Based on a low scoring pillar, create a backward plan to enhance the pillar of a balanced life that you want to change. Provide a few sentences of context, what you would like to do to strengthen the pillar and then 1-2 SMART Goals to achieve improvement.

Pillars of a Balanced Life

Order Description

Based on a low scoring pillar, create a backward plan to enhance the pillar of a balanced life that you want to change. Provide a few sentences of context, what you would like to do to strengthen the pillar and then 1-2 SMART Goals to achieve improvement.

Choose 2 from Pillars of a Balanced Life  and do smart goals.
You need to know what smart goals are. Do you need google then make sure follow smart goals format to develop plans. You did not address for correct smart forms correctly.
Example for smart goals.
you set a goal make sure it is SMART:
1. Specific – Consider who, what, when, where, why and how in developing the goal.
2. Measurable – Include a numeric or descriptive measurement.
3. Achievable – Consider the resources needed and set a realistic goal.
4. Relevant – Make sure the goal is consistent with the mission.
5. Time-bound – Set a realistic deadline.


Course:Nursing Coaching I Foundations NURS 6260

•    Week 14 Assessing Balance
Week 14  Assessing Balance     (April 13 – 19)
•    Conduct self assessment of the pillars of a balanced life Pillars of a Balanced Life(1).pptx —-See file attached.
•    Assess a client based on the pillars of a balanced life.
•    Create a backward plan to live in greater balance.
READ: Kinsey-House: Chapter 9
Required Texts:
1.    Kimsey-House, H., Kimsey-House, K., Sandahl, P. & Whitworth, L. (2011). Coactive coaching: Changing business, transforming lives (3rd edition).  Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
2.    Moore, M. & Tschannen-Moran, B. (2010). Coaching psychology manual. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.

VIEW: Thoughts on Self care and wellbeing:
Oprah Winfrey at Stanford Business School:
Jim Harter:

:  Based on a low scoring pillar, create a backward plan to enhance the pillar of a balanced life that you want to change.  Provide a few sentences of context, what you would like to do to strengthen the pillar and then 1-2 SMART Goals to achieve improvement.


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Written paper (1400 words) Students are to identify a common health issue that they see or have seen in their nursing practice and identify the determinants of health related to this issue, they are to include imperatives of health across sectors and disciplines in relation to their selected health issue. Search contemporary literature to provide information regarding community, government and healthcare sectors’ strategies to combat the issue. Include epidemiology, local and global comparisons if present, e.g. westernisation, developed/developing countries. Why do you think this health issue has developed for this particular group of people?

Cardiovascular disease

Assignment 3—Population health in context written paper plus PowerPoint
Part A (1400 words) Part B (900 word equivalent)
Part A: Written paper (1400 words) Students are to identify a common health issue that they see or have seen in their nursing practice and identify the determinants of health related to this issue, they are to include imperatives of health across sectors and disciplines in relation to their selected health issue. Search contemporary literature to provide information regarding community, government and healthcare sectors’ strategies to combat the issue. Include epidemiology, local and global comparisons if present, e.g. westernisation, developed/developing countries. Why do you think this health issue has developed for this particular group of people?
Part B:  PowerPoint (900 words equivalent) Students are to develop a presentation for local government/council using the health issue they identified for part A and suggest ways to build community capacity and establish government and business partnerships in relation to the issue. This assignment requires students to ‘present an argument’ of the importance of collaborative efforts, sustainability and community capacity building in developing strategies to combat their identified health issue at a local level while also incorporating references to global imperatives.


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Instructions: Perform a thorough search of the literature, the media, and discussions with stakeholders such as legislators, consumers, and other health care professionals about a current health legislative issue. The Contemporary Legislative Issue Analysis Paper must follow correct APA style, including correct documentation for information obtained from the Internet.

Contemporary Legislative Issue Analysis

Order Description

Purpose: Explore a current health legislative issue that relates to a health disparity at the national level.

Instructions: Perform a thorough search of the literature, the media, and discussions with stakeholders such as legislators, consumers, and other health care professionals about a current health legislative issue. The Contemporary Legislative Issue Analysis Paper must follow correct APA style, including correct documentation for information obtained from the Internet.

Write an analysis paper that will present the following areas of the selected health issue:
1. What is the current legislative or regulatory issue, and why is it being debated?
2. Who is most affected by the legislation?
3. What are the current socioeconomic, political, cultural, and ethical issues surrounding this topic?
4. Who are the stakeholders?
5. What are the positions of professional health care organizations (ANA, AHA, AMA), consumers, and the major political parties on the issue?
6. What are the implications of the policy issue for nursing?

You will be graded on your ability to respond to the following questions in a comprehensive manner that demonstrates an understanding of the legislative process as part of a panel discussion that focuses on the selected health disparity and the implications of the policy for nursing.
1. What is the current legislative or regulatory issue, and why is it being
debated?………………………………………………………………….15 points
2. Who is most affected by the legislation? …………………………………….15 points
3. What are the current socioeconomic, political, cultural, and ethical issues surrounding this
topic?……………………………………………………………15 points
4. Who are the stakeholders?…………………………………………………………………5 points
5. What are the positions of professional health care organizations (ANA, AHA, AMA), consumers, the major political parties, and nurses on the issue?………….10 points
6. What are the implications of the policy issue for nursing?……………………..20 points
7. Clarity, organization of the paper………………………………………………………………………..20 points


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Design and create a GUI i n MATLAB that could serve as a user interface for the device. The GUI does not need to be functional, but it should display all the necessary components for operation

Bio instrumentation;

This assignment can be done in groups of up to
. One assignment should be
turned in
per group.
Choose one
piece of
that you saw during the nursing simulation lab
tour (e.g.
simulation mannequin, pulse oximeter, ventilator, etc.).
There are three goals for this
assignment: (1) describe
how the
(2) describe how the device can be improved
design a new user interface for the device.
In a short write

up (1

2 paragraphs per section),
include the following:
Description of the

Answer the following:

is the device
used for?

Who uses it?

How does it work?
ption of one improvement that can be made to the device
(e.g. optimize its
functionality in the clinical setting or
its applicability in simulation,
ve the
ergonomics of the device, improve f
laws in its design, et
c.). (10

Answer the following:

Why is the improvement needed?

How would you implement this improvement?
Design a
Think about what information needs to be
displayed (outputs) and what types of interactions
are required
with the user. (15

Design and create a GUI i
n MATLAB that could serve as a
user interface for the
device. The GUI does not need to be functional, but it should display all the
for operation

Include a
of the GUI

escribe all the
of the GUI and the purpose of each

text citations and references
all sources used.
You may i
nclude additional figures
but they must include a descriptive caption.
The assignment will be graded on
completeness and


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References may include diagrams, articles, web-links, test results, policies, procedures, skills activities / competencies), books that relate directly to nursing care for a child/adolescent mother/family (references must not be older than 5-6 years 2009-2015).

The importance of the nurse’s role in supporting an adolescent mother in order to prevent possible postnatal depression

Order Description

TOPIC: The importance of the nurse’s role in supporting an adolescent mother in order to prevent possible postnatal depression
Introduction, body paragraph and conclusion are required.
The essay should critically evaluate the content of the artefacts (references) and the importance of using and evaluating evidence- based artefacts when caring for an adolescent mother relevant to current Australian nursing practice.
This assessment task allows students to demonstrate their critical thinking and reasoning, as well as their research skills. Essay will also demonstrate how evidence based information can be implemented into contemporary Australian Nursing practice.
References may include diagrams, articles, web-links, test results, policies, procedures, skills activities / competencies), books that relate directly to nursing care for a child/adolescent mother/family (references must not be older than 5-6 years 2009-2015).
Essay should have 1200 words
The essay clearly addresses the adolescent mother.
The essay demonstrates breadth of reading and important critical evaluation of the contents of the artefact selected for the essay.
Clear understanding of the artefact content demonstrated in relation to the adolescent mother.
Outstanding discussion with higher level critical thinking demonstrated.
Significant clinical arguments and issues presented which are clearly supported by higher order evidence based articles and sources.


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Description: You will be involved in online discussions both as presenter and commentator, present on a given topic and comment on the responses of others to topics of leadership and management theories (300-500 words each). Following this you will write a critical reflection and analysis (1500 words) of the factors that impact on the provision of leadership and management in your nursing practice.

Assessment Style: Discussion Forum and Critical Reflection

Description: You will be involved in online discussions both as
presenter and commentator, present on a given topic and
comment on the responses of others to topics of leadership and
management theories (300-500 words each). Following this you
will write a critical reflection and analysis (1500 words) of the
factors that impact on the provision of leadership and
management in your nursing practice.
In your discussion board activities you will
? Select a topic from module 1 or module 2 that you will
present through the Blackboard Site Discussion Board.
? Contact the Unit Co-Ordinator and nominate your
preferred discussion board topic (by the end of Week 2)
? Lead discussion on your chosen topi and engage with
others in con line discussion
? Contribute to at least 3 other Discussion Board activities
to provide comment on other student’s postings
You will submit an reflective journal on Friday of Week 8 which
? A critical reflection on the discussion board activities you
led and participated in and how this relates to your own
practice leadership and management
? Evidence that you examined the issues you identified
through relevant leadership and management literature
? Printed copies of the activities you undertook as an
appendix to your reflective journal
You will have referred to your marking guide for guidance on the
expected quality of your writing
NSN515 Assessment Guidelines
NSN515 Leadership and Management in Nursing – ASSESSMENT 1 Discussion Board and Reflective Journal (Revised 31-03-2015)
Student Name: __________________________________ Student Number: _______________________________
Advanced Knowledge
Demonstrates advanced theoretical and technical knowledge and skills relevant to leadership and management in nursing.
Applies to Learning Outcome 1
In your response, you have :
? Challenged the theoretical and /or conceptual knowledge basis of key ideas, contexts, frameworks for practice related to leadership and management in nursing
? Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in an extensive range of literature
In your response, you have :
? Explained through analysis of theoretical and /or conceptual knowledge in leadership and management in nursing, the basis of key ideas, contexts, frameworks for practice
? Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in a wide range of literature
In your response, you have :
? Contextualised theoretical and/or conceptual knowledge related to leadership and management in nursing as the basis of most key ideas, contexts, frameworks for practice
? Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in credible literature
In your response, you have :
? Demonstrated theoretical or conceptual basis of most key ideas, contexts and/or frameworks for practice related to leadership and management in nursing.
? Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in a range of literature
In your response, you have :
? Lacked coherence when applying knowledge of key ideas, concepts related to leadership and management in nursing
? Drawn on minimal or no evidence
Critical Thinking and Analysis (critique, analyse and evaluate)
Demonstrates advanced cognitive, technical and communication skills to transmit solutions to complex problems related to leadership and management in nursing based on critical analysis and evaluation
Applies to Learning Outcome 3
In your response, you have :
? Sourced, analysed and synthesised information /data to construct emergent knowledge on leadership and management in nursing
? Critically synthesised evidence drawing from an extensive range of relevant, seminal and/or current sources
? Articulated a persuasive position or recommendation taking into account contextual complexities
? Interrogated critically and evaluated the credibility and rigour of available evidence to develop a coherent analysis
In your response, you have :
? Sourced and applied information/data from relevant, credible literature on leadership and management in nursing
? Synthesised evidence drawing from a range of relevant, seminal and/or current sources
? Assimilated a range of perspectives to articulate a strongly argued position or recommendation
Explored your emerging creative thoughts from the synthesis of new knowledge , ideas and applications
In your response, you have :
? Sourced and applied information/data from relevant literature on leadership and management in nursing
? Synthesised evidence drawing from a range of relevant, seminal and/or current sources for credibility and rigour
? Argued a position or recommendation using credible evidence
? Demonstrated emerging creative thought, e.g. approaches to a problem, synthesis of ideas and/or solutions to problems, wider applications of a proposed strategy
In your response, you have :
? Sourced and applied information/data from relevant literature on leadership and management in nursing
? Appraised evidence with some interpretation
? Presented a position using supporting evidence from a few credible sources
? Identified implications of argument or position to draw defensible conclusions
In your response, you have :
? Sourced and applied minimal, or no relevant sources on leadership and management in nursing
? Provided description of evidence or viewpoints as fact without questioning.
? Taken a position on an argument that is simplistic and obvious.
? Attempted to tie conclusions to some of the information but related complications, outcomes and implications are oversimplified Critical reflection Demonstrates critical reflection on your learning in this unit and its implications for your future practice and continued lifelong learning. Applies to Learning Outcome 1, 3 ? Synthesised your insights in the dialogue between the narrative and the evidence with justification to create change in own practice related to leadership and management in nursing ? Derived a range of outcomes logically from the reflective process ? Constructed new learning from analysis and questioning of strategies, outcomes ? Applied the new learning into own and other contexts ? Explored links in the dialogue between the reflective narrative and the evidence with reference to practice related to leadership and management in nursing ? Illustrated insightful application of evidence leading to change in own practice, using examples from own practice ? Generated focussed strategies with some discussion of recommendations to improve your own practice ? Made evident links in the dialogue between the reflective narrative and the evidence related to leadership and management in nursing ? Demonstrated insightful application of evidence leading to change in own practice ? Generated relevant strategies to improve your own practice ? Demonstrated some links in the dialogue between your reflective narrative and the evidence related to leadership and management in nursing ? Demonstrated some insight to create a change in own practice ? Generated some strategies to improve your own practice ? Minimal to no links in dialogue between narrative and evidence ? Self-awareness or voice of self was not strong enough to influence a change in practice ? Recognition of the connection between strategies and improvement of practice was not evident
NSN515 Assessment Guidelines
Professional writing / communication
Demonstrates clarity of expression and adheres to information literacy standards in communication of health data and information to others.
Applies to Graduate Capability
? Presentation of document meets expected professional standard
? Writing style is analytical and coherent when critical of multiple perspectives
? Logical and succinct structure to the content
? Consistently meets expected standard of English conventions of grammar and , spelling
? Acknowledges all sources
? Meets APA referencing standards with no errors
? Uses language of the discipline
? Uses non discriminatory and culturally safe language
? Presentation of document meets professional standard
? Writing style is analytical and coherent
? Logical structure to the content
? Meets expected standard of English conventions of grammar and, spelling
? Acknowledges all sources
? Meets APA referencing standards with minimal errors
? Uses language of the discipline
? Uses non discriminatory and culturally safe language
? Professional presentation with introduction, body, conclusion evident, reflects organisation and coherence
? Writing style is analytical and ideas are mostly clear in expression
? Logical flow of argument is evident
? Consistent and mostly correct application of English conventions of grammar and spelling
? Acknowledges all sources
? Mostly consistent in meeting APA referencing standards
? Uses language of the discipline
? Uses non discriminatory and culturally safe language
? Introduction, body, conclusion evident
? Clear, concise, analytical approach attempted
? Flow of the argument is not always apparent
? Standard of English conventions of grammar and spelling with few errors
? Acknowledges all sources
? Mostly consistent in meeting APA referencing standards eg few errors
? Uses language of the discipline
? Uses non discriminatory and culturally safe language
? Presentation of document lacks organisation and coherence
? Writing is a statement of facts without questioning
? Flow of ideas using linking words is not apparent
? Grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling has many errors distracting from the content
? All sources not acknowledged
? Many errors in APA referencing standards
? Uses lay language instead of language of the discipline
? Uses language that is discriminatory and culturally inappropriate
Assessor’s Comments:
Total Grade: [ ]
Revised 31-03-2015
NSN515 Assessment Guidelines
Assignment 2: Leadership and Capacity Building: Professional
Friday, 29 May, 2015
Length: 2500-3000 words
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2 and 4:
Weighting: 60%
Description: You will evaluate traditional and contemporary
leadership theory to generate a conceptual model that
contributes to a framework for building leadership capacity and
lifelong leadership for quality improvement to advance nursing.
In this assignment you will:
1. Either use the workplace issues you identified from
Assessment 1 and use leadership theory to construct
solutions for the issues you presented
2. Or highlight some key issues from your own practice and
use leadership theory to construct solutions for the
issues you have identified
You will demonstrate:
? A critical analysis of the issues through leadership and
management theory
? Ability to apply leadership and management theory
throughout your plan and relevant evidence based
literature to support solutions your propose
? Provide innovative and creative solutions and introduce
these into your practice using both leadership and
change theories
? Logical framework through which to present your
professional plan
NSN515 Assessment Guidelines
NSN515 Leadership and Management in Nursing – ASSESSMENT 2 Leadership and Capability Building: Professional Plan (Revised 31-03-2015)
Student Name: __________________________________ Student Number: _______________________________
Advanced Knowledge
Demonstrates advanced theoretical and technical knowledge and skills relevant to leadership and management in nursing.
Applies to Learning Outcome 1
In your response, you have :
? Challenged the theoretical and /or conceptual knowledge basis of key ideas, contexts, frameworks for practice related to leadership and management in nursing
? Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in an extensive range of literature
? Analysed key ideas through a conceptual frame to tie ideas together
In your response, you have :
? Explained through analysis of theoretical and /or conceptual knowledge in leadership and management in nursing, the basis of key ideas, contexts, frameworks for practice
? Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in a wide range of literature
? Applied a conceptual frame to justify your key ideas to tie ideas together
In your response, you have :
? Contextualised theoretical and/or conceptual knowledge related to leadership and management in nursing as the basis of most key ideas, contexts, frameworks for practice
? Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in credible literature
? Explored key ideas within a conceptual frame to tie ideas together
In your response, you have :
? Demonstrated theoretical or conceptual basis of most key ideas, contexts and/or frameworks for practice related to leadership and management in nursing.
? Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in a range of literature
? Presented key ideas within a conceptual frame to tie ideas together
In your response, you have :
? Lacked coherence when applying knowledge of key ideas, concepts related to leadership and management in nursing
? Drawn on minimal or no evidence
? Demonstrated limited application of a conceptual framework to tie ideas together
Critical Thinking and Analysis (critique, analyse and evaluate)
Demonstrates advanced cognitive, technical and communication skills to transmit solutions to complex problems related to leadership and management in nursing based on critical analysis and evaluation
Applies to Learning Outcome 2, 4
In your response, you have :
? Sourced, analysed and synthesised information /data to construct emergent knowledge on leadership and management in nursing
? Critically synthesised evidence drawing from an extensive range of relevant, seminal and/or current sources
? Articulated a persuasive position or recommendation taking into account contextual complexities
? Interrogated broader perspectives critically and evaluated the credibility and rigour of available evidence to develop a coherent analysis and offered insights into potential benefits for recipients of care and population health.
In your response, you have :
? Sourced and applied information/data from relevant, credible literature on leadership and management in nursing
? Synthesised evidence drawing from a range of relevant, seminal and/or current sources
? Assimilated a range of perspectives to articulate a strongly argued position or recommendation
? Explored your emerging creative thoughts and broader perspectives from the synthesis of new knowledge , ideas and applications for strategy or recommendations
In your response, you have :
? Sourced and applied information/data from relevant literature on leadership and management in nursing
? Synthesised evidence drawing from a range of relevant, seminal and/or current sources for credibility and rigour
? Argued a position or recommendation using credible evidence
? Demonstrated emerging creative thought, e.g. approaches to a problem, synthesis of ideas and/or solutions to problems, wider applications of a proposed strategy or recommendations
In your response, you have :
? Sourced and applied information/data from relevant literature on leadership and management in nursing
? Appraised evidence with some interpretation
? Presented a position using supporting evidence from a few credible sources
? Identified implications of argument or position to draw defensible conclusions and focused the position and/or made recommendations
? In your conclusion you presented defensible conclusions
In your response, you have :
? Sourced and applied minimal, or no relevant sources on leadership and management in nursing
? Provided description of evidence or viewpoints as fact without questioning.
? Taken a position on an argument that is simplistic and obvious.
? Attempted to tie conclusions to some of the information but related complications, outcomes and implications are oversimplified or general assumptions
NSN515 Assessment Guidelines
Professional writing / communication
Demonstrates clarity of expression and adheres to information literacy standards in communication of health data and information to others.
Applies to Graduate Capability
? Presentation of document meets expected professional standard
? Writing style is analytical and coherent when critical of multiple perspectives
? Logical and succinct structure to the content
? Consistently meets expected standard of English conventions of grammar and , spelling
? Acknowledges all sources
? Meets APA referencing standards with no errors
? Uses language of the discipline
? Uses non discriminatory and culturally safe language
? Presentation of document meets professional standard
? Writing style is analytical and coherent
? Logical structure to the content
? Meets expected standard of English conventions of grammar and, spelling
? Acknowledges all sources
? Meets APA referencing standards with minimal errors
? Uses language of the discipline
? Uses non discriminatory and culturally safe language
? Professional presentation with introduction, body, conclusion evident, reflects organisation and coherence
? Writing style is analytical and ideas are mostly clear in expression
? Logical flow of argument is evident
? Consistent and mostly correct application of English conventions of grammar and spelling
? Acknowledges all sources
? Mostly consistent in meeting APA referencing standards
? Uses language of the discipline
? Uses non discriminatory and culturally safe language
? Introduction, body, conclusion evident
? Clear, concise, analytical approach attempted
? Flow of the argument is not always apparent
? Standard of English conventions of grammar and spelling with few errors
? Acknowledges all sources
? Mostly consistent in meeting APA referencing standards eg few errors
? Uses language of the discipline
? Uses non discriminatory and culturally safe language
? Presentation of document lacks organisation and coherence
? Writing is a statement of facts without questioning
? Flow of ideas using linking words is not apparent
? Grammar, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling has many errors distracting from the content
? All sources not acknowledged
? Many errors in APA referencing standards
? Uses lay language instead of language of the discipline
? Uses language that is discriminatory and culturally inappropriate
Assessor’s Comments:


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What do post 9/11 separating or retiring service members consider to be their greatest employment challenge as they transition into civilian life? 2. Identify attributes or variables included in each research question. Be sure to designate the type of variable identified, for example: independent variable (IV), dependent variable (DV), and/or covariate (CoV).

Research Methods in Education

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Order Description

First of 4 Assignments

Each Assignment must include 4 in-text references. Do not use same references for each assignment.

Assignment #1

Personal Background:
I am a retired veteran of the USAF (served 23 years). I currently work as a Federal Contractor overseeing Transition Assistance Operations for the state of California. I?m passionate about supporting transitioning veterans who are separating and retiring from the military and I?m privileged to serve them as the Director of Operations for the world?s largest regional transition assistance program. My company is The AFX Group LLC. I take great pride in knowing that every month we provide veterans over 70 Department of Labor Employment Workshops across the state of California on behalf of our Federal Partners, the Department of Labor, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.


Module 2 Case Paper 4 Pages (Requesting 4 to meet Times New Roman Font Requirement)

Discuss the following items:

1. Develop four (4) research questions that reflect education and/or training topics of interest to you. Three (3) of these questions must be quantitative research questions, and one (1) qualitative research question.

Your quantitative research questions must each represent one of the following: descriptive research question, relational research question, and causal research


The following questions are provided for development:

Quantitative Questions
Type: Causal

What is the effect on promotion success for enlisted members of the armed forces in regard to the following considerations:
– The socio-economic status of the service member upon entry into the armed forces
– The parental support provided to the service member while at living at home
– The type of school system attended prior to entry into the armed forces, i.e. private, public, advanced placement etc.


What is the percentage of veterans who retire or separate from the service who attend a Department of Labor Employment workshop with less than 90 days remaining on their service contract (excluding use-or-lose/terminal leave and house/job hunting time-off)?


What is the effect on ?resume-to-interview? timelines of veterans who?
– Write their own resume
– Let a local transition assistance program counselor write it for them
– Pay for a Certified Professional Resume Writer?s services

Qualitative Question

What do post 9/11 separating or retiring service members consider to be their greatest employment challenge as they transition into civilian life?

2. Identify attributes or variables included in each research question. Be sure to designate the type of variable identified, for example: independent variable (IV), dependent variable (DV), and/or covariate (CoV).

3. Describe the type of data that will be measured for each variable. Please designate whether the data is categorical (I.e., nominal or ordinal data) or continuous (I.e., interval or ratio data).

4. Please provide justification for your conclusions. For example, if you identify an attribute as an IV, explain how you determined this to be so.

NOTE. Remember, quantitative data is represented by numbers, and qualitative data is represented by text or image.

To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).

Include at least four in-text references. Feel free to do additional research as necessary.

As Master’s level students, it is expected that you develop strong skills for reviewing literature.

The Bibliography and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style.

HINT: To ensure a well-organized paper, begin your discussion with an introduction (including purpose statement), and then include a section for each assignment task. Be sure to include appropriate headings for each section. Also, include a conclusion.

Assignment 2

Session Long Project (SLP)

Write a 4-page narrative essay in which you discuss strengths and weaknesses of various types of research questions. Please include discussion of the following items:

? Compare and contrast the three primary types of research questions most often used in quantitative research (I.e., descriptive, relational, and causal)

? Describe best practices or tips for composing strong qualitative research questions


Be sure to include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 2 SLP assignment and inform the reader of the ideas to be discussed.

Follow the APA format and style requirements, and include an APA formatted reference list.

Assignment 3

Case Assignment

Read assigned readings, then complete a 4 page Literature Review (not including the cover sheet and bibliography) related to your selected research question.

Please include the following items:

1. Select one of your quantitative research questions developed in Module 2 and use it here in Module 3 to guide your Literature Review.
Quantitative question from Module 2 selected for the Literature Review.


What is the percentage of veterans who retire or separate from the service who attend a Department of Labor Employment workshop with less than 90 days remaining on their service contract (excluding use-or-lose/terminal leave and house/job hunting time-off)?

Note: The study would present that adequate preparation for this major transition is needed and less than 90 days is not adequate and could be a contributing factor to a higher unemployment rate of veterans.

2. Peruse the literature; select 4 or 5 articles that relate to your research question; and read with a purpose to identify gaps in information or ambiguities that help to clarify and justify your research question.

3. Based on your review of the literature, discuss the following items in your Case assignment paper:

? Show why your research question (in original format or revised) needs to be answered (for example, does it address controversies or debates, or fill a gap, found in the literature?)

? Describe the theories that support your research question (for example, are there any theoretical models that need to be tested empirically as suggested by your research question?)

? Identify the best methodology to conduct a study to answer your research question (please explain your response).

? Describe how answering your research question (with completion of prospective study) would add to the research already completed.

To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).
Include at least three in-text references, preferably including one which is other than those provided in the assigned readings. Feel free to do additional research as necessary.

As Master’s level students, it is expected that you develop strong skills for reviewing literature.
The Bibliography and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style.

HINT: To ensure a well-organized paper, begin your discussion with an introduction (including purpose statement), and then include a section for each assignment task. Be sure to include appropriate headings for each section. Also, include a conclusion.

Assigned Readings for Background

? Funk, T. (2009). Identification of academic and social expectation anxieties and self-efficacy issues experienced by non-traditional students and examination of their effects on academic success. Ph.D. dissertation. TUI University, CA. August 22, 2013 Retrieved from ProQuest

? Hill, J. (2005, March).* Introduction to descriptive statistics. Retrieved August 22, 2013from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign website:

? Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. (n/s). Problem Identification and Hypothesis Formation. University of South Alabama. Retrieved August 22, 2013 from

? Stockburger, D. W. (2006). Statistics. Retrieved August 22, 2013 from Missouri State University website:

? Wallin, A. M. (2006). Cross-cultural interview studies using interpreters: systematic literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 55(6), pp723-735. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.03963.x. Retrieved July 2012 from EBSCO.

Assignment 4

Session Long Project (SLP)

Write a 4-page narrative essay in which you address the following items:

? Compare and contrast the role of literature review in quantitative studies vs qualitative studies; identify the type of research in which literature review plays a bigger role and describe why this is so.


Be sure to include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 3 SLP assignment and inform the reader of the ideas to be discussed.

Follow the APA format and style requirements, and include an APA formatted reference list.


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Write a 500 word paragraph on an issue of safety that you explored in some depth, ensuring it is specifically related to the specialty area (perioperative setting). The website bellow will help you establish a basis for your reflection and enable you to complete the activity. However, this 500 word paragraph is to have another 3 references.


Order Description

This assignment consists of three tasks. Each task is to have certain number of words and requires neither an introduction nor conclusion. References used for this assignment must not be older than 2009 and must be Australian ones.

Task One looks at the specific rights and responsibilities of the registered nurse in a specialty clinical area (perioperative setting), including from the perspective of keeping the nurse and her/his patients/clients physically and emotionally safe. It also raises the issue of legal responsibilities and identifies issues specific to the specialty area.
Write a 500 word paragraph on an issue of safety that you explored in some depth, ensuring it is specifically related to the specialty area (perioperative setting).
The website bellow will help you establish a basis for your reflection and enable you to complete the activity. However, this 500 word paragraph is to have another 3 references.

Task Two-write a paragraph of 600 words on your understanding of the dilemma of providing information to carers while considering the confidentiality concerns relating to the patient/client. This 600 word paragraph is to have 3 references. Don’t forget to consider the ethical implications in your consideration of the issues.
Task Two looks specifically at the rights of clients and in more depth the rights of their carers in the process of treatment and recovery. It raises some questions about how the nursing profession views and deals with the rights of the carers and their need for information, particularly in the context of patients/clients who may lack insight in their care needs.
Where are the carers in the healthcare law and ethics’. It is important to understand that while the holistic approach to health care is preferred it is hard to balance the rights of all parties. What is the nurse’s role in ensuring carers and patients/clients have a say and that all opinions are respected. Sharing of information is fundamental to this consideration. The carers play an important role in providing information to health care professionals but do they have any rights to be consider in the decision making of care if there is no legal directive. The patient/client has rights but do the carers have rights as well. Further to this ethical theorie are often at the foundation of nurse’s approach to care. Ethics of Care theory claims that moral agents (carers, clients, health care professionals and institutions) are not separate entities and that the application of universal ethics is not in appropriate. This theory is based on consensus ethics which incorporates the views of all involved in care (Freegard & Isted, 2012).
Most health care organisations have a patient charter or similar document that is given to patients or clients in the care of the organisation, to explain their rights.
• Find this document for your specialty area (perioperative setting) and read it.
• Consider, who is it aimed at and does it include the rights of the carers as well?
• Is the organisational charter proscriptive in nature allowing no room for flexibility based on ethical considerations
It would also be worth finding out if the health care organisation has specific policies to cover the rights of patients/clients and their carers.
• Go to the organisation’s policies and procedures manual or web page, and find out what the relevant policies are.
• Are there policy for each party or just a general policy that is inclusive, again is there flexibility in the policy
Jot down some answers to these points as they will assist you in completing this assessment task.

Task Three- write a 550 word paragraph on your reflection from the activity bellow. This paragraph is to have 3 references including the reference bellow.
The activity: Read Brian’s story (the link bellow) and write a reflection on how that has changed your perspective or given you some insight into the meaning illness has for Brian’s wife as his care.
This task gives you the opportunity to explore how the various people we interact with in the health care environment make meaning of their illness and of their situation. It also gives you the opportunity to reflect on how you relate to that and to make meaning of your own experiences.
When writing your reflection make sure you consider your own perceptions, morals and ethics.


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Instructions: The levels of Benner’s Model reflect movement from reliance on past abstract principles to the concrete experience.  An individual’s perception of situations change as experience is gained. To help better understand your perspective on your new role, complete the following self-assessment. Refer to the model to guide your perception. 1.    What areas of your career do you most want to focus and further develop?

APN Professional Development Plan

Order Description

For this essay, use APA 2010 format and from scholarly database like CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Institute. References are from the year 2010-2015. 3. USE THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR THIS ESSAY. Create your manuscript using Microsoft Word 2007. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):
a. Introduction to the APN professional development plan
b. APN Scope of Practice
c. Personal Assessment
d. Networking and Marketing Strategies
e. Conclusion

Guidelines for Advanced Practice Nursing
Role Self-Assessment Using Benner’s Novice to Expert Model

Stage 1: Novice

The Novice or beginner has no experience in the situations in which they are expected to perform. The Novice lacks confidence to demonstrate safe practice and requires continual verbal and physical cues. Practice is within a prolonged time period and he/she is unable to use discretionary judgment.

Stage 2: Advanced Beginner
Advanced Beginners demonstrate marginally acceptable performance because the nurse has had prior experience in actual situations. He/she is efficient and skillful in parts of the practice area, requiring occasional supportive cues. May/may not be within a delayed time period.
Knowledge is developing.

Stage 3: Competent
Competence is demonstrated by the nurse who has been on the job in the same or similar situations for two or three years. The nurse is able to demonstrate efficiency, is coordinated and has confidence in his/her actions. For the Competent nurse, a plan establishes a perspective, and the plan is based on considerable conscious, abstract, analytic contemplation of the problem. The conscious, deliberate planning that is characteristic of this skill level helps achieve efficiency and organization. Care is completed within a suitable time frame without supporting cues.

Stage 4: Proficient
The Proficient nurse perceives situations as wholes rather than in terms of chopped up parts or aspects. Proficient nurses understand a situation as a whole because they perceive its meaning in terms of long-term goals. The Proficient nurse learns from experience what typical events to expect in a given situation and how plans need to be modified in response to these events. The
Proficient nurse can now recognize when the expected normal picture does not materialize. This
holistic understanding improves the Proficient nurse’s decision making; it becomes less labored because the nurse now has a perspective on which of the many existing attributes and aspects in the present situation are the important ones.
Stage 5: The Expert
The Expert nurse has an intuitive grasp of each situation and zeroes in on the accurate region of the problem without wasteful consideration of a large range of unfruitful, alternative diagnoses and solutions. The Expert operates from a deep understanding of the total situation. His/her performance becomes fluid and flexible and highly proficient. Highly skilled analytic ability is necessary for those situations with which the nurse has had no previous experience.
Source: Benner, P. (2001). From Novice to Expert: Excellence and power in clinical nursing practice.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Health.

Instructions: The levels of Benner’s Model reflect movement from reliance on past abstract principles to the concrete experience.  An individual’s perception of situations change as experience is gained. To help better understand your perspective on your new role, complete the following self-assessment. Refer to the model to guide your perception.
1.    What areas of your career do you most want to focus and further develop?

2.    What do you look forward to most about your new role?

3.    What do you fear the most about your new job?

4.    What do you most hope to gain from your new experience?

5.    Adapting to a new position/work setting is stressful and overwhelming. List three ways in which you cope with excessive stress.

6.    What are your goals and objectives for your first, second, and third months in your new position as well as the remainder of your first year?


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