separate paragraphs

1.  Describe some of the experiments or observations that lead to the identification of DNA as the genetic material.

2.  Describe the observations or work that lead to identifying the structure of DNA.

3.  Individuals have unique DNA sequences that can be used to help solve crimes, identify diseases, and determine paternity. One possible prediction is that DNA will be used a means of identification in the future. What predictions would you make based on the technology you have reviewed in your reading materials? What problems do you foresee?

4.   What is a genetic mutation you have heard about in the news recently that involves a change in the DNA molecule? Describe the mutation and why it involves a DNA molecule change.

Part 3

5.   How does analyzing DNA profiles using the gel electrophoresis tool allow you to draw both qualitative and quantitative conclusions about the likely identity of the suspect in a case?


6.   Suppose the nucleotide sequence targeted by the primers in this activity is composed of a number of repeats of a single 16-base-pair sequence. In other words, every repeat within the targeted sequence means another 16 base pairs in the genome.

Judging by the sizes of the fragments you measured, about how many repeats of the 16-base-pair sequence would you expect to find in each of the suspect’s genomes?



Think It Over

What is the advantage of targeting more than one fragment and having each DNA profile feature multiple bands?


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Pick a quote made by Charles Darwin that resonates with you. For instance, this is one of my favorites:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

1. Share your chosen quote with the class.

2. Interpret the quote in terms of Natural Selection.

3. Offer an example to demonstrate your perspective.

Each response is to be a minimum of 1 page (double spaced.) Therefore, be sure to explain Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and how it relates to your chosen quote and example. (Stick to biology not culture!!)


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