What is the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations

 What is the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations 


2.  Discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization. 


3.  Explain the size-related paradox that companies face. 

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Gender and the Workplace

The Basford et al. article discusses the effects of microaggressions in the workplace. Microaggressions are just that– micro. But these microaggressions are a symptom of systematic gender inequality. In other words, an unconscious bias developed by society that men and women should follow specific gender roles, putting women at a disadvantage in the workplace.

Basford et al. have three hypothesis in this article:

  1. Observers will expect the negative work outcomes for victims of gender microaggression to increase as explicitness increases
  2. Women will be more prone than men to detect gender microaggressions against women, especially at more ambiguous levels
  3. Women, more than men, will expect female microaggression targets to experience more negative projected work outcomes

In your initial post this week, answer:

  1. In your own words, what do the hypotheses mean/what are the researchers looking for? (p. 342)
  2. What were the findings for the hypotheses? Use quotes from the text to support your answer.
  3. What do the findings mean? Use quotes from the text where appropriate.
  4. What does this tell us about microaggressions in the workplace?
  5. Do microaggressions contribute to gender discrimination in the workplace? Why or why not?

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Life and Teaching of Jesus

From the reading in the Gospel of Luke, the assigned reading Encountering the New Testament, and the course content, answer the following four essay questions for the Gospel of Luke:

1) How does the Gospel of Luke communicate that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah who has inaugurated the Kingdom of God?

2) How does Luke emphasize that the message of salvation is for all people? How should Luke’s concern shape and impact your personal ministry?

3) How do the stories and content of Luke 9:51-19:27 emphasize that the Gospel of Luke is the “gospel for the outcast?” 

4) How and why is the ending of the gospel of Luke an appropriate and fitting ending to this gospel?

Requirements: Each of the four essay answers should be at least 150 words; use course content, the Bible, and Encountering the New Testament as sources. Submit all four essays in the same document.

Unit 5

From the reading in the Gospel of John, the assigned reading Encountering the New Testament, and the course content, answer the following four essay questions for the Gospel of John:

1) How does the Gospel of John demonstrate that Jesus is the Divine Son of God who reveals the Father? 

2) How does the gospel of John call people to faith in Jesus Christ? How do Jesus’ personal conversations with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well emphasize this concern?

3) Discuss the significance of John’s identification of Jesus as the ”Word” of God.

4) Discuss how the Book of Glory (John 13-20) would have encouraged and comforted Jesus’ disciples in light of Jesus’ imminent departure. How do these chapters provide encouragement and comfort for us as we await the return of Christ?

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What constitutional and political issues in the 1850s indicated unrest for Georgia as a member of the United States?

What constitutional and political issues in the 1850s indicated unrest for Georgia as a member of the United States? Discuss both of the aspects and support your answer with reliable sources. Since it is a discussion post, a short introduction and conclusion

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Unit one Goal Worksheet

Unit one Goal Worksheet

What is Claudia’s goal for this course? Complete the table below.


Fill in information below. (Provide a minimum of 10 words per question.)

Specific (Claudia needs to determine her specific goals for this course.)

Measurable (How will she know that she has succeeded?)

Attainable (Is it realistic to complete her goal along with her other priorities?)

Relevant (How will completing her courses impact her larger goal of obtaining her degree?)

Timely (How long should it take?)

What priorities does she have that could pose as obstacles on her path for success? Provide a minimum of 75 words in your response.

[Enter your response here]

What is the best advice that you can give Claudia to help her manage her goals and priorities? Provide a minimum of 75 words in your response.

[Enter your response here]

What is your goal for this course? Complete the table below.


Fill in information below. (Provide a minimum of 10 words per question.)

Specific (You need to determine your specific goals for this course.)

Measurable (How will you know that you have succeeded?)

Attainable (Is it realistic to complete your goal along with your other priorities?)

Relevant (How will completing your courses impact your larger goal of obtaining your degree?)

Timely (How long should it take?)

What priorities do you have that could pose as obstacles on your path for success? Provide a minimum of 75 words in your response.

[Enter your response here]

What strategies will you employ to help manage your goals and priorities? Provide a minimum of 75 words in your response.

[Enter your response here]

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Discussion Forum Response: 150-250 Words Minimum

Discussion Forum Response: 150-250 Words Minimum

Corporate environmentalism recognizes the need to integrate environmental issues into the firm’s strategic plans. Trends in the natural environment for marketers to be aware of include:

§Shortage of raw materials

§Increased energy costs

§Anti-pollution pressures

§Governmental protections

Corporate environmentalism is becoming an increasingly important factor for investors with the Dow Jones Index now listing sustainability as an indicator of performance.

What is your opinion of this? Does investing in sustainable initiatives really benefit the company or is this a marketing ploy to attract more customers? Support your answers with actual examples.

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Philosophy lesson-Nursing homework help

Philosophy lesson-Nursing homework help

Is torture considered a moral practice in U.S. anti-terror efforts? Today, 48% say there are some circumstances under which the use of torture is acceptable in U.S. anti-terrorism efforts; However, about 49% say there are no circumstances under which the use of torture is morally acceptable. In this essay, you will decide if torture is a moral practice in U.S. In order to do so, you must apply Utilitarianism to be in favor of torture OR Apply Kant’s Categorical Imperative to be against torture. You must have a clear and solid position. Apply one theory in order to obtain points. Not applying Utilitarianism or Kant’s categorical Imperative results in an automatic zero in this question. This question is 40 points; therefore you must have a minimum of five paragraphs.

Utilitarianism-Fully apply Bentham’s Principle of Utility for 20 points and his Felicific Calculus for another 20 points. You may apply Rule-Utilitarianism, as it forms a basis for the morality of torture.

Kant’s Categorical Imperative- Fully apply Kant’s first formulation for 20 points and apply Kant’s second formulation for another 20 points.

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Week 3 American Government

Week3 American Government

Preparing and Argument: The Electoral College

This week we learned about the presidency, the powers of the presidency, and the unique way our president is elected via the Electoral College. In this assignment you will be guided in creating a complete argument regarding whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated.

This activity will be useful practice in how to create and present and thoughtful argument. The ability to create and communicate a thoughtful argument will help you out in future studies and in any career.

Your essay must be at least 500 words long.

Follow these steps to create an argument in the form of an essay:

Step 1

In one or two very clear sentences state whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated. This is called writing a thesis statement.

Step 2

In three paragraphs describing three (3) arguments that support your position regarding the Electoral College. Give each argument one paragraph. Do not just list three arguments in support of your position regarding the Electoral College. You must tell the reader why each of your three arguments supports your position on the Electoral College.

Step 3

In three paragraphs describe three (3) arguments that go against your position regarding the Electoral College. This is called addressing counterarguments. Give each counterargument one paragraph. Describe the counterargument and then tell the reader of your essay why that counterargument should be dismissed.

Step 4

Write one paragraph concluding your essay. Restate your initial position on the Electoral College. And review the one or two arguments that you found to be the most compelling in support of your position.

Step 5

Write a reference list. In any good argument you will present your ideas but then include evidence from credible external sources to support your ideas. Always include a reference list.

In outline form your paper should look like this.

  1. Introduction: Thesis statement of your position regarding the Electoral College.
  2. Three arguments supporting your position.

a. Describe argument 1 and why it supports your position.

b. Describe argument 2 and why it supports your position.

c. Describe argument 3 and why it supports your position.

  1. Three counter arguments opposing your position.

a. Describe counter argument 1 and why it is not sufficient.

b. Describe counter argument 2 and why it is not sufficient.

c. Describe counter argument 3 and why it is not sufficient.

  1. Conclusion paragraph.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman

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Hotel management Assignment

Hotel management Assignment

Business Proposal: Part C

Prepared by:

Presented to:


I. Mission Statement (Write one paragraph per sub-heading)

A. For Our Guests:

B. For Our Employees

C. For Our Owners and or Management Team

II. Service Strategy

A. Service Standards (underneath the heading, write at least eight short paragraphs – one per standard)

B. Service Recovery (Underneath the heading, write a short paragraph giving an overview of your Service Recovery process. Then use bullet points for the acronym/key words. Boldprint the first letter of each word and follow it with a brief explanation of how this concept fits in the process.

C. Standard Operating Procedures for Walking the Guest (Underneath the heading, use numbered bullet points to clearly explain a chronological sequence of walking the guest. Be sure that you use the same viewpoint and grammatical structure in all the bullet points)

III. Marketing Rationale ( Marketing pieces will be attached to the proposal)

A. Logo (Underneath the heading, explain your reasoning for design choices (color, shape, text)

B. Flyer (Underneath the heading, write one paragraph explaining your reasoning for design choices (colors, page layout, images, information provided)

C. Brochure (Underneath the heading, write one paragraph explaining your reasoning for design choices (colors, page layout, images, information provided)

Works Consulted

(Use a separate page for the list of sources you looked up while preparing this section. You do not have to cite the sources in the proposal itself)

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