Behaviorist, active construction of a grammar, connectionist, and social interaction theories

In Chapter 3, you were presented with four language acquisition theories: behaviorist, active construction of a grammar, connectionist, and social interaction theories.  For this discussion, you will first select one of the theories and explain its main components in a graphic organizer.  The recommended website, Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers, offers digital graphic organizers to help you with the creation of your graphic organizer, or you can use the graphs/charts feature in Microsoft Word.  You will then compare and contrast your chosen theory with the other theories listed above, highlighting the major similarities and differences.  

The graphic organizer you create for the theory you choose should include:

  1. The main theorist associated with the theory
  2. A summary of what the theory states
  3. Evidence supporting the theory
  4. Evidence against the theory

In your compare/contrast analysis of the theory, include the following:

  1. Similarities to other theories
  2. Differences from other theories

Refer to Chapter 3 of the text, additional resources, and your own insights.  Remember that your graphic organizer needs to contain an APA citation for any source used, including the textbook.  Your discussion post title should be the same as your chosen theory.  The body of your post should consist of your compare/contrast analysis.  


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Three ways to support children learning a second language in the classroom

Our classrooms are filled with students who come from diverse backgrounds. When we get to know our students and their families, we strengthen the home-school connection, which research has reported leads to increased student achievement. Using information gained the textbook readings and the required article, Can Preschool Children be Taught a Second Language?, explain strategies that effectively support students who are learning a second language. You can use the textbook andthe recommended article, Responding to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity, to support your discussion.
Your post should be formatted to include the following in order:

Three ways to support children learning a second language in the classroom
Two ways to support the families of children learning a second language
One example of a resource you can use to help plan for children learning a second language, with a summary and justification of your choice
One question you still have about learning a second language
Refer to Chapter 4 of the text and additional resources, and draw from your own insights. Citations must be properly formatted in APA style.


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Language Acquisition in Early Childhood Education

Review the Language Acquisition in Early Childhood Education interactive game, which focuses on language developmental stages and cognitive processes.  Write three questions you can ask your classmates that would help to evaluate their knowledge of the developmental milestones and brain development stages, and how they influence on language development and acquisition.  These questions should be focused on the main concepts in Chapters 5 and 6.  You can see several examples of types of questions in the interactive Jeopardy game.  The solutions to your questions should be able to be located within Chapters 5 or 6 in the course textbook.  Post your three questions, but do not include the solutions to these in your original post.


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Capstone Organizational Analysis Project—CBPM Assessment

Over the term each executive team will develop and submit an organizational analysis report.  The report is expected to be detailed and comprehensive. Individual contributions towards the group project paper should be in the vicinity of 1,200 to 1,500 words. This means 3,600 to 4,500 words for a three-person team and 4,800 to 6,000 words for a four-person team.).


1.·      Introduction and company overview – Z

·      Strategic Posture

2.o   Strategic history of the organization (over the 6 rounds)-Z

3.o   Organizational mission statement and strategic vision- Z

4.o   Business level strategy -X

·      External Analysis: Industry and Environment

5.o   Strategic history of the industry-X

6.o   Five-Forces analysis of the industry —-m

7.o   Segment Analysis OR Competitive Dynamics Analysis—m

·      Internal Analysis

8.o   Functional analysis – Explains the business model that includes all the functions. You will address questions such as: What did the team do in in each functional level in each round? How the general strategy was implemented? That is, how did the strategic choices being made in each round relate to the general strategy? What were the observed outcomes? – Shanelle

9.o   Financial analysis – A financial analysis of the firm in comparison to the industry.

10.o   Organizational structure and culture (think about group-level dynamics among the TMT members) F  

11.o   VRIN Analysis

12.o   Core and distinctive competencies

13.·      Summary: SWOT (listing and explanation) – M


14.·      Discuss the specific strategic and tactical decisions that led to the company standing. If something went wrong (low performances) the TMT should detect the major strategic mistakes and provide possible solution to address the issue. -s

15.·      Business Model to improve/correct strategic direction – s

16-19 should be one person

16.·      Key Strategic Issues (KSI)

17.·      Strategic alternatives each KSI

18.·      Recommended strategy each KSI and justification

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Write your observations of the child, which should support your conclusion of developmental stage. Support your responses with the evidence from the textbook.

We have learned in Chapters 5 and 6 that we are able to understand where children’s language development stages by observing their processes and interactions.  Preview the three videos listed below from Chapter 6 of your text, which are focused on children’s language interactions.  The children shown are in various stages of language development.   Choose one of the three videos to conduct an observation and identify the child’s language development stage.  

  1. Precursors to Language, retrieved from Section 6.1 of your text.
  2. Babbling, retrieved from Section 6.2 of your text.
  3. Assessing Cognitive and Language Development, retrieved from the Conclusion section in Chapter 6 of your text.

Write your observations of the child, which should support your conclusion of developmental stage.  Support your responses with the evidence from the textbook.  
The subject line of your discussion should be the title of the video that you watched.  Be sure to include a minimum of a 250-word response using your observations and a minimum of one source to support your claims.  Your reference(s) should appear at the end of your discussion and be formatted according to APA.  


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Disorder name and summary of the main characteristics

There are many specific communication disorders explained in Chapter 8, all of which fall under either Speech Disorder or Language Disorder.  
Choose one of the many communication disorders from the chapter and explain the main components of this disorder under the correct broad heading: Speech Disorder or Language Disorder.  Prepare a fact sheet that includes the following:

  1. Disorder name and summary of the main characteristics
  2. Explanation of what children go through
  3. Strategies to help support children in the classroom
  4. Idea or best practice for supporting families,
  5. Include a resource that you could share with families that explains more about the disorder.  

Your original response should be a minimum of 150 words and include support from the textbook and one outside source that you could share with families.  Be sure to include a reference at the end of your fact sheet in APA format.


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What experiences support language acquisition?

Plan to spend about 30 minutes to an hour in a preschool setting.  A good time to observe would be during circle time, independent learning time, or during free choice time.  If this is not an option, please view the video, Five Basic Functions of Language, found in Chapter 7 of your text.
Describe the interactions and the language experiences that are taking place in the social setting.  Refer to Chapter 7 for various examples of ways this can be seen in the classroom.  Record your observations in a professional manner, maintaining the confidentiality of the site and the teachers’ and students’ real names.  Use your observations to write an analysis of the language experiences that were observed.  
In your discussion post, be sure to include your actual observation notes as well as a 150- to 250-word analysis that is supported by reference(s) to the textbook. 
For your analysis, discuss:

  1. What experiences support language acquisition?  
  2. What experiences/interactions need refinement?

You will rely on the information you have gained thus far, as well as your insights, to evaluate the above questions.  Be sure to format all in-text citations and reference(s) in APA style.


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Many resources are available to help us continue to develop our knowledge of language acquisition.

Many resources are available to help us continue to develop our knowledge of language acquisition.  As professionals, you will need to identify and evaluate the resources available to you.  Please spend some time evaluating professional resources linked to language acquisition. 
For this discussion, choose a specific language acquisition topic to explore further.  Several examples include our previous topics of bilingualism, communication disorders, language developmental stages, brain research, supportive language acquisition practices, family support of language acquisition, etc.  Write the topic you explored in the subject line of your discussion post.  Then, provide three sources that can be used to learn more about this topic.  Your sources may include a journal article, webpage, video, research, podcast, etc.  Include links where appropriate, and be sure to cite all sources in APA format. 
For each selected source, include the following:

  1. Summary of the resource
  2. How it supports language acquisition in children
  3. How you will use it specifically for your future professional role  
  4. An APA-formatted reference of the source so your peers can access and review it

When you submit your assignments each week, they will be returned to you with specific feedback. This feedback should be used to revise the assignment for the Final Project. Please make the necessary corrections and apply them to your Final Project, which is due in Week Five.


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What do we mean when we say “make sure an object is in a proper state when it is created,” and how is this accomplished in Object-Oriented Programming?

What do we mean when we say “make sure an object is in a proper state when it is created,” and how is this accomplished in Object-Oriented Programming? Give examples to support your thoughts. 


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