Provide a succinct description of the curriculum component. Demonstrate consistency between the philosophy, concept, and curriculum application. Describe a theory clearly, which is consistent with the development of this curriculum component. Demonstrate an understanding of theory and concept analysis in application to a nursing curriculum.

Curriculum Component Development

Curriculum Component Development

Order Description

The final step in the course project is to create a curriculum component that is consistent with your educational philosophy and includes the concept you described in

the second component of the project. For this assignment, you will select one nursing theory or model to guide the development of the content of this component.

A curriculum component can be a lesson (class period), an activity, a unit of study, or an entire course. You can select anything within a curriculum of interest to

you. To make the project more manageable, consider selecting something with a small and well-defined scope.

In your paper, you will:

Provide a succinct description of the curriculum component.
Demonstrate consistency between the philosophy, concept, and curriculum application.
Describe a theory clearly, which is consistent with the development of this curriculum component.
Demonstrate an understanding of theory and concept analysis in application to a nursing curriculum.
Other Requirements
Following are the requirements for this paper:

Length of paper: 3–5 pages, not including the title page or references section.
Format of paper: In addition to the narrative, you may use tables or other types of graphics to help clarify information.
References: Include a minimum of five peer-reviewed references.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA sixth edition guidelines.

clearly identify the following sections:
1)Provides a succinct description of the curriculum component, and provides accurate, quality details and references.

2)Demonstrates consistency between the philosophy, concept, and curriculum application, and provides clarifying examples.

3)Describes a theory clearly, which is consistent with the development of the curriculum component and provides accurate, quality details and references.

4)Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of theory and concept analysis in application to a nursing curriculum and provides accurate, quality details and references.

5)Consistently communicates through scholarly writing that is concise, balanced, and organized, flows with smooth transitions between ideas, and demonstrates critical

analysis of the literature.

you must Consistently communicates through scholarly writing that demonstrates mastery of APA sixth edition style and formatting, is free of errors, and follows all

assignment instructions.


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

Nurse’s role in relation to legal, ethical (abortion) and psychosocial aspects of pregnant adolescent in Australia. Introduction, body paragraph and conclusion are required. The essay should critically evaluate the content of the artefacts (references) and the importance of using and evaluating evidence- based artefacts when caring for an adolescent mother relevant to current Australian nursing practice.

Nurse’s role in relation to legal,ethical (abortion) and psychological aspects of pregnancy diagnosis in an adolescent

Nurse’s role in relation to legal,ethical (abortion) and psychological aspects of pregnancy diagnosis in an adolescent

Order Description

Nurse’s role in relation to legal, ethical (abortion) and psychosocial aspects of pregnant adolescent in Australia.
Introduction, body paragraph and conclusion are required.
The essay should critically evaluate the content of the artefacts (references) and the importance of using and evaluating evidence- based artefacts when caring for an adolescent mother relevant to current Australian nursing practice.
This assessment task will allow students to demonstrate their critical thinking and reasoning, as well as their research skills. Essay will also demonstrate how evidence based information can be implemented into contemporary Australian Nursing practice.
References may include images, diagrams, articles, web-links, charts, forms, test results, policies, procedures, skills activities / competencies), books that relate directly to nursing care for a child/adolescent/family.

Marking criteria- Essay should:
The essay clearly addresses the adolescent pregnant mother .
The essay demonstrates breadth of reading and important critical evaluation of the contents of the artefact selected for the essay.
Clear understanding of the artefact content demonstrated in relation to the pregnant adolescent mother.
Outstanding discussion with higher level critical thinking demonstrated.
Significant clinical arguments and issues presented which are clearly supported by higher order evidence based articles and sources.
Appropriate citation of and extensive number of higher level sources and evidence of artefact use.

Recommended references,ethical+and+psychological+aspects+of+pregnant+adolescent&source=bl&ots=u50wEuePnl&sig=FLiSCw8VJ8ofRiX0UKFtow5dmk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=knb9VICsKYbW8gXYzYGwBA&ved=0CDcQ6AEwBTgK#v=onepage&q=Nurses%20role%20in%20relation%20to%20legal%2Cethical%20and%20psychological%20aspects%20of%20pregnant%20adolescent&f=false *** *** ***


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

?? Think about what you know and believe about mental health ?? Think about how your beliefs, attitudes and opinions about mental health have been formed. Factors that you may consider include your own experience of mental health issues or that of someone you know; your knowledge base; your culture; religious beliefs; social group



This is an individual assessment task where you will reflect on your values, attitudes, beliefs, opinions and
learning in relation to mental health. In order to complete this task, you are encouraged to make
reflective notes (journal) at the very beginning of the semester and at least weekly thereafter. These
notes may then be used to help you respond to the questions that focus your reflection. These notes are
for your personal use only and are not for submission.
Reflecting Instructions
?? Think about what you know and believe about mental health
?? Think about how your beliefs, attitudes and opinions about mental health have been formed. Factors that
you may consider include your own experience of mental health issues or that of someone you know;
your knowledge base; your culture; religious beliefs; social group
?? Think about what you are learning in the unit’s lectures and tutorials. Consider how this material aligns
with your existing knowledge, opinions and thinking about mental health
?? Think about how you will integrate your knowledge of mental health into your nursing practice. Consider
what you may find challenging or difficult. Consider your strengths and what you may do well
?? The reflective notes you make about the above will assist you to write your assessment
?? This is a reflective assessment. Your responses should be written in the first person (i.e. I think….. It is my
belief….. My opinion about mental illness is….. )
?? This is a reflective assessment-you are the source of evidence or reference material, so references and
external sources are not required
?? However, if for some reason you include a direct quote or choose to cite material from an external
source, you should reference that in APA style- this is not an expectation in this assessment
?? Respond to the focused questions-there is no need to transcribe the question, but do label each response
e.g . Part 1a and so on in your paper
?? Correct grammar, spelling, spacing, point size and margins are required
?? The questions are provided in the Assessment Task 1 – Focused Reflection Marking Guide – see next
?? Fill out and attach the Questions, Cover Sheet & Marking Guide [on page 5 below] to the front of your
work: Name, student number, tutor’s name and word count are required
?? Submit via Assignment Minder
?? Include in your responses only information that you are comfortable sharing. While you may
share whatever you choose, you are not required to disclose information about yourself, family
or friends that you feel is too personal, private or is sensitive in nature. However in order for this
to be a useful experience for you, it is important that you challenge yourself, be honest and make
a genuine attempt to work at self-awareness.
Fill out & attach this page to your completed work for submission
Assessment Task 1 –Questions, Cover Sheet & Marking Guide

In each part, markers will be looking for: indications of your insight and self- awareness; connections between
your personal experience and the unit content; your ability to apply reflective practice to clinical practice;
indications that progress has been made towards achieving the learning objectives (see Unit Outline p1).
Part 1a. (250 words / 4 marks) My word count: Mark:
Reflect on and describe how your beliefs and attitudes towards people who have mental health issues have
changed from before you started NSB023 and since being involved in the unit. In your answer discuss factors
that may have influenced your opinions prior to your study such as your own experience of mental health issues
or that of someone you know; your knowledge base; your culture; religious beliefs; social group and so on.
Part 1b. (250 words / 5 marks) My word count: Mark:
Consider the concept of cultural safety. Thinking about your response to Part 1a, discuss how your own culture
including your beliefs/opinions, values and attitudes may impact on, or influence your capacity to give care in
any health care setting.
Part 2a. (250 words / 4 marks) My word count: Mark:
Consider the material covered in NSB023 up to and including week 4 of the semester. What do you think you
might find difficult about mental health nursing and what do you think you will do well? That is, discuss your
strengths and weaknesses.
Part 2b. (250 words / 5 marks) My word count: Mark:
Following on from Part 2a, explain how you will use your learning in this unit to enhance your practice from a
mental health perspective in two (2) nursing practice settings. The practice settings must not be mental health
specialty practice settings. Demonstrate how your knowledge of mental health will enhance the care you
Presentation (2 marks) Mark:
A half mark (0.5) will be deducted for each of the following points not attended to:
Name & ID # ?? D o u ble spaced ?? 2.54 cm Margins ??
Tutor’s Name ?? W o r d c o u nt in space
?? Page numbers ??
Acceptable attention to
spelling & grammar
12 point font ??


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

 Discuss the correlation between family and domestic violence and the impacts this has on mental health, focusing on the nursing considerations, assessments and recognition.

Which is more important in shaping individual identity: social structure or social interaction?

Discuss the correlation between family and domestic violence and the impacts this has on mental health, focusing on the nursing considerations, assessments and


Order Description

TEN references at least two (2) being researched based journal articles.


Purpose:    This assessment aims to enhance students learning related to contemporary mental health issues including reasoning, critical thinking, reflection and

care planning. The essay will provide an opportunity for students to be analytical and synthesize information within the expectations of academic writing.
Topic 1
•    Discuss the correlation between family and domestic violence and the impacts this has on mental health, focusing on the nursing considerations, assessments and


The discussion is to be supported with relevant and credible references. There are to be a minimum of
“TEN references at least two (2) being researched based journal articles.  No Wikipedia and only two (2) web based sites”.


1 Focus & Introduction 8%:           There is a clear introduction that outlines the topic, and contextualises and profiles the scope, content and the sequence of the

essay topic.

2 Content, Evidence & Examples 30%: The content is relevant to the topic. Student has highlighted in detail all the relevant significant factors; explained and

analysed the concepts and or issues and their importance.
Referred to relevant theory and literature to support their reasoning and examples are presented.
3 Critical Thinking & Reasoning 25%: There is evidence of both depth and breadth of reading. An argument is presented and well supported with evidence.
Emphasised the importance of consumer/carer perspectives throughout the discussion.
4 Closing paragraph 8%: There is a concluding paragraph which restates the topic, provides a summary of all of the key points, and presents an overall conclusion.

5 Sequencing & Accuracy 3%: The content in the essay matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so

that content flows from one paragraph to the next, and there are clear linking sentences that link each paragraph to the next. The essay ends with a rational


6 Sources & Referencing 3%: The content in the essay matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so

that content flows from one paragraph to the next, and there are clear linking sentences that link each paragraph to the next. The essay ends with a rational


7 Sentence Structure, Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation 3%: There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation that impact readability, and the meaning is easily



"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

For a selected patient scenario, identify related NANDA, NIC, and NOC elements. Describe in detail the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom that guided you. The scenario is one that you choose and is in a context familiar to you so that you can provide the detail requested and apply your learning from this point forward.

Applying standerdized terminlogies in Practice

Applying standerdized terminlogies in Practice

Order Description

For a selected patient scenario, identify related NANDA, NIC, and NOC elements. Describe in detail the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom that guided you. The

scenario is one that you choose and is in a context familiar to you so that you can provide the detail requested and apply your learning from this point forward.

Applying Standardized Terminologies in Practice
Guidelines With Scoring Rubric
This assignment is designed to help students
•    apply standardized terminologies; and
•    develop an appreciation of the relationship between standardized terminologies and the data-information-knowledge-wisdom continuum.

Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the following ability.
(CO 4) Assess the value of standardized terminologies in supporting nursing in all four practice settings. (POs 5, 11)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3.
Total Points Possible:  200
For a selected patient scenario, identify related NANDA, NIC, and NOC elements. Describe in detail the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom that guided you. The

scenario is one that you choose and is in a context familiar to you so that you can provide the detail requested and apply your learning from this point forward.
1. Required texts may be used as references, but a minimum of three sources must be from outside of course readings.
2. All aspects of the paper must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.
3. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is 3–5 pages in length.
4. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly.
5. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.

Category    Points    %    Description
Introduction    45    22.5    Introduction presents a brief overview of the scenario and of the parts of the paper.
NANDA, NIC, and NOC Elements    45    22.5    Clearly identifies related NANDA, NIC, and NOC elements.
Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom    45    22.5    Describes in detail the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom that guided you.
Conclusion    45    22.5    Concluding statements summarize insights about the key elements of the paper gained during the assignment.

APA Style    6    3    Text, title page, and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format.

Citations    7    3.5    Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly.

Writing Mechanics    7    3.5    Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work, and page restrictions are met.

Introduction    45–42 Points    41–38 Points    37–34 Points    33–0 Points
Introduction presents a brief overview of the scenario and names the key parts of the paper.
Introduction presents one of the two required elements.
Introduction does not include either of the two required elements.
No introduction is present.

NANDA, NIC, and NOC Elements    45–42 Points    41–38 Points    37–34 Points    33–0 Points
NANDA, NIC, and NOC elements are clearly identified for a selected patient scenario.    Only two of the three elements are clearly identified.    Only one of the

three elements is identified.     Elements are not provided.
Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom    45–42 Points    41–38 Points    37–34 Points    33–0 Points
Provides a detailed description of the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom that provided guidance through the selected scenario with support from

scholarly literature.    Provides a partial description of the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom that provided guidance through the selected scenario.    DIKW

are discussed but not analyzed.     There are major gaps in the identification/analysis of DIKW.
Conclusion    45–42 Points    41–38 Points    37–34 Points    33–0 Points
Provides a summary of key points of the paper as well as insights gained during the assignment.
Provides a summary of key points and a partial summary of insights gained during the assignment.    Concluding statements are present but do not address

Concluding statements are not evident.

Content Subtotal        _____of 180 Points
Possible Points =   20 Points
APA Style    6 Points    5 Points    4 Points    3–0 Points
0–3 APA format errors in text, title page, and references.
4–6 APA format errors in text, title page, and references.
7–9 APA format errors in text, title page, or references.
10 or more APA format errors in text, title page, or references.

Citations    7 Points    6 Points    5 Points    4–0 Points
0–3 errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited.     4–6 errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited.
7–9 errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited.
10 or more errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited.

Writing Mechanics    7 Points    6 Points    5 Points    4–0 Points
0–3 errors in grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing AND page limits are met.     4–6 errors in grammar,

spelling, word usage,
punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing
AND page limits are met.     7–9 errors in grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing
page limits are not met.     10 or more errors in grammar, spelling,
word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing.
Format Subtotal    _____of 20 Points
Total Points        ____of  200 Points


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

In this Case you are the health and safety manager of a nursing home.  Your task is to address injuries from slips, trips and falls.  Write a paper in which you: 1.    Use information from the literature to identify the presence of these injury risks in the nursing home facility. 2.    Describe how you would go about evaluating which injuries are of priority to address. 3.    Prepare a plan to implement changes in the nursing home and reduce injuries to the nurses that work in the facility.

Module 5 – Case/Safety and Ergonomics.

Module 5 – Case/Safety and Ergonomics.

Assignment Overview
Injuries among health care workers are among the highest of any profession, according to a new comprehensive study of the issue published by a group of workplace

safety engineers.  Nursing homes record the highest injury rates among all health care facilities, the most frequent injury is to the back.  Slips, trips and falls,

violence and chemical exposure cause other injuries, with nurses being the workers who experience the highest rate of injury. (Cole, 2013)
Case Assignment
In this Case you are the health and safety manager of a nursing home.  Your task is to address injuries from slips, trips and falls.  Write a paper in which you:
1.    Use information from the literature to identify the presence of these injury risks in the nursing home facility.
2.    Describe how you would go about evaluating which injuries are of priority to address.
3.    Prepare a plan to implement changes in the nursing home and reduce injuries to the nurses that work in the facility.
Assignment Expectations
Use information from your module readings/articles as well as appropriate research to support your paper.
Length: The CAP assignment should be 3-5 pages long (double-spaced).
References: At least three references must be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required Reading is included. Quoted materials

should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. Materials

copied verbatim from external sources must be enclosed in quotation marks. In-text citations are required as well as a list of references at the end of the assignment.

(APA format is recommended.)
Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.
Format: APA format is recommended for this assignment.
Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and

sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
•    Achievement of learning objectives for SLP assignment.
•    Relevance – All content is connected to the question.
•    Precision – Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
•    Depth of discussion – Points that lead to deeper issues are presented and integrated.
•    Breadth – Multiple perspectives and references, and multiple issues/factors are considered.
•    Evidence – Points are well supported with facts, statistics, and references.
•    Logic – Discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
•    Clarity – Writing is concise and understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
•    Objectivity – Avoids the use of first person and subjective bias.

Required Reading
Bell J. L., Collins J. W., Tiesman H. M., Ridenour M., Konda S., Wolf L., & Evanoff B. (2013). Slip, Trip, and Fall Injuries Among Nursing Care Facility Workers.

Workplace Health & Safety, 61(4), 147-52.

Boschman J.S., Van der Molen H.F., Sluiter J.K., Frings-Dresen M.H.W. (2012).  Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Construction Workers: A One-year Follow-up Study.

Musculoskeletal Disorders, 13:196-204.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011).  Construction Safety and Health. Retrieved on 1/6/14 at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013).  Traumatic Occupational Injuries.  Retrieved on 1/6/14 at

Healey, B.J., & Walker, K.T. (2009).  Chapter 11: Ergonomics.  In Public Health/Environmental Health: Introduction to Occupational Health in Public Health Practice.

Hoboken, NJ, USA: Jossey-Bass.

Institute of Medicine (2000).  Chapter 3: The Changing Workforce.  In Safe Work in the 21st Century: Education and Training Needs for the Next Decade’s Occupational

Safety and Health Personnel.  Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press.
Recommended Reading
Benjamin A.C.III, Brewer, S., Tullar, J. M., Van Eerd, D., Cole, D. C., & Tompa, E. (2009). Musculoskeletal disorders.  Professional Safety, 54(3), 24-28.

Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (2011).  Ergonomics.  Retrieved on 1/6/14 at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013).  Electrical Safety. Retrieved on 1/6/14 at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013).  Health Care Workers.  Retrieved on 1/6/14 at
Cole, C. (October 8, 2013). Health worker injuries among highest of any profession, safety engineers report. InsideOSHAOnline.

Hamel K.D. (September 1, 2013).  Wipe Out Slips, Trips, and Falls. Retrieved on 1/6/14 at

Institute of Medicine (2000).  Chapter 4: The Changing Workplace.  In Safe Work in the 21st Century: Education and Training Needs for the Next Decade’s Occupational

Safety and Health Personnel.  Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press.

Kubis P. (October 1, 2013).  How Slip-Resistant Shoes Can Put Money Into Your Company’s Money.  Retrieved on 1/6/14 at


Noonan, J., & Wagner, S. (2010). A Biopsychosocial Perspective on the Management of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. American Association of Occupational Health

Nurses Journal, 58(3): 105-14.

Silverstein, M.. (2008). Getting Home Safe and Sound: Occupational Safety and Health Administration at 38. American Journal of Public Health, 98(3), 416-23.


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The purpose of this assignment is for the student to: • demonstrate knowledge of a current topic in Nursing Informatics; and • demonstrate competency in the use of the APA Style Guide writing format.

Electronic Health Record

Electronic Health Record

Order Description

You have now completed the annotated bibliography for your chosen topic. For this assignment, develop a paper from your research. Write a critique, including strengths and weaknesses of your chosen topic, using information from the Internet, literature databases, and your annotated bibliography research. Review the rubric for this assignment in the Evaluation Rubrics folder, and consult the example paper attached to the Course Documents folder.

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to:
• demonstrate knowledge of a current topic in Nursing Informatics; and
• demonstrate competency in the use of the APA Style Guide writing format.

• You are to use your annotated bibliography and other related research done thus far to develop a 7- to 8-page MS Word paper, in APA format, on your Nursing Informatics topic.
o Note that the paper developed here will be used to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation in Module 10.
• Follow the guidelines below. Refer to the “NI Paper Sample Outline” that can be found in the “Course Documents” folder at the top section of your course website.
o The paper must be in APA format. Please refer to your APA Manual and the Writing Style Guides link under Student Resources from within General Information tab.
o The paper should include two levels of headings (Level 1 and Level 2).
o The title page should have a “running head.”
o The body of the paper should be 7 to 8 pages in length. The title page, abstract page and reference page(s) are NOT INCLUDED in the 7 to 8 pages.
o Every page should have a page heading, including a page number.


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

1. Based on Mrs. Dell?s presentation, what mechanism of injury did she sustain at the scene of the accident that is likely to be associated with her SCI? Is the spinal cord injury considered unstable? Explain your answer. (0.75 point)

WEEK 8: Case Scenario (SPRING 2015), Mrs. Dell


Order Description

WEEK 8: Case Scenario (SPRING 2015), Mrs. Dell

Mrs. Dell is a 44-year-old female that was injured in a head on motor vehicle crash and is unable to move or feel her extremities at the scene. EMS places a neck collar and uses a backboard to move her from the scene to the emergency department of the hospital. Cervical spine x-rays and CT scan revealed an unstable spinal injury and fracture at the level C4-C5. Gardner-Wells tongs are inserted and traction is applied. She is admitted to ICU.

Blood Pressure Temperature Pulse SpO2 Respirations
Left Arm 98.8 F
Orally 112/min
Apically 100% 22/min

Past Medical History: Diabetes Type II for 10 years and HTN
Past Surgical History: None
Current Medications: Glyburide and Lopressor

Mrs. Dell develops respiratory distress, is intubated, and placed on a mechanical ventilator. The nurses are performing serial neurological exams on an hourly basis.

Content: Wagner and Hardin-Pierce (2014): Chapters 18 and 19

1. Based on Mrs. Dell?s presentation, what mechanism of injury did she sustain at the scene of the accident that is likely to be associated with her SCI? Is the spinal cord injury considered unstable? Explain your answer. (0.75 point)

2. Discuss the rationale behind these two interventions for Mrs. Dell: Intubation and Gardner-Wells tongs with specifications regarding traction. (1.25 points)

3. The physician orders an anti-inflammatory for Mrs. Dell. Name the likely anti-inflammatory, its action and uses, major adverse effects, and nursing implications for the drug. (0.5 point)

4. Identify and explain the series of three events (pathophysiologic processes) within the spinal cord that occur within the first 24 hours post injury and contribute to secondary spinal cord injuries.(1.25 point)

5. The nurses are performing serial neurological exams on an hourly basis. Discuss what motor and sensory assessments should be included in these neurological exams for a patient with spinal cord injury. (1 point)

Scenario continued: The next day, the neurosurgeon tells Mrs. Dell and her family that she presently has spinal shock and the exact extent of the injuries cannot be known until the condition resolves.

6. Explain the concept of spinal shock. (0.5 point)

Scenario continued: Spinal shock resolves. An MRI is done to assess vascular supply and a somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEP) test is done. SEP results indicate that SEPs are present during the test. Mrs. Dell has an incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI).

7. In detail, explain the differences between a complete and incomplete spinal cord injury. (1.25 point)

8. With a spinal cord injury at or above the T6 level, Mrs. Dell could experience autonomic dysreflexia. Explain this condition including pathophysiology, symptoms, common causes, and nursing priorities. (1.5 points)


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

The purpose of this assignment is to plan your evidence based practice project based on your PICOT question which is In post-surgical patients, how does non-pharmacology treatment (leg elevation, SCD’s, ted hose and early ambulation) compared to pharmacology treatments ( lovenox, heparin, and factor Xa inhibitiors) in the prevention of DVT’s over a month period trial.  and your literature synthesis.

Assignment Directions: Evidence Based Practice Project

Assignment Directions: Evidence Based Practice Project

The purpose of this assignment is to plan your evidence based practice project based on your PICOT question which is In post-surgical patients, how does non-pharmacology treatment (leg elevation, SCD’s, ted hose and early ambulation) compared to pharmacology treatments ( lovenox, heparin, and factor Xa inhibitiors) in the prevention of DVT’s over a month period trial.  and your literature synthesis.
Use the bolded words as headings. All submissions must be in APA format, using the suggested headings below. Please note there is a minimum of 900 words, or 3full pages for this assignment that must be submitted for formative feedback. Together, both papers meet the 1800 word minimum for this assignment.  Points will be deducted for not adhering to the word count.
1.    Introduction – identify the need for change in practice.
a.    Briefly introduce the clinical significance of the patient issue.
b.    Identify the initial clinical question (from PICOT paper). Which is In post-surgical patients, how does non-pharmacology treatment (leg elevation, SCD’s, ted hose and early ambulation) compared to pharmacology treatments ( lovenox, heparin, and factor Xa inhibitiors) in the prevention of DVT’s over a month period trial.
c.    Identify the infrastructure to support a change in the proposed setting
2.    Summary of synthesized literature review of best evidence.
a.    Start with the parameters of your lit search process: the search engines used and key words.
b.    2-3 paragraphs of synthesis, citing all literature used. You may copy the synthesis section of the previous paper for this section, and edit to fit.
3.    Proposed Practice Change
a.    Identify the proposed change in practice based on the evidence.
4.    Change Strategy
a.    Identify strategies to promote staff/team engagement.
b.    Identify the approach to change consistent with organizational culture
i.    EBP Model or Change Theory
5.    Roll Out Plan
a.    Identify a time frame for practice change rollout.
b.    List and define all steps in the rollout process.
i.    Bullets,  numbered steps, or use of tables are preferred
6.    Project Evaluation
a.    Identify the specific data that must be collected to evaluate the change, focusing on PICOT outcomes (not staff compliance)
b.    Include the specific parameters that will indicate success or failure
c.    Identify how the data will be collected
7.    Dissemination of EBP
a.    Identify the methods planned to disseminate the change locally and regionally.
b.    Customize to your clinical setting/population.
c.    Include the plan for other units, hospitals, regions

Use this literature review for #2
Hardwick, E., Pulido, A., & Colwell,W., (2011). A Mobile Compression Device Compared With
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin for Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Total
Hip Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Nursing,30(5), p 312–316. DOI: 10.1097/NOR.0b013e31822c5c28


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