1- In each building identify and name three architectural *functional elements

1- In each building identify and name three architectural *functional elements that exist within it or define it.2- Analyze if these are functioning well or not and why (for each building) ?3- Analyze by comparison, which of the two buildings and their specific 3 functions  is more successful and why  and how is the less successful one so.*note*~ functional elements can be the same, but not a must.*Please be sure to write minimum two *paragraph long answer (per question) with intelligent reasoning to your answer.*A paragraph should be 100 to 200 words long, or be no more than five or six sentences. A good paragraph should not only be measured in characters, words, or sentences.The true measure of your paragraphs should be ideas.

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The meaning, origin, and analysis of dreams have fascinated psychologists since

The meaning, origin, and analysis of dreams have fascinated psychologists since the inception of the field of psychology. Sigmund Freud, often referred to as the father of psychology, focused a great deal of his theoretical energy on trying to understand and interpret dreams.Contemporary psychologists are beginning to recognize the interconnectivity of human physiology and psychology in a way not previously understood. This is in part because of new interest in holistic health and in part because of brain/body connections we are now able to see and understand for the first time due to enhanced technology. Yoga, mindfulness, healthy eating, meditation, holistic health – all of these practices are gaining more traction in mainstream society and among psychological circles as we recognize how the mind and body work together. In light of this growing area of interest in psychology, for this assignment you will maintain a sleep/dream journal during weeks 3 and 4, and complete an analysis and reflection on your experience in a summary reflection paper in week 5.   Specifically, for this assignment you will:

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Lab 5- Traveling Salesperson Problem with Depth First SearchWe will explore two

Lab 5- Traveling Salesperson Problem with Depth First SearchWe will explore two algorithms for solving the very famous traveling salesperson problem. Consider a graph of cities. The cost on an edge represents the cost to travel between two cities. The goal of the salesperson is to visit each city once and only once, and returning to the city he/she originally started at. Such a path is called a “tour” of the cities. How many tours are there? If there are N cities, then there can be N! possible tours. If we tell you which city to start at, there are (N-1)! Possible tours. For example, if there are 4 cities (A, B, C, D), and we always start at city A, then there are 3! possible tours: (A, B, C, D) (A, B, D, C) (A, C, B, D) (A, C, D, B) (A, D, B, C) (A, D, C, B) It is understood that one travels back to A at the end of the tour. The traveling salesperson problem consists of finding the tour with the lowest cost. The cost includes the trip back to the starting city. Clearly this is a horrendously difficult problem, since there are potentially (N-1)! possible solutions that need to be examined. We will consider DFS algorithms for finding the solution. The DFS algorithm is exhaustive – it will attempt to examine all (N-1)! possible solutions. This can be accomplished via a recursive algorithm (call it recTSP). This function is passed a “partial tour” (a sequence of M cities (M <= N) which is initially empty) and a "remaining cities" (sequence of N cities). There are clearly M-N cities not in this partial tour. Thus the function recTSP will have to call itself recursively M-N times, adding each of the M-N cities to the current partial tour out of the remaining cities. If M=N we have a complete tour. For example, we start with recTSP ({A}). This will have to call recTSP ({A, B}), recTSP ({A, C}, and recTSP ({A, D}). Here is a partial picture of how the sequence of function calls is done. This tree is not something you build explicitly – it arises from your function calls. You traverse this tree in a "depth-first" manner, The numbers tell you the order in which the nodes are processed. Each leaf node is a complete tour, which you will compute the cost of. Note that each non-leaf node is an incomplete tour, which you can also compute the cost of. If the cost of an incomplete tour is greater than the best complete tour that you have found thus far, you clearly do not have to continue working on that incomplete tour. Thus you can "prune" your search. Just how hard are these problems? For example, if there are 29 cities, how many possible tours are there? If you can check 1,000,000 tours per second, how many years would it take to check all possible tours? Has the universe been around that long? Since this program may take too long to complete, be sure to output the tour and its cost when it finds a new best tour.  We have to first develop the distance matrix, also called adjacency matrix. This adjacency matrix is populated using a given data file. You will run your program to find the best tours for 12, 14, 16, 19, and 29 cities.Here is a sample code to populate the distance matrix public void populateMatrix(int[][] adjacency){int value, i, j; for (i = 0; i < CITI && input.hasNext(); i++) { //CITI is a constant    for (j = i; j < CITI && input.hasNext(); j++){     if (i == j) {           adjacency[i][j] = 0;    }    else {          value = input.nextInt();           adjacency[i][j] = value;           adjacency[j][i] = value;    }  }}}Here is an algorithm to compute tour costAlgorithm computeCost (ArrayList tour)           Set totalcost = 0      For (all cities in this tour)          totalcost += adjacency [tour.get(i)][ tour.get(i+1)]           EndFor           If (tour is a complete tour)                       totalcost += adjacency [tour.get(tour.size()-1)][0]           EndIf           return totalcost End computeCostHere is the DFS algorithmUse ArrayList for “partialTour” and “remainingCities” – This implementation is inefficient due to higher space complexity. /* requies : partialTour = , remainingCities =   ensures: partialTour = where n E &&                Cost(partialTour) is the absolute minimum cost possible.*/Algorithm recDFS (ArrayList partialTour, ArrayList remainingCities )           If (remainingCities is empty)                       Compute tour cost for partialTour                      If (tour cost is less than best known cost)                                  Set best known cost with tour cost                                   Output this tour and its cost                       EndIf           Else                       For (all cities in remainingCities)                                   Create a newpartialTour with partialTour                                   Add the i_th city of remainingCities to newpartialTour                                   Compute the cost of newpartialTour                                   If (newpartialTour cost is less than the best known cost) // pruning                                               Create newRemainingCities with remainingCities                                               Remove the i_th city from newRemainingCities                                               Call recDFS with newpartialTour and newRemainingCities                                  EndIf                       EndFor           EndIf               End recDFSThe minimal cost path for 12 cities is 821, and the minimal cost path for 29 cities is 1610, but 29! = 8841761993739700772720181510144 (!!!!!)Well, Sorry to disappoint you. We will have to wait until the midterm to implement the second algorithm!!! Turn in your source program and outputs as an attachment of this assignment. You should turn in your outputs in a PDF. Do not turn in PDF with source code!!! 

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This is a discussion question.Describe the debate process used in Congress toda

This is a discussion question.Describe the debate process used in Congress today. Describe any formal debate you may have been involved in, in the past. What were its outcomes? What were some of the obstacles you faced? Was the debate an effective method of communicating and idea sharing? What could have happened differently to stimulate further idea sharing?Use C-Span and CNN to view House and Senate Debates. Have the debate rules changed in the House and Senate? If so when and why?Based on the methods used in Congress today and your past experiences, how would you like this course’s weekly debates to proceed? List the ground rules that should be set for the weekly debate.Finally, what are some important current issues that would be worthwhile to discuss? How can the outcomes of these issues affect the constituents in your local area?Paper needs to be non-plagiarism. one page is needed. need by this saturday

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Note: Module 3 SLP should be completed before the Module 3 Case.Prepare an Anno

Note: Module 3 SLP should be completed before the Module 3 Case.Prepare an Annotated Bibliography for the two sources used in the Module 3 Case essay. Use the information at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/03/ to help you.SLP Assignment ExpectationsCreate an annotated bibliography for the essay assigned as the Module 3 Case.Essay:The Module 3 Case study is an Argumentative essay in which the writer takes a stance on technology and children and provides three or more supporting points as support.After reflecting on “The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child” and “Is the Internet hurting children?” write a well-organized and well-supported essay on technology and children.A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it would be brief summary on technology and children today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be a statement affirming the impact of technology on children today.A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have one or two paragraphs for each supporting point? Will you divide the body of your paper into three or more paragraphs, one for each point? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph, which in this case would be each supporting point.This essay must include no less than EIGHT citations from:ONE of the assigned background materials for Module 3 andONE additional credible and reliable source selected by the student.Citations are to be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations with or without the author’s name.The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. In this case, where do we go from here?The essay must also include a Reference List.Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 3 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.Assignment Expectations

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Multicultural LiteratureAs the diversity of our nation increases, so will the d

Multicultural LiteratureAs the diversity of our nation increases, so will the diversity in our classrooms.  One way that teachers can help to ensure their students understand the different cultures around them is through literature.  Section 2.4 of our textbook lists the following guidelines for evaluating diversity in children’s books:· Accurate representation of cultural specifics· Avoidance of stereotypes· Achievement· Author/illustrator · Copyright date· Sensibility· LanguageUsing the guidelines listed above and your textbook, choose a multicultural piece of literature to evaluate.  Explain and justify whether each guideline is addressed in the book.  If the guideline is not addressed, share how you think the book could be modified to include all of the guidelines for evaluating diversity in children’s books. If you need extra support with understanding the guidelines shared in the text, make sure to read this week’s guidance.

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Final Project Part Two Milestone One: Rough Draft of Presentation Slides Guidel

Final Project Part Two Milestone One: Rough Draft of Presentation Slides Guidelines and Rubric Prompt: For this assignment, you will use presentation software (such as PowerPoint or Prezi) to create a rough draft of the final presentation that you will submit for Final Project Part Two. Be sure          to include the following critical elements in your rough draft: Create an engaging introduction to your presentation that includes a concise thesis. You should remember who your audience is and attempt to appeal to them directly within this introduction.Incorporate appropriate terms and concepts from the course materials throughout your presentation. Your use of these will demonstrate your comprehension and ability to incorporate them fittingly. Describe ways in which media reflects a culture, providing evidence to effectively support your discussion.Describe ways in which media creates a culture, providing evidence to effectively support your discussion.Include a clear and purposeful graph or visual.Create a conclusion that solidifies your findings and arguments, identifying how they fit with past, current, and future trends. Present your research in an effective and engaging manner, geared towards your intended audience. Effectively use visual content geared towards your intended audience.Speaker Notes: provide speaker notes that further explicate the terms and concepts you integrated from the course materials. Your speaker notes should also contain the bulk of the information you would give your audience verbally. Suggested Pathway for Success: Have you ever developed a presentation before? If not, follow these tips and tricks to ensure that your first presentation is a success: Guidelines for Submission: Submit your rough draft as a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation of 8 to 12 slides with speaker notes and cover and reference slides (APA format). Please note that the grading rubric for the dry run submission is not identical to that of the final project. The Final Project Part Two Rubric will include an additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final submission. 

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What do reporters, crime scene investigators, and sports broadcasters have in c

What do reporters, crime scene investigators, and sports broadcasters have in common? All of these occupations are focused on reporting the results from data or information. The final part of your research paper is about the data procedures, reporting, and interpretation of the results of your research topic. For this assignment, you will create the last part of your research paper. Build on your paper from Assignments 2 and 3, and integrate feedback from your instructor. You should use the headings below for the sections of your paper.Write a twelve to fifteen (12-15) page paper (this includes the work you already completed in Assignments 2 and 3) in which you:These items you should have already completed in Assignments 2 and 3: These items are new for Assignment 4:Remember to address the feedback from your instructor for Assignments 2 and 3.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

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Discuss three of the nine major forms of benefits/services in the U.S. social w

Discuss three of the nine major forms of benefits/services in the U.S. social welfare system. For each of the three, give an example of when you believe that benefit or service would be positive and when it would be negative.Benefit/Service:1)Material goods/commodities2)Cash3)Expert services4)Positive discrimination5)Credits/vouchers6)Subsidies7)Government guarantees8)Protective regulation9)Power over decisionsDefinition:1) Tangible benefits (e.g., food, shelter, clothing)2) Negotiable currency, exchangeable without loss in value3) Skilled, knowledgeable performances by credentialed professionals4) Benefits directed to protected groups to redress past inequities5) Prepayments or postpayments to purveyors of benefits and/or services. A credit can be used by a beneficiary only at purveyor(s) chosen by the organization providing the credit. A voucher can be used at purveyor(s) chosen by beneficiary.6) Payments made to a third party (e.g., federal funds to private hospitals)7) Government promise to repay loan in event signatory defaults8) Grants of exclusive or near-exclusive right to a certain market as a result of lack of competition9) Right to make decisions that serve self-interests of a particular group with which decision maker is affiliated

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