Identify and describe briefly those whom you will select for inclusion in the stakeholder group representation or NAT or NAC.

Unit 6-10 Discussion
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements


The needs-based action learning project that you have been exploring for this course is now reaching the identification and selection of people whose interests are really at stake for inclusion in the NAC or NAT. However, the complexity of the needs-based issues characterizing stakeholders’ interests also requires a hybrid action planning framework to ensure that the categories of datasets generated reflect the SAF chosen. In prioritizing the topic categories under which the stakeholder representation can be grouped, the action learning model to use in validating the structural analysis of the SAF must be assessed for needs-based data accuracy and completeness.

Therefore, describe the action learning model you will use to ensure that the right people are represented on the NAT or NAC. Identify and describe briefly those whom you will select for inclusion in the stakeholder group representation or NAT or NAC. Examine the characteristics of the action learning model you will use in determining the needs-based SAF. Also, discuss how you will go about making sure that the needs-based SAF chosen is reflective of the category of datasets’ interests for structural analysis. And, given that the combined data are subject to messy problems of accuracy and completeness, how would you make sure the data is clean?


In Units 3 and 5, you were introduced to various analytic tools used in the public needs assessment planning process. However, in this unit, you understood that the complexity of the needs-based SAF may require a hybrid action planning process. For this, you further explored the hybrid action learning data tools used in gathering quantitative and qualitative data and analysis methods to supplement your understanding of the needs-based planning and prioritization process.

By way of updating your understanding, the qualitative data is part of what you will use to determine themes or groupings of needs, and its analysis will help with the process of prioritization. On the other hand, the quantitative datasets are statistics typically represented as objective numbers used to quantify the scope of a problem or the potential societal change as a result of a solution.

Explain the types of qualitative and quantitative (objective numerical) data gathering tools you plan to use, their purposes to inform the thinking on your public needs assessment project, and support decision making in this community-based or government-influenced public problem. Think about what kinds of action learning information would be required to help understand the scope and depth of the problem.

Describe qualitative themes you might expect to see and areas of the problem they might measure quantitatively, as well as how they will contribute to methods of prioritization. Note any missing qualitative data pieces and quantitative datasets that might be critical to making a good public needs assessment prioritization decision in your proposed case example. Explain how you would use these categories of background information and what you believe you will do with it in terms of structural analysis.


Based on the six peer-reviewed articles you located in this unit’s study, determine the etiological analysis of the SAFs and identify at least three problem-solving models that can underpin your public needs assessment project. Provide a rationale and justification as to which of the identified problem-solving models is an appropriate model for the facilitation of the etiological analysis you would use in tackling the SAF for your public needs assessment project.

Then, briefly describe how information derived from the articles can help you in designing the conceptualization of measurable action plan for your public needs assessment project. Be sure to draft an example of the overall goal, at least one outcome objective, one process objective, one program or project hypothesis, and at least two activities.


You have been planning your needs assessment project for quite a few weeks now, and you undoubtedly have some idea of how you believe the problem you selected will be solved. Based on the course texts and on the articles you located in this unit’s studies, analyze the differences and similarities in making the MOC plan happen from the perspectives of the individual, organization, and society.

What role could the public sector, its citizenry, governments, regulations, systems, practices, and processes play in planning for the change management based on the needs-based action learning model for program planning, as well as type of decision made and who it may affect? What does this mean for public sector solutions to society’s problems, either the big ones or the small? In your post, consider how KTA intervention framework or perhaps another suitable framework can be used in the facilitation of your needs-based action learning of program or project planning, implementation, monitoring, and performance evaluation processes.

Reflecting on your public needs assessment project, what modification should be made to your MOC plan? Remember that you will need to specify the needs-based action learning model for program planning and action intended to be taken, the purpose of that action including who or what it is meant to change, the time frame in which it needs to occur, materials and directions, and the areas where it applies in your project. You will later incorporate this into your final assignment in the course, so paying attention to the feedback you receive from your instructor and peers will be important in making the final revision for submission in the next unit.


Using the two peer-reviewed articles on ethnographic and OBE approaches you identified in the this unit’s study, provide a summary of your reflective action learning assessment on the validity and accuracy of the evaluation methods used in terms of the progress, results-based accountability, and performance reporting.

Be sure to also consider some of the ups and downs, uncertainties, challenges, efficiency, or effectiveness issues with service, program or project use patterns, ethnographic implications, as well as the intended OBE methods to assess your public needs assessment and planning project’s progress.

Finally, because the scientific merit action research template (SMART) form is the research plan that serves as the skeleton for your dissertation proposal in the DPA program, perhaps, it may be good to get introduced to it. Being introduced early to the SMART form will not only help you better acclimate yourself on what will be expected of you at the dissertation phase, but also you could perhaps start reflecting on the relevant questions noted on some of the sections as lenses to help shape your public needs assessment and planning project.

For this, also provide a summary of how the action learning activities and knowledge base on public needs assessment and planning, can be helpful when it is time to complete sections of the SMART form for your dissertation proposal in the DPA program. For this discussion, you are not required to complete the SMART form itself now. However, to acclimate yourself on what will be expected of you at the dissertation phase, just indicate how knowledge developed in this course can be translated to help address specific sections of the form.


What were the challenges in creating the evaluation design and incorporating an action research approach? How did the collaborative learning team experience enhance the process and help you resolve these challenges? Conversely, was the team experience difficult, and if so, how and why?


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Is there an increase in health risks from air pollutants in Massachusetts?

Air pollution
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Write an essay of approximately 2 pages in length that addresses the following: (1) Describe what you are personally most concerned about relative to air pollution and air quality. Please focus on issues that you feel most effect you or your family. For example, if you have very light skin and are outdoors a lot it might be the diminishing ozone layer. If you or your children have asthma it might be air quality issues that affect asthma. It could be air toxics because you are concerned about a potential family history of cancer, smog/ozone because you are a jogger, etc. If you like to fish or eat fish it could be acid rain or mercury from power plants. Those are just some examples, please pick the one you really care about because it is an important issue.

For sources you could use these sites. And only use the sources i provide. If you need additional sources you could get them from any site, as its more preferable than books:

Depletion of the Ozone Layer

The stratospheric ozone layer protects Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Rowland and Molina discovered that chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs could damage the stratospheric ozone layer through the release of chlorine atoms. EPA took action by banning the use of aerosol cans containing CFCs in the U.S. Most of the effects of CFCs can be observed in the Earth’s polar regions with the ozone hole, polar vortex, and the arctic hole, however, ozone depletion is everywhere. The Montreal Protocol of 1987 and the phase-out of CFCs in the U.S. are some of the responses to coming to grips with ozone depletion.

What lifestyle changes can you make to become part of the solution in your community? Can these changes extend to the global community? You may discuss this topic at the Discussion board.

Atmospheric Pollution

Air Pollution Essentials

The atmosphere is comprised primarily of gases and aerosols. Factors determining the level of air pollution include the amount of pollutants entering the air, the amount of space that pollutants are dispersed, and the mechanisms to remove pollutants from the air. Natural air pollutants have been cleaned in the biosphere by hydroxyl radical, aerosolized sea salts, and microorganisms in soil. Human activities have elevated pollutants above normal concentrations thereby using up the hydroxyl radical cleansing power. The appearance of industrial and photochemical smog began around the time of the Industrial Revolution due to combustion sources such as coal burning factories and automobiles. Long-term temperature inversions cause pollutants to build up to dangerous levels prompting health officials to urge people with breathing problems to stay indoors.

Donora, PA generated questions regarding possible weakening of the CAA and the potential impacts of such action. Are there any lessons to be learned from Mexico City? (p. 577).

Additional information on smog and other air pollutants can be found at the American Lung Association ( and the US EPA (

Major air pollutants and their sources

Primary pollutants (direct products of combustion and evaporation) are tracked and monitored by the US EPA under the Clean Air Act. Since lead was removed from gasoline, lead smelters and battery manufacturers have become the largest sources of lead emissions. Most toxics tend to originate from industries and small businesses whereas radon is a natural decay process from rocks and soil. Once in the atmosphere, some primary pollutants may undergo further reactions and produce secondary pollutants. Some of these secondary pollutants (sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) enter the troposphere, oxidize with hydroxyl radicals, and return to Earth as acid deposition. Acid deposition is measured according to acidic or basic properties of the concentrations of hydrogen ions on a pH scale. Natural emissions of sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides have remained fairly constant but anthropogenic sources have increased significantly.

Consult the Massachusetts’ Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) website at ( Enter your community name and find out what toxics are being used, generated, and emitted.

Air Pollutants of Concern in Massachusetts – “Particulates in the air prompt greater concern than ever. Recent public health studies state that more Massachusetts residents die prematurely from exposure to fine particulates than are killed in automobile accidents. And new scientific research argues that the national standard for particulates must be far more stringent, to focus on smaller particles that more easily reach our lungs.”

III. Impact of Air Pollutants

Human exposure to air pollutants can have chronic, acute, or carcinogenic effects on human health. The chronic effects of air pollutants can be seen in the increased levels of asthma in the United States in the last decade. Studies analyzed by the Health Effects Institute have concluded that higher concentrations of fine particles were correlated with increased mortality rates, especially heart disease and lung cancer. Air pollutants can damage the environment (crops, forests, and visibility of the sky) and man-made objects such as buildings, artifacts, and automobiles. A 1999, the EPA established a Regional Haze Rule aimed at improving visibility at natural parks and wilderness areas.

Acid deposition impacts aquatic ecosystems (i.e.: mercury accumulation in fish as lake waters become more acidic), in forests (i.e.: chemical interactions in forest soils leaching out of essential nutrients such as calcium and introducing toxics such as aluminum ions), artifacts, surface water, groundwater, and water distribution lines.

Consult the Massachusetts Department of Public Health website ( for statistical data on cancer rates and health impacts from heavy metals such as mercury and lead. Is there an increase in health risks from air pollutants in Massachusetts? Can we draw any direct conclusions?

Impacts of Air Polution (PM2.5) on Heart Attack Rates ? ( ) “Between Jan. 1995 and May 1996, researchers interviewed 772 Boston area heart attack patients about four days after their heart attack to establish when their symptoms began. Participants were enrolled in the Determinants of Myocardial Infarction Onset Study, which is aimed at gathering information about factors associated with myocardial infarction, or heart attack. Researchers compared the times heart attack symptoms began with daily air pollution measurements collected in Boston during the study period. They paid special attention to levels of the smaller pollutants.”

Air Pollution – Health Impacts ( ) “Air pollution kills about 70,000 Americans each year,” said Joel Schwartz, associate professor of environmental health at the Harvard School of Public Health. “That’s more people than die from breast and prostate cancers combined. Air pollution is a huge public health problem.”

Air Quality in the World’s Megacities ( ) “The worst pollutant affecting the megacities as a whole is suspended particulate matter (SPM), particularly amongst megacities in the continent of Asia. This is of particular concern as high levels of SPM are known to be related to increased mortality rates, and in many of the megacities in developing countries health care for acute cases is less proficient than in developed countries. The sources of SPM are varied and can include natural sources such as windblown dust from desert areas and the generally more toxic SPM from man-made sources such as power generation, motor vehicles (particularly diesel) and industrial processes. The three megacities which meet WHO guidelines are those which have undergone large scale control measures to reduce man-made SPM.”

Health Impacts from Air Pollution from Incinerators – Massachusetts ( ) “Their Report estimated that current emissions from the Salem Harbor and Brayton Point power plants can be linked to more than 43,000 asthma attacks and nearly 300,000 incidents of upper respiratory symptoms per year in the region. The study also estimated that 159 premature deaths per year could be attributed to this source of pollution. The health risks are greatest for people living closer to the plants. The researchers also analyzed the potential health benefits of reducing current emissions to the lower levels that would be reached by using the best available control technology required for newer power plants. An estimated 124 premature deaths would be averted per year, along with 34,000 fewer asthma attacks and 230,000 fewer incidents of upper respiratory problems.” It should be noted that Brayton Point Station in Somerset, MA is the largest fossil-fuel burning power plant in New England and Salem Harbor is in Salem, MA.

Controlling air pollution:
The Clean Air Act (1970), the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants were enacted to regulate emissions and control human pollutants. In 1990, the CAA Amendments sought more aggressive actions to identify, monitor, and control released pollutants. Some of these actions include the establishment of attainment zones, the reduction of motor vehicle emissions, and the identification of major sources of target pollutants in order to develop maximum achievable control technology standards. CAF? standards under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (1975) set mileage rates lower for larger motor vehicles. A new ozone standard implemented in 2004 is anticipated to generate health benefits. The Ozone Transport Rule was established by EPA to set NOx emission budgets for Midwestern and Southern states to control transport to Northeast states.

Although there was a well-established link between power-plant emissions and acid deposition in the early 1980s, Title IV of the CAAA was not passed until 1990 due to political delays. Title IV of the CAAA is the first law in U.S. history to address acid-deposition by mandating reductions in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide levels.

Discuss Title V of the CAAA. Have the control and reduction measures since 1990 been successful?

Discussion of gasoline additives from lead to MtBE, and now to ethanol. Are we solving the problem or creating other unknown problem?

Unresolved Issues
Measures to reduce air pollution carry an economic cost resulting in economic benefits such reduced hospital visits, fewer premature deaths, and fewer lost workdays. Older power plants were exempt from installing new pollution controls unless an upgrade of the facility occurred. In 2003, the New Source Review would not require pollution controls to be updated unless there were changes to more than 20% of the entire facility. The Clear Skies Act would change the CAA regulations for power plants by addressing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and mercury simultaneously under the same “cap-and-trade” strategies. CAF? standards aimed at addressing air pollutants from motor vehicles is often met with resistance. In 1990, California passed a law that all new cars sold in the state must be emission free by 2003.

Some topics to discuss at the discussion board:

Is MA doing anything to encourage the use of electric cars? Car-pooling?

What are the implications of supreme court rulings related to the Clean Air Act in the last few years?


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identify support services for people with PTSD.

If I were in charge
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Complete this essay based on the scenario below and your course readings. Case Scenario: You are working in the health care profession, and a client discloses to you that she was robbed at gunpoint one week ago. She tells you she was awakened in the night by a loud noise and discovered two intruders had broken into the apartment and were robbing it. When the intruders discovered there was someone in the apartment, they threatened the tenant with a gun. The robbers told her to stay away from the phone and to not call the police, or else she would regret it. Then they left the apartment. Your patient states that she called the police, who arrived at the apartment within 5 minutes. However, the police were not optimistic about finding the intruders, since it was dark in the apartment and the desсrіptions were very vague. Knowing about the warning signs of PTSD, you ask her some questions about how she is doing. She states that she is having trouble sleeping at night and she is afraid to be alone in her apartment. As a result of what you have studied in this course you are concerned that she may be at risk of developing PTSD. You comfort her and explain to her that it might be a good idea for her to get professional support for the traumatic experience she has just been through. You tell her you will get in touch with her tomorrow to give her some resources and suggestions for where she can go for help.

Based on this please complete the following:

•Research your local community as well as your county/borough and state to identify support services for people with PTSD. Start as local as you can and then widen your search net to the county or state level. If you need to, you may have to broaden your search to the national level to find applicable resources. You are not expected to do an in-depth professional search for these resources, but your search should identify professional and credible resources. Please use easy to access resources like the Internet, phone books, and local non-emergency sources (e.g. 211) to see what it would be like for someone in your area seeking trauma and PTSD services. Using a Word document address the following:.

•Prepare an itemized list of 3- 5 PTSD resources and services available including contact information and website addresses if they are Internet based. Include a brief desсrіption of what each resource offers for information or services and how the person would access the resource (in person appointment, telephone, Internet, etc.) Do not simply copy/paste from your sources, as this will result in a failing grade on this assignment. You must synthesize and summarize the information. For each resource that you found, describe briefly how you assessed its credibility and appropriateness?.

•In one paragraph, describe how easy or difficult it was to locate PTSD resources and services in your region. How long did you have to go to find something appropriate? Did you discover any local services that you would recommend to this patient? Would someone who had not taken this course and had no significant knowledge of PTSD be able to locate these resources?.

•For the final part of this brief essay, please identify at least 2 gaps in your community in terms of resources and services for people who have experienced trauma and are at risk of developing PTSD. If you were in charge of these types of social services and support systems, what would you do differently than is being done today to address these gaps?


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Ernique’s Journey Case Study

Ernique’s Journey Case Study
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements


You are required to read Enrique’s Journey (Nazario, 2007, 2014) and, using one or more individuals discussed in the book, create a case study in poverty. The case study should describe how the individual is impacted by poverty and the environment that contributes to poverty and oppression. The case study should conclude with your recommendations for improvement or change.

Note that this week’s video, which shows “La Beastia,” the train that Enrique took across part of Mexico during his journeys to the U.S., and interviews individuals on the same journey and those who try to help them, will give additional insight as you develop your case study.

The website maintained by the author of Enrique’s Journey (Nazario, 2007, 2014) also gives additional and more current information about Enrique and his family, Honduras, and immigration policy (links included under Week 5’s readings).

Your Tasks:

You are expected to write a 3 to 5 page paper exclusive of cover page and reference page. Your paper should be double spaced in time new roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins. Your paper is expected to be referenced appropriately, using APA style. ALL sources are to be referenced. Failing to cite a source is considered academic dishonesty. Use third person throughout your paper (not I); when making recommendations, you can say something like “Several recommendations must be considered….” Instead of “I recommend”.

You should address the following questions in composing your case study:

Who is your case study about? Give a brief description of the person and setting for context in the introduction to your case study (be sure to reference the Nazario book).
What is this person’s experience with poverty and oppression? Give appropriate examples as you describe her/his experiences.
Using the ecological/systems framework, what micro, mezzo, and macro (or micro, meso, exo, and macro factors depending on which source you use), contributed to this person’s poverty and oppression? Be sure that you include a reference for this discussion, either Kirst-Ashman and Hull (see community functions discussion on page 264 to examine the deficits in their community) or the Ambrosino et al. chapter or both.
What strengthens does the person possess that are enabling her/him to survive?
Are those strengths being maximized by the systems (community) impacting the person? How could those strengths be used to overcome poverty and oppression?
What recommendations can you make to help this person and other members in similar circumstances move out of poverty?
Be sure that you reference sources appropriately throughout your paper and include a reference page (you will need to reference the Nazario book and the source(s) from which you obtained your information about the ecological/systems framework (levels of the environment). This paper is to demonstrate your ability to understand an individual’s experiences and the ways that the environment (particularly at the community and societal levels) impacts that person; in other words, your ability to think critically. It is not intended to be a research paper on poverty and oppression or on immigration.


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power structures in water governance systems and the controversies surrounding water markets.

Environment influence diagram
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements


This question focuses on power structures in water governance systems and the controversies surrounding water markets. It asks you to represent the systemic dimensions of a situation and address the difficulties of ‘taking a position’.

A.Submit* the influence diagram you constructed in web-based Activity 4.6, Task 2 (focusing on Video Set 4 – Water as a source of power). (15 marks)

i.Describe the main elements of your diagram in your own words. You do not need to describe the whole diagram. You should focus on the key parts so that the reader can then put together the whole story for themselves.

ii.Explain the process you went through in constructing your diagram.

Your answer to part (b) (parts (i) and (ii) combined) should be not more than 300 words. (10 marks)

C.Explain the following terms and how they are connected:

i.virtual water

ii.water networks

iii.water stakeholders.

Your answer to part (c) (parts (i)–(iii) combined) should be no more 350 words. (15 marks)

*You should submit your diagram electronically through the eTMA system. There are three ways you can create the electronic version of your diagram:

1.Draw it by hand then use a scanner to produce an electronic copy.

2.Draw it by hand then use a digital camera (for example on a smartphone or tablet) to produce an electronic copy.

3.Use graphics software or the drawing facilities in applications such as Word, OpenOffice or Powerpoint to create your diagram electronically.

Influence diagrams


An influence diagram shows the main structural features of an issue and the important relationships that exist among them. An influence diagram is a snapshot of a situation. Influence diagrams can be developed from systems maps by adding arrows to show influences.

You saw that system maps focus on the boundaries surrounding the main themes that describe a central issue of interest. You also saw that there may be some overlaps between systems of interest. Influence diagrams effectively only differentiate between two types of groupings: strong influences and weak influences.

Use of influence diagrams

Influence diagrams identify the factors (events) and actors (people) that have a direct influence on a central issue of interest. They also identify the type of influence that the factors and actors exert.

In more detail, influence diagrams are also used to:

Explore interrelationships, perhaps leading to re-grouping and re-definition of a system and its components.
Express a broad view of how things are interrelated in the area you are considering.

Diagram components

Title: describes the types of influence the diagram is intended to represent.
Circles of varying size.
Arrows of different size and thickness.
Words labelling circles and, if necessary, labelling arrows.

Conventions and guidelines

An influence diagram is made up of circles and arrows. The real message of this type of representation emerges from the arrows. The main steps are:

Define the system of interest with a title.
Use circles to represent components (systems and sub-systems).
Use words to label components and systems.
Select the most important influences when drawing the diagram.
Use different line thickness (or colour) to indicate different influence strengths.
Use arrows to denote capacity to influence (not sequences in time).
Use double-headed arrows only when the influence is truly reciprocal and of the same type (if it is not, use two arrows).
Use labels on arrows if the nature of the influence is not obvious from the context.

How to build an influence diagram

Once again, we will use the South African Working for Water Programme as our example.

Summary of WWP case study

[Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)


The animated book below will build an influence diagram to show the various factors and actors that influenced the formulation of the WWP. Click on the arrows to flip the pages.

Movie transcript

Representing the South African case study in an influence diagram

Drawing an influence diagram of ‘the factors and actors that led to the formulation of the WWP’ helps us to understand what really made such a programme possible.

By now, you will have grasped the idea that it was the spread of the thirsty invasive species that triggered the formulation of the WWP. However, formulating such a comprehensive programme is not easy and various actors or stakeholders (the South African government, the thousands of workers, etc.) as well as factors or events (end of apartheid, formulation of the National Water Strategy, etc.) contributed as ‘catalysts’ or ‘change agents’ to make the WWP a reality.

To construct the influence diagram, we ‘filtered’ the information to identify these various ‘positive influences’. A first reading of the case study might have highlighted the fact that, for instance, the end of apartheid had an important influence on the creation of the WWP. But what really had an effect on the WWP itself was the fact that this political turn returned a voice to all citizens (allowing various stakeholders to be involved in the WWP) and defended the principle of equity in water distribution. These two factors are closely and directly connected to the formulation of the WWP.

After a few readings, it begins to emerge that the factors and actors had different types of influences, some stronger than others, some more direct than others.

Below is a copy of the final diagram as developed in the animation.

Image description


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Business Intelligence and Queensland health system implementation

Business Intelligence and Queensland health system implementation
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements


Question 1 (10 marks) – Business Intelligence

You are a recent graduate working in a local accounting firm. Your firm provides advice to a large number of clients to assist them with their business. Your managing partner has approached you with a request for more information on the use of Business Intelligence.


Provide a 1,200 word research report to your manager that outlines the following:

What is Business Intelligence (BI)?
In a contemporary organisation, explain how business intelligence can provide a competitive advantage.
Using a loyalty card example from the retail industry, explain how the use of data mining and analytics can impact decision making in an organisation.

Question 2 (20 marks) Queensland Health systems implementation

You are a systems accountant working in an organisation that is looking to upgrade its ERP system. The management of the organisation are concerned about system implementation failure and its impact on the organisation. You have suggested that the organisation use the Systems Development Lifecycle approach to provide a framework for systems development. You have been asked by management for more information about this framework in relation to implementation failure.


Using the article by Eden and Sedera located in Resources in Interact, identify the factors that contributed to the failed payroll system implementation project at Queensland Health. Classify each of these factors into the relevant phases of the first step of the System Development Lifecycle. Within your 2,000 word business report to management, provide recommendations on how deficiencies identified in systems analysis could be managed and overcome in a future implementation.


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Create a UML class diagram

Data Model
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Create a UML class diagram that models the data for this situation: You are working on the database design that will support PPI’s new order entry system. PPI has many thousands of customers around the world who place and pay for orders. One customer can place an order for many products at a time. Many different customers may order any particular product. Workers at the warehouse keep track of orders while they fulfill and ship them. Customer service representatives should be able to review all of a customer’s orders, whether they are being filled, in transit, or historical. To simplify this analysis, assume that PPI has only one warehouse, that merchandise is always in stock, that every order ships in a single package, and that customers never cancel orders or return products. PPI uses different systems to process customer payments and to manage its inventory. Read the UML Diagram examples and Text 1 (files uploaded).

To create the class diagram, do the following in a Word document:

1. Identify 5 or more classes. Explain each classes.

2. Identify and describe what relationships exist between classes. Elaborate on the nature of each relationship that you identified.

3. Identify and explain the cardinalities of each relationship—whether the relationship is one to one, one to many, or many to many.

4. Identify and explain the modality of each relationship—whether the relationship always exists between the two entities or is optional, existing only in specific conditions.

5. Save the Word document and upload it.

Then, download the Violet UML diagram editor link: -Start Violet and use it to redraw your class diagram.

1. Create 1 new class diagram by choosing the File > New > Class Diagram command.

2. Add a class box to the class diagram for each class you identified.

3. Add between 2 and 6 relevant attributes to each class box. These should describe the information most important to the order entry and fulfillment process

4. Represent relationships between entities by adding associations between the class boxes.



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CASE STUDY  CLASSIC WEAR LIMITED: Audit and Internal control

Audit and Internal control
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

CASE STUDY  CLASSIC WEAR LIMITED The senior partner of your audit firm has informed you that you are to be in charge of a new client, CLASSIC WEAR LIMITED , for the audit of the year ended 30 th September 2015 . The company is engaged in the import of fabrics from Asia and the manufacture and wholesaling of clothing. The company turnover is approximately £ 44 ,000,000 and it has a work force of about 120 and plans to employee another 30 staff in the next 3 months . The company has grown from a small family owned business to a highly successful company ov er the last 10 years. Currently, it has two warehouse s and manufacturing location in Romford, east London. This will be the only client your firm has in the clothing industry. As the manager for this audit, you arrange a meeting with Richard Joy, the CEO o f CLASSIC WEAR LIMITED , in order to familiarise yourself with the company’s operations. From your meeting, you discover the following:  The company’s Board of Directors is comprised of three family members from the Ronald family, (the business ow ners); two close business associates/friends of the family; and two respected members of the Romford business community.  The financial statements of the company show a steady decrease in profit over the last two years, mainly because of reducing sales vol umes. Richard attributes this to slipping market share of the company as smaller sized competitors are increasingly encroaching on its customer base.  In response to the “ Frozen kid character effect” CLASSIC Wear Ltd wants to be ready to manufacture clothing for kids with designs coming from Frozen . Richard is anticipating new business arising from this contract and has taken on 20 new staff to carry out this extra work. The company has also rented an additional warehouse for storage, close to the existing premises.  Over the last 18 months the accounts department has experienced a high turnover of staff, with most ex – staff joining the company’s competitors who have more attractive pay packages. Therefore, of the 15 accounts st aff, only the financial controller and management accountant have been with the company for more than two years.  The purchasing system at CLASSIC WEAR LTD was automated during the period being audited. Purchase orders are now generated automatic ally by the computerised inventory system when inventory falls below a given level. However, this system is not working well because it uses complicated purchasing and production models, making it difficult to use, hence many manual adjustments are require d. So far only two members of the production manager’s clerical staff are able to use it. As a result, sometimes the items ordered are delivered late or in the wrong quantities. In addition, the system takes up a lot of space on the company server and is c ausing problems in other systems.  In terms of record keeping, the most comprehensive records maintained within the company are the sales records, which are reconciled and reviewed weekly by the chief accountant together with sales manager. However, produc tion figures and inventory figures are not reviewed as diligently. Stock taking is done periodically throughout the year and not at the year – end.


Draft a report to the Senior Partner of your audit firm, in which you:

1. Identify the key business risks  CLASSIC WEAR LIMITED faces and the possible consequences and suggest how these risks could be mitigated. (20 Marks)

2. Describe the information you will seek, and procedures you will perform, during the planning and risk assessment phase of the audit in accordance with ISA 315 ‘Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment and assessing the risks of material misstatement’. (30 Marks)

3. Describe the tests of controls you would plan for (and why) in order to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence concerning purchases. (20 Marks)

4. Explain the substantive audit procedures you would perform to obtain reasonable assurance about the validity of the inventory figure in the financial statements of CLASSIC WEAR LIMITED. (20 Marks)


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Evaluate the role played by Howard Schultz in the growth and success of Starbucks. Is the company in danger of relying too heavily on Mr. Schultz?

3 Coursework Questions on Business
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

The case study assignment for Module 8 draws on the following case study in your textbook:

Case 23: Starbucks� Strategy and Internal Initiatives to Return to Profitable Growth, by Arthur A. Thompson, pages C-305 through C-331

Read the case and then respond to the case questions given below. (See “A Guide to Case Analysis” for further guidance on written case analysis.)

In addition to using the Starbucks case study provided in the textbook, research the company further to find any relevant events that have transpired since the writing of the case study. Use the company’s website, Internet search engines such as Google, online data services, or other sources to locate the latest articles about the company including press releases and current financial information. Be sure to cite all sources according to APA guidelines (see also Documentation Rules and Citation Styles).

Note: For assistance with analyzing the financial data in this case, Table 4-1 on pages 83 to 86 of your textbook is a useful reference.

Case Questions:

1.) Evaluate the role played by Howard Schultz in the growth and success of Starbucks. Is the company in danger of relying too heavily on Mr. Schultz?

2.) Discuss the business engineering processes used by Starbucks to stay competitive. How does the company track performance and use its control systems?

3.) What is the compensation strategy that the company has used to motivate its employees to focus on the company�s strategy and its execution?

4.) How would you describe Starbucks� corporate culture? What is the relevance of corporate culture for Starbucks� future growth and success?

5.) Assess the company�s strategy to expand its product offering and enter new market segments. What factors may affect the ability of the firm to succeed in this strategy?


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