GOSPEL PRESENTATION:Identify a specific cultural context, other than your own, for sharing the gospel.

GOSPEL PRESENTATION:Identify a specific cultural context, other than your own, for sharing the gospel.

For this assignment:
1. Identify a specific cultural context, other than your own, for sharing the gospel. Ideally,
choose a culture with:
a. A specific person you know from that culture
b. Preferably, an individual who is not currently a follower of Jesus
2. Include the following 5 headings in your presentation of the gospel:
a. Background Information: In the first paragraph, introduce whom you intend to
share the gospel with. What is your relationship with the individual? Provide
some background information on him/her (i.e. age, ethnicity, gender, geographical
residence, religious background, current understanding of Jesus and the gospel,
etc.) If you are not using a real person, you will need to create the background
information. Remember, this must be a person from a different culture than
your own.
b. Elements of Communication: Include a solid paragraph discussing the elements
of verbal and non-verbal communication that would be important in
communicating in this context. Discuss how these elements might impact the
conversation. (For example: some cultures in the world consider it a sign of
disrespect to look at a superior directly in the eyes in certain types of
conversations. In other cultures, this same non-verbal behavior would be seen just
the oppositeas a sign of respect and that the person is tracking with the
conversation. This understanding has serious implications for how to
communicate and how to interpret responses during the course of the
c. Cultural Systems: Follow with a discussion of cultural systems that are
important and must be considered in this context. You must identify the cultural
systems and reflect on how they might impact the conversation. The Cultural
Systems are clearly outlined and discussed in chapter 4 of Leading with Cultural
Intelligence by David Livermore and in the presentation for Module/Week 7.
Your presentation should reflect the cultural systems as discussed in the book and
in the presentations from Module/Week 7. At least 4 of the 6 cultural systems
must be identified and discussed in detail.
d. Cultural Value Orientations: Next include a discussion of cultural value
orientations that are important and must be considered in this context. You must
identify the cultural value orientations and reflect on how they might impact the
conversation. The Cultural Values are clearly outlined and discussed in chapter 5
of Leading with Cultural Intelligence by David Livermore, in your CQ Feedback
report, and in the presentation for Module/Week 7. Your presentation should
reflect the cultural values as discussed in the book, feedback report, and in the
presentations from Module/Week 7. At least 7 of the 10 cultural values must be
identified and discussed in detail.
GLST 220
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e. Presentation: Articulate how you would present the gospel story in a
conversation with this individual factoring in the elements of communication and
culture you have identified above. (See Chapter 10 of The King Jesus Gospel and
the section titled The Gospel Sketched pp. 148152 for a good example of what
your instructor is looking for.) Be sure to include the following in your
conversational gospel story: Creation, the Fall/Sin, the Promise/Covenant,
Lineage of Jesus, the Prophecies, Virgin Birth, the Incarnation, the Deity of Jesus,
Jesus’ Life (person and works), Jesus’ Death, the Resurrection, the Ascension,
Kingship of Jesus, and Reconciliation. Your presentation must demonstrate that
you have a clear understanding of the gospel.


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Describe false memory on eyewitness testimonies

Describe false memory on eyewitness testimonies

Writing a literature review will help you achieve three important objectives: (1) expand your knowledge of cognitive psychology by focusing on a research area that is of
particular interest to you,
(2) further develop your skills as a critical reader of psychological research, and
(3) develop your scientific writing skills.Requirements
Imagine you are a Cognitive Psychologist and having read many research papers on a specific topic (e.g., procedural learning in amnesia), you decided to write a review paper that synthesizes the current state of the literature. You can think of this as a good Wikipedia entry of a topic in cognitive psychology the key difference is that your review paper will be more detailed, will cite scientific sources as references and will be written in APA styleGeneral Read the guide to writing a literature review posted on Blackboard
Include at least ten primary sources articles. Primary sources mean empirical papers (i.e., papers that report original experiments), not review chapters or book chapters.
Maximum of 12 pages, including Title page and Reference List.
Font size = 12 point, margins = 1 inch
You must use APA format, as described in the latest edition of the APA Publication Manual.
No quotations! Paraphrase and cite the source.Specific Sections of the Review

Title page
Introduction ending with thesis statement (1 paragraph/page)
Body of review that follows organization laid out in thesis statement (6 -8 pages)
Brief summary of your thesis and the evidence supporting that thesis (1 paragraph/page)
Reference List (1 page)
You may choose any topic we have, or will, cover in class or lab, or any other topic in Cognitive Psychology for that matter. A quick perusal of the textbook will provide a number of potential topics to choose from. Another great source is Current Directions in Psychological Science, which Falvey Library carries. The best strategy is to pick something that interests you! You should be careful, however, not to choose a topic that is too broad (e.g., attention or memory), focusing instead on more manageable topics (e.g., spatial attention, mood congruent memory, mental imagery, etc.). If you define your topic too general there will simply be too much relevant research, making it very difficult to decide which are the most relevant papers.
Most importantly, you need to be sure that the topic you choose addresses a theoretical issue in Cognitive Psychology. Be careful not to choose a topic that strays into Clinical, Developmental, or Abnormal Psychology.


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Describe possible extensions to the research, if any. In what ways can the study be enhanced or modified to provide additional value?

Describe possible extensions to the research, if any. In what ways can the study be enhanced or modified to provide additional value?

Throughout the course, you have been learning about different areas of research in databases and business intelligence. Your task for this week is to recreate an experiment conducted in a recent research paper. Select a study to recreate which has been published in the last two years. Be sure to select a study that is repeatable using a provided dataset.

Once you have selected an interesting research paper, address the following:
Describe the issue addressed. Indicate why is it important and if this is an agreed-upon concern.
Describe what was accomplished by the study and what was not achieved.
Describe the methodology utilized in conducting the study. Determine if it was appropriate and justify your response.
Describe the study results and the contribution it made to the body of knowledge, if any.
Describe possible extensions to the research, if any. In what ways can the study be enhanced or modified to provide additional value? Discuss any limitations or assumptions held within the study and how they can be addressed.
Present the studys experiment that will be reproduced. Be sure to outline the setup and resources utilized.
Determine how you will reproduce the experiment. Explain how your experiment differs from the original and in what ways were they the same. How do your results compare with the original results, and what conclusions can be drawn with the additional data provided by your experiment?


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Abortion:When did abortion become legal in the United States?

Abortion:When did abortion become legal in the United States?

Abortion Research
1. Go to the Wikipedia article Abortion in the United
States and find out the following information:
When did abortion become legal in the United States?
What was the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision?
How many legal abortions are performed in the United States each
Go to the Library Database and find the link to:
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
2. In the list of topics click on the link for “Abortion.”
3. Find at least 2 articles that oppose legal abortion (Right To
4. Find at least 2 articles which support legal abortion (Pro

From the articles find the following:
1. Three reasons why some women choose to have abortions.
Explain these reasons in your own words.
2. Three reasons why some women choose not to have
abortions. Explain these reasons in your own words.
Write up your report in the form of an essay in which you
include the information you found in the Wikipedia article.
You must also explain at least three reasons why some
women choose to have abortions and three reasons why
some refuse to have abortions. Include a conclusion in which
you express your own opinion about whether abortion
should remain legal in the United States.


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President W H Bush

President W H Bush

Instructions: In a well-developed paper of
approximately 1,500 words, provide a
narrative and evaluative portrait of the United
States between January of 1989 and January
of 1993.
The goal of this paper is to incorporate (most) of what
you learned about the George H.W. Bush Presidency into
a capstone paper about the United States during this
time. Additional research is also required (see below)
Unlike the previous assignments, which mostly focused
on an aspect of the George H.W. Bush presidency itself,
this paper focuses not only on the Bush Presidency, but
also on the general state of the United States during
these years.
The text of your final paper may not be repetitive of
previous papers.
Supplemental Requirements for the Capstone Final Research Paper:
***Consult via email with the instructor beforehand about the direction of the paper (recommended)
***Analysis and thoughtful discussion based on course material
***Analysis and discussion based on outside research sources
***Arguments should be supported by both factual evidence, and analysis
***Discussion of politics, societal trends, and culture during this time. (You should discuss all three, but
you need not give them equal weight. Discussion of foreign policy is optional)
***The paper should take the form a continuous, thoughtful, varied argument, leading towards a
unique and revealing conclusion
**Citation and footnoting according to the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style. (See Syllabus)
**Plagiarism is prohibited. Submission of any work that is not your own, including making just a
sentence or two from another source and copying it word-for-word is reason enough for a failing
grade, or a grade of zero.
As long as the above requirements are satisfied, each student has the freedom to produce a work that is
original and unique, both in its scope and in its emphasis.
In this capstone paper, students will be expected to:
** provide a narrative account of their subject
**analyze the subjects various aspects
**situate the subject in a larger context
**discuss the subjects meaning and importance
**provide research that is broad and deep
**use clearly written sentences in Standard English
** cover all the major aspects of the students main thesis
**have fresh and original ideas that come from thinking for oneself
**develop the complexity of the subject matter by discovering patterns, relationships, and making
** present statements that are well-reasoned, precise, and qualified where necessary
**use valid and relevant evidence to support points
** show awareness of the larger context of and significance of the subject matter
**provide a logical and summation-based concluding paragraph.
DUE DATE: Sun. 12-23-18
SUGGESTIONS/RESOURCES (Besides the textbook)


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Read and discuss The Lottery by Shirley Jackson,

Read and discuss The Lottery by Shirley Jackson,

Readings : The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula LeGuinLinked Articles: “Group Minds” by Doris Lessing, “Opinions and Social Pressure” by Solomon E. AschFor this essay we will be writing a critical lens essay using one of the above-assigned linked articles and one of the above-assigned short stories. In other words, for this assignment you’ll be using the main ideas about conformity and “group think” presented in one of the linked articles to offer an analysis of either “The Lottery” or “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.”
Your Assignment
Write an essay of 1,000 words in response to the following:Choose either the linked article by Doris Lessing or the linked article by Solomon E. Asch and explain how the main ideas related to conformity and/or “group think” in the article relate to either “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson or “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omleas” by Ursula LeGuin. (Choose only one story and one article as the focus of your essay.) Explain how the main ideas in the article you’ve chosen are reflected in the story. You must integrate at least three direct quotations from the article and three direct quotations from the story to support your points. How to Write this Essay
Carefully re-read and annotate one of the short stories listed above. Re-read your chosen linked article and note the main ideas. Make a list of story elements from your chosen story that seem to be examples of the main ideas in the articles.How to Structure the Essay
Introduction Paragraph – Begin by introducing both the short story title and article title and author names and briefly summarizing (tell what they’re about in your own words) the short story and the article. End your intro. paragraph with a formal thesis statement that explains how the ideas in the article are reflected in the story.Body of Essay – Develop several (at least three) main body points in separate paragraphs that support your thesis. Describe examples from the story and explain how they support your thesis. Use at least one direct quotation from the story and the article per paragraph to support your points. Conclusion Paragraph – Briefly revisit the main points you made in the body of your essay and make any final points about the meaning or relevance of the story you wish to make. Focus on the theme or message in the story and explain how it relates to the ideas about conformity or “group think” in the article.Specific Grading CriteriaCompose a relevant title for your essay. Essay #1 is not sufficient.
Include a clearly worded thesis statement at the end of the introduction paragraph of your essay that answers the writing prompt.
Develop at least three main body points in separate paragraphs that support your thesis.
Write from a third-person point of view and avoid using you and “I.”
Refer to the author by his/her last name and in the present tense.


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Create a Religion

Create a Religion

Create a Religion
Assignment: Create a Religion
the creation of a proposal for a new
Religion/Church to be organized in Brooklyn, New York.Task: Develop a proposal for the creation of a Religion. You proposal MUST
address the following questions;think about who the target audience of your religion is what are the group characteristics, common experiences, hopes and dreams of the people who you think would be attracted to your religion.Guiding Questions
Identify strategies for the recruitment and retention of members.
Create an overarching narrative.
Identify rules for entry and exit.
Identify strategies for promoting cooperation among members of your church.
Identify a target group/demographic for recruitment of members.
Describe your relations with and/or your approach to competitors (i.e. other churchs).
Identify rituals and practices that reinforce your groups identity.
Identify a means of economic support for your enterprise.What are the outcomes that you want your religion to produce???Product:
A. Develop a proposal which will include all of the features and practices of your Religion including a marketing strategy.B. Prepare a short essay explaining how the Religion that you helped develop addresses the key issues discussed in the course regarding the sociological features of religion. It should also include an assessment of how viable or feasible your proposal is and reflect on what you have learned from this assignment.start with this .


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Sex Trafficking:Were there other ways that specific data could be interpreted other than how the author approached it?

Sex Trafficking:Were there other ways that specific data could be interpreted other than how the author approached it?

There are two main types of research: primary and secondary. In primary research, you collect your own data to analyze a topic of interest. For this Assignment, you will be conducting secondary research. In secondary research, you research information already collected by a primary researcher. Performing secondary research includes evaluating existing literature for strengths, limitations, and ethical considerations. When evaluating literature, think about questions such as the following:Were the author’s interpretations and conclusions supported by the evidence he or she presented?
Was there any apparent bias?
Were there other ways that specific data could be interpreted other than how the author approached it?
Were any important variables left out of the study?
Was every assertion supported by fact?
Did the text use reliable resources?
When conducting secondary research, you have the responsibility of evaluating your own research to avoid ethical issues.To Prepare
Find three peer-reviewed journal articles in the Walden Library databases related to a human and social services program that interests you professionally. You may wish to use the program you selected for this weeks Discussion. Consider strengths and limitations when evaluating the articles.


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Develop a good understanding of Mega trends and how they relate to business

Develop a good understanding of Mega trends and how they relate to business

Designing Business Models using Mega Trends Assignment
Todays disruption requires both a broader perspective and a narrower focus.
EY, 2018
The five global shifts reshaping the world we live in. What are the implications for organisations, industries and wider society, right now and in the future? How can we shape and respond to them?
PWC, 2018Using at least one mega trend[s]- design a 3000-word creative business model (process, strategy, (to meet a specific objective) and framework) that addresses a problem, fills a gap in the market or utilizes new technology. The business model should seek to address opportunities that the mega trends offer. This can be for an existing business or start-up.You are invited to address your narrative and consider the following Integrating the business model into an industry or sector and draw upon influencing business environmental variables
Develop a good understanding of Mega trends and how they relate to business
Financial considerations (Sales forecast, cost to develop) must be built into the narrative or any other financial aspects as required
Clearly demonstrate a value preposition to the company and the prospective customers
Demonstrate practical or virtual prototype
Demonstrate a clear understanding of not only the megatrend but how to take advantage of the mega trend
Ensure an unfair advantage is detailed in the narrative
Incorporate actual drivers of business models- e.g. [The Open Business Model- drivers are low costs due to sharing of R&D expenditure]
Product /Market Fits need to be clear
Problem solution Fit
Routes to Market
Your narrative should consider wider aspects as may be required

Note: –
Students will be required to demonstrate clear thinking and use of processes to reach a logical conclusion.
Use relevant templates to support your central narratives
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit must be the student’s own work. If you present, as your own idea, any material copied, paraphrased, or extensively drawn upon, you are plagiarizingunless you give full citations for your sources. Of course, you may make full use of ideas, arguments and information obtained from books etc. but you must make clear which portion of your paper is not your own and provide a detailed reference to the original source. Assignments which violate Hults Honor code may not be revised. In the first instance of plagiarism, the plagiarized assessment will be given a grade of zero and will result in automatic Disciplinary Probation.


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