Describe the impact of the problem on the organization.

Describe the impact of the problem on the organization.

Identify a current supply chain problem within your company. Using your academic and professional experience develop a supply improvement proposal that addresses the following:

Draft a clearly defined problem statement.

Define the impact of the problem on the organization.

Identify the stakeholders that are impacted and the severity and frequency of the negative impact.

Draft recommendations to eliminate/reduce the occurrence of the negative impact.

Clearly define how a proposed change will be communicated and implemented.

Write a 1,050- to1,400-word improvement plan. This proposal should be written as a summary presentation that can be delivered to your company’s decision-makers.

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Prepare a 1,050- to1,400-word improvement plan

Prepare a 1,050- to1,400-word improvement plan

Identify a current supply chain problem within your company. Using your academic and professional experience develop a supply improvement proposal that addresses the following:

Draft a clearly defined problem statement.

Define the impact of the problem on the organization.

Identify the stakeholders that are impacted and the severity and frequency of the negative impact.

Draft recommendations to eliminate/reduce the occurrence of the negative impact.

Clearly define how a proposed change will be communicated and implemented.

Write a 1,050- to1,400-word improvement plan. This proposal should be written as a summary presentation that can be delivered to your company’s decision-makers.

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Supplier Performance Improvement Plan

Supplier Performance Improvement Plan

Identify a current supply chain problem within your company. Using your academic and professional experience develop a supply improvement proposal that addresses the following:

Draft a clearly defined problem statement.

Define the impact of the problem on the organization.

Identify the stakeholders that are impacted and the severity and frequency of the negative impact.

Draft recommendations to eliminate/reduce the occurrence of the negative impact.

Clearly define how a proposed change will be communicated and implemented.

Write a 1,050- to1,400-word improvement plan. This proposal should be written as a summary presentation that can be delivered to your company’s decision-makers.

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Analyze in 1,050 words why each ratio is significant for financial decision making.

Analyze in 1,050 words why each ratio is significant for financial decision making.

Financial Ratio Analysis

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of the financial statements used for corporate financial reporting and the key ratios used to make business decisions.

Assignment Steps

Select a Fortune 500 Company from one of the following industries:

· Pharmaceutical

· Energy

· Retail

· Automotive

· Computer Hardware

Review the balance sheet and income statement in the company’s 2015 Annual Report.

Calculate the following ratios using Microsoft® Excel®:

· Current Ratio

· Quick Ratio

· Debt Equity Ratio

· Inventory Turnover Ratio

· Receivables Turnover Ratio

· Total Assets Turnover Ratio

· Profit Margin (Net Margin) Ratio

· Return on Assets Ratio

Analyze in 1,050 words why each ratio is important for financial decision making.

Submit your analysis as well as your calculations.

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Financial Ratio Analysis

Financial Ratio Analysis

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of the financial statements used for corporate financial reporting and the key ratios used to make business decisions.

Assignment Steps

Select a Fortune 500 Company from one of the following industries:

· Pharmaceutical

· Energy

· Retail

· Automotive

· Computer Hardware

Review the balance sheet and income statement in the company’s 2015 Annual Report.

Calculate the following ratios using Microsoft® Excel®:

· Current Ratio

· Quick Ratio

· Debt Equity Ratio

· Inventory Turnover Ratio

· Receivables Turnover Ratio

· Total Assets Turnover Ratio

· Profit Margin (Net Margin) Ratio

· Return on Assets Ratio

Analyze in 1,050 words why each ratio is important for financial decision making.

Submit your analysis as well as your calculations.

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HRM- Performance Management

HRM- Performance Management

I want 3-4 paragraphs

NO ET AL Reference.


Because jobs require different KSAs (knowledge, skills, ability) and qualifications, how can one performance management system work for all jobs?

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Junior Capstone-Criminal homework assignment

Junior Capstone-Criminal homework assignment

You have just graduated from the AIU Online Criminal Justice program and acquired your dream career working with the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). You love to write articles of criminal justice interest, and because the NCJRS provides links to millions and millions of criminal justice references, you find yourself in awe of your career.

For your first assignment, you have been asked to present a report at an upcoming criminal justice conference. This report will help your colleagues better understand how databases, technology, policies, and so forth affect the administration of justice and the outcome of court cases in particular. Your training coordinator expects you to highlight several examples of how criminal justice databases, computer technology, and policies have changed the way in which crimes are investigated and how criminals are brought to justice.

Pick 2 of the following databases, and address how technology tools and policies have changed the legal landscape in the United States in a 3–4-page paper:

Fingerprint analysis

DNA databases

Ballistics testing

Tire-tread analysis

Tracking of illegal pornographic images

Modus operandi databases

Three-strikes laws

Gun control laws


Megan’s law

Domestic violence laws

The exclusionary rule

Lie detectors

Inmate classification systems

Truth-in-sentencing laws

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Discuss how technology tools and policies have changed the legal landscape in the United States in a 3–4-page paper

Discuss how technology tools and policies have changed the legal landscape in the United States in a 3–4-page paper

You have just graduated from the AIU Online Criminal Justice program and acquired your dream career working with the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). You love to write articles of criminal justice interest, and because the NCJRS provides links to millions and millions of criminal justice references, you find yourself in awe of your career.

For your first assignment, you have been asked to present a report at an upcoming criminal justice conference. This report will help your colleagues better understand how databases, technology, policies, and so forth affect the administration of justice and the outcome of court cases in particular. Your training coordinator expects you to highlight several examples of how criminal justice databases, computer technology, and policies have changed the way in which crimes are investigated and how criminals are brought to justice.

Pick 2 of the following databases, and address how technology tools and policies have changed the legal landscape in the United States in a 3–4-page paper:

Fingerprint analysis

DNA databases

Ballistics testing

Tire-tread analysis

Tracking of illegal pornographic images

Modus operandi databases

Three-strikes laws

Gun control laws


Megan’s law

Domestic violence laws

The exclusionary rule

Lie detectors

Inmate classification systems

Truth-in-sentencing laws

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How does texting, handheld phones, and hands-free phones compare with each other in their effects on driving?

How does texting, handheld phones, and hands-free phones compare with each other in their effects on driving?

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Generating a Policy Proposal

Although some states and cities have passed laws to ban texting and using handheld phones while driving, there is no current law to ban all cell phone use while driving. However, according to the National Safety Council (2009), 28 percent of all crashes—1.6 million per year—are caused by cell phone use and texting by drivers. The mission of a new national nonprofit organization called FocusDriven, patterned after Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is to make phone use while driving as illegal and socially unacceptable as drunk driving. US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood supports FocusDriven and its efforts: According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, LaHood said this movement will become “an army of people traveling the countryside” to push for bans on cell phone use and tough enforcement (Schmit, 2010).

As a political advocate interested in this issue, you will be writing a policy proposal that utilizes the current research to propose a solution to the issue and submit it in this assignment.

Please note that your proposal is not an opinion/position paper, and your conclusions need to be based on the scientific research you reviewed earlier. Please follow the typical steps in proper academic writing (planning, outlining, drafting, revising, proofing, and editing) to generate the following proposal structure:


In the introduction, you should set up the purpose for the proposal, provide a bit of background on the topic, and present your thesis.


Select at least three research reports from peer-reviewed journals relevant to the cell phone use while driving, making sure they address one or more of the following issues:

How do texting, handheld phones, and hands-free phones compare with each other in their effects on driving?

How do other, traditional distractions compare to cell phone use in their effects on driving (such as eating, attending to children, talking to passengers, listening to music/news, etc.)?

Can cell phone use while driving be compared with drunk driving? Why or why not?

What other variables (such as age) can affect driving while using a cell phone?

With the insights gained from these articles cover the following in the Policy portion of your proposal:

1: In a one-page summary, compare and contrast the results of the various studies regarding the cognitive abilities that are affected during cell phone use while driving.

2: Using that research, develop and explain particular recommendations for policy makers. For instance, restrict texting, or regulate the use of hand-held phones. All your recommendations must be supported by your research findings.

3: Based on the gaps in current research, describe the variables, populations, and situations which you would like to see future research address.


Review the important current research, your conclusions from that research, and how the future could look in both policy and research. Keep your goal in mind: To convince the reader to support your current policy proposal and future research to examine this issue more closely.

Your proposal should be written in APA style (which includes a title page with running header and a reference page), and free of typographical and grammatical errors. The body of your proposal should be 4–5 pages long.

Schmitz, J. (2010, January 13). Cell phone ban for drivers is focus of new group.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved from

National Research Council. (2010). National Safety Council Estimates that At Least 1.6 Million Crashes Each Year Involve Drivers Using Cell Phones and Texting. Available at


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