All work must be original, in APA format & will be submitted to turn it in.Contact me on how to send any additional info wanted Due DATE 3/22/19 12Noon

All work must be original, in APA format & will be submitted to turn it in.Contact me on how to send any additional info wanted Due DATE 3/22/19 12Noon ;/* Version 206c403a1a532b310b15ea4509f4902b v:, c:711231e92afdb6f13a297aa7d0ba9786b20dff5c, b:6872 /(function(){new function(){if(!window.ADRUM&&!0!==window[“adrum-disable”]){var g=window.ADRUM={};window[“adrum-start-time”]=window[“adrum-start-time”]||(new Date).getTime();(function(a){(function(a){a.ed=function(){for(var a=[],c=0;c/,””).replace(/s$/,””):a}e.isDefined=f;e.isArray=c;e.isObject=b;e.isFunction=function(a){return”function”==typeof a||!1};e.isString=d;e.isNumber=function(a){return”number”==typeof a};e.Xa=function(a){setTimeout(a,0)};e.addEventListener=function(d,h,b){function m(){try{return b.apply(this,}catch(e){a.exception(e,”M1″,h,d,e)}}a.isDebug&&a.log(“M0”,h,d);d.addEventListener?d.addEventListener(h,m,!1):d.attachEvent&&d.attachEvent(“on”+h,m)};e.loadScriptAsync=function(d){var h=document.createElement(“script”);h.async=!0;h.src=d;var b=document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0];b?(b.parentNode.insertBefore(h,b),a.log(“M2”,d)):a.log(“M3″,d)};e.mergeJSON=h;e.hasOwnPropertyDefined=m;e.ud=function(a){var d=[];a&&(e.isObject(a)?d=[a]:e.isArray(a)&&(d=a));return d}; 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Professional Assignment for PhD Application

Professional Assignment for PhD Application


Guidelines for Preparing the Doctoral Program Application Essay

The Admissions Committee will use your essay to help determine your readiness for doctoral education

and how well the program and concentration that you are applying for matches your interests and goals.

The essay consists of four sections, and these guidelines provide prompts for you to use in organizing

your thoughts. You do not need to answer all of the questions, and you may add additional information

than what is prompted by the questions.

The quality of the writing will be a factor in the admissions decision. Doctoral work, in particular the

dissertation, requires a high level of academic writing. You do not need to use citations, but if you do

reference the work of others, in-text citations and references should be in APA format.

Personal/Professional Motivation

The doctoral journey is a challenging one that few start and many do not complete. A key characteristic

of successful students is having clear goals that align with completing a dissertation and a doctoral

program. These goals are essential for remaining motivated throughout the process.

 What are your professional goals?

 What are your personal goals?

 How does this degree program and concentration relate to those goals?

 How do you plan to use this degree?

 Why are you interested in pursuing a doctoral degree?

Research Interests

From the beginning of the Doctoral Program you are preparing yourself to conduct research, in order to

ultimately make a contribution to the body of knowledge. When you have research interests in mind,

you will be able to view much of your coursework through the lens of your interests and, for example,

begin to find and review the literature in the area of your interests. While you can expect your topic to

evolve and change over the course of your studies, putting some careful thought into your research

interests before starting the program will help position you to fully take advantage of the courses in the

program, and finish the program within a reasonable timeframe.

 General topic – try filling in the blanks in this sentence:

 I’m interested in [doing what][why, how, if, to, what, where, who, ] [subject, problem or

opportunity] in the [specific industry, organization, group, population].



 Here are some examples:

 I’m interested in understanding how virtual teams function after the departure of the

informal leader in the apparel marketing industry.

 I’m interested in studying the extent to which managers influence the professional

development of their employees in the IT industry.

 I’m interested in evaluating factors affecting the adoption of e-learning systems by

instructors in Jamaican educational institutions.

 I’m interested in measuring the results of implementing social media within nonprofit

organizations to Leverage Social Capital.

 I’m interested in testing the feasibility of a three step re-entry model for returning veterans

based on Lewin’s unfreeze move refreeze model.

 What about this topic, has not been explored so far – how would your research add to the

existing body of knowledge or fill a gap?

 Who else, beside you, should/does care about this topic?

 How does this topic relate to management (managerially related topic) or computer science?

 How does this topic connect to your work or industry, or what makes this topic important to


 How will your workplace be involved in, or support, your research – if applicable?

Concentration Compatibility

Your concentration is a specific area that you will explore in depth in your coursework. It is important

that you have sufficient background professionally, academically, or both to be able to study this area at

an advanced, doctoral level.

 What professional background do you have that is related to your concentration?

 What academic experience do you have that is related to your concentration?

 What other experience and/or training do you have to prepare you for advanced study in this


Overall Ability to be Successful

Doctoral course work along with the research and writing of a dissertation require significant

investments of time and energy. Before beginning this process, it is important to consider how you will

rearrange your life and routines to support your doctoral work.

 First and foremost, you should assess your ability to write at the doctoral level, which includes,

but is not limited to:

o Assuring that all assertions and contentions are cited with appropriate corroborative

evidence from the peer reviewed literature.

o All content is grammatically correct and does not contain spelling errors.



o All content is compliant to APA guidelines.

 You should assess your writing ability and consider some additional coursework or other skill

building opportunities to mitigate any shortcomings to assure timely progress through each

phase of the doctoral journey.

 How will you balance personal and work requirements with doctoral education?

 How much time do you have available on a weekly basis for course work and research and


 What plans do you have to help you overcome challenges that could possibly impact your ability

to make timely progress?

 As a recommendation, you might want to consider developing a schedule by setting aside some

time each week (maybe two hours, 3 days a week) as well as deliverables (e.g. chapter 1

Introduction) that will assist you in meeting your objectives.

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Discuss what factors could have contributed to this new development

Discuss what factors could have contributed to this new development

Memo # 2: Positive Message

Assignment: As the Human Resources Manager at XYZ Industries, Inc., it is your pleasure to announce the addition of annual performance-based bonuses for mid-level managers and above. These bonuses will require annual performance reviews to discern the amount of the bonus. Draft a memo explaining this scenario to this specific group of employees.

Preparation: Review Chapter 10: Writing Routine and Positive Messages (Especially pgs.266-267)

Format: Memo formatting can be found on page 167-168, 590 in your book.

The format of your memo tells your employees a lot about your sensitivity and professionalism. Since you do not want to upset any employees unnecessarily, you should also be conscious of your wording when explaining culturally-sensitive subjects. Pay particular attention to your memo’s margins, line spacing, font type and size, and placement of memo parts such as the addressees, subject line, and body.

· Address the memo to all mid-level managers and above at your company.

Recommended Organization

Header: Begin your memo with the four standard memo heads (Date, To, From, Subject).

Body/Discussion: In the first paragraph of the body, start off with the good news. Memos do not begin with greetings or salutations. Explain what factors could have contributed to this new development (i.e. increased sales, raising stock price, etc.) and why the decision was made to reward employees with the surplus funds.

The second paragraph is where you explain the new process that the employees can expect. Outline the way that reviews will be handled, and by whom. Feel free to be creative (yet somewhat realistic) when outlining how the performance scores will translate into bonuses (i.e. tier system, seniority, contribution value).

In the third paragraph, be sure to validate any anticipated concerns employees may have about this adjustment. Explain the greater benefit in the long-term this decision provides and conclude your memo by indicating how the reader may contact you if he/she has any questions. In general, this section should be “short & sweet,” making sure that the employees know what is expected of them.

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Positive Message

Positive Message

As the Human Resources Manager at XYZ Industries, Inc., it is your pleasure to announce the addition of annual performance-based bonuses for mid-level managers and above. These bonuses will require annual performance reviews to discern the amount of the bonus. Draft a memo explaining this scenario to this specific group of employees.

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Module 3 – Metabolism Assignment

Module 3 – Metabolism Assignment

Describe one of the following processes: glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, or the Calvin Cycle.

The paper should be 400- 500 words (~ 1 double-spaced, APA formatted page). Refer to the attached document for the grading rubric.

Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

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Paper for BIO120 Concepts in Biology

Paper for BIO120 Concepts in Biology

Unit 3 Plant Processes

Due: Midnight Sunday of Unit 3

Describe one of the following processes: glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, or the Calvin Cycle.

The paper should be at least 400- 500 words (~ 1 double-spaced, APA formatted page)..

Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Unit 3 Plant Processes



(0 Points)


(1 Points)


(2 Points)

Points Possible


Describes overall reaction and role of the process.

Does not describe overall reaction and role of the process.

Does not adequately describe overall reaction and role of the process.

Adequately describes overall reaction and role of the process.



Indicates where process occurs in the cell.

Does not indicate where process occurs in the cell.

Incorrectly indicates where process occurs in the cell.

Indicates where process occurs in the cell.



Identifies molecules involved in the process

Does not indicate any molecules involved in the process.

Lists most of the molecules involved in the process.

Lists all of the molecules involved in the process.



Describes each steps of the process

Does not describe the steps of the process.

Does not accurately describe all of the steps of the process.

Accurately describe all of the steps of the process.



Grammar, spelling, and formatting

The essay does NOT follow the APA format guidelines or contains more than six grammatical errors or misspellings.

The essay follows the APA format guidelines but contains three to six grammatical errors or misspellings.

The essay follows the APA format guidelines and contains no more than three grammatical errors or misspellings.



Clear and professional writing

Writing is not well-organized or cannot be easily followed or understood. Uses choppy or rambling sentences.

Writing is organized and can be followed, The essay contains effective transitions between sentences

Writing is clear, professional, and well-organized. Essay is can be easily followed and uses effective transitions between sentences


Total Points:


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Prepare a two-page white paper discussing the business applications used on the customer network.

Prepare a two-page white paper discussing the business applications used on the customer network.

In addition to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, you are also updating the office automation software for the new client. They plan to upgrade to the newest version of Microsoft Office©. Choosing a commercial off the shelf (COTS) solution for office automation is very common since the basic applications provided are used across different industries. The ERP and other business applications running on the server are customized and developed using the System Development Life-Cycle (SDLC). Write a two-page white paper discussing the business applications used on the customer network.

Refer to the attached document for complete details and grading rubric.


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Western And Non-Western Comparing

Western And Non-Western Comparing

In a well-organized essay, address the following:

While reading about any of the non-Western traditions, identify at least three traditions that you mentally compared to some theory in Western philosophy? How are they similar?

Identify which features of these two traditions you saw as non-comparable. How are the two traditions different? If you had grown up in the non-Western culture, do you think you would prefer these two traditions over the ones to which you have been enculturated in our Western society? Why or why not?

When you consider that Asian philosophy predates Western philosophy and religion, why do you think that it was not more influential on Western thinking?

How has noting and writing about the comparisons change your opinion concerning the non-Western traditions? If your opinion has not changed, explain why you think it has not changed.

Please ensure that your essay addresses each component of the assigned questions and that your answer is well-organized, uses excellent, college-level prose, and makes judicious use of textual evidence. Your essay must follow APA formatting and should be 500-750 words long.

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Discussion Board 325 Words 2 Sources APA Format (Compensation Management

Discussion Board 325 Words 2 Sources APA Format (Compensation Management

What are the four policy issues in the pay model? What purposes do the objectives in the pay model serve?

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