1.    Discuss the feelings this article evoked 2.    Discuss the external forces that impact the evolution of this culture, including factors beyond the information presented in the article.

MHS 502 Case#1 Cultural Diversity of Health science

Module 1 – Case
Culture and Communication
Background: In this first module, we are going explore barriers to communication and consider the advice of the California Endowment (2003) as we immerse ourselves in the study of culture. According to this group:
“Self-awareness and self-knowledge are the first types of knowledge cross-cultural training would seek to establish. This involves bringing to the learner’s awareness internalized beliefs, values, norms, stereotypes and biases. They should be made aware of how ethnocentrism, that is, the belief that one’s own culture is superior to others, operates in all cultures and encouraged to be attentive to the possibility of ethnocentrism in their own thinking. They should be made aware of how ethnocentrism may influence their own interaction with patients” (p. 4).
Having considered this, let’s begin module 1 by considering how we “react” to a description of actions taking place in another culture. In August of 2006, Jane Perlez reported in the New York Times about changes that have taken place in Indonesia since the tsunami. These changes include the embracing of Islamic law AND the practice of caning. Please read the article entitled Indonesian Province Embraces Islamic Law, and Canings and in a three to five page paper, address the following questions:
1.    Discuss the feelings this article evoked
2.    Discuss the external forces that impact the evolution of this culture, including factors beyond the information presented in the article.
3.    Discuss the impact that barriers to communication had on your reaction including
o    Ethnocentricity
o    Stereotyping
o    Ethnic Glossing
4.    Discuss the how this information can assist you as a health practitioner?
Note: In your write-up use section headings for each question and subheadings for each of the sub-categories.
Assignment Expectations
Use information from your module readings/articles as well as appropriate research to support your selection.
Length: The SLP assignment should be 3-5 pages long (double-spaced).
References: At least three references must be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required Reading is included. Quoted materials should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. Materials copied verbatim from external sources must be enclosed in quotation marks. In-text citations are required as well as a list of references at the end of the assignment. (APA format is recommended.)
Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.
Format: APA format is recommended for this assignment.
Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.
Your assignment will not be graded until you have submitted an Originality Report with a score <20%. Papers not meeting this requirement by the end of the session will receive a score of 0 (grade of F).
The following items will be assessed in particular:
•    Achievement of learning objectives for SLP assignment.
•    Relevance – All content is connected to the question.
•    Precision – Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
•    Depth of discussion – Points that lead to deeper issues are presented and integrated.
•    Breadth – Multiple perspectives and references, and multiple issues/factors are considered.
•    Evidence – Points are well supported with facts, statistics, and references.
•    Logic – Discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
•    Clarity – Writing is concise and understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
•    Objectivity – Avoids the use of first person and subjective bias.
Additional Resources
Link to the Purnell Model of cultural competence: Purnell Model of Cultural Competence

Module 1 – Background
Culture and Communication
Case Background
Health care practitioners often misinterpret patient cues regarding values, beliefs, behaviors, and symbols that affect treatment seeking and compliance with treatment interventions leading to less than optimal outcomes. This is at least in part due to a focus on static pictures of race and ethnicity during the patient encounter. Misreading patient cues based on stereotypes can create special challenges for practitioners. Such miscommunication may lead to significant negative outcomes for the patient.
The inability to understand a patient’s needs from the patient’s perspective can result in miscommunication that in turn may lead to inappropriate care and may decrease the quality and outcomes of services provided (Hayes, 2012). Many health care professionals lack the necessary skills and knowledge to identify, understand, and bridge differences in cultural values and practices that influence the medical encounter (Hayes, 2012). Thus the quality of care may be unintentionally compromised by health care professionals who may focus on the larger cultural mores while ignoring other key beliefs, such as religious beliefs, that may interfere with care.
Some of the most commonly noted challenges referenced by Hayes (2012) include (a) personal prejudices, suggest is based on fear of those who are different or who challenge certitude and values; ethnocentrism, which is a tendency to see reality through one’s own cultural perspective, a culture deemed necessary, normal, and desirable; (b) stereotyping, which is defined as a simplification of a wealth of information, but which, if effectively considered, can generate accurate predictions about others to the extent that the stereotypes contain accurate generalizations; and (c) ethnic glossing, a term used to describe the overgeneralization or simplistic categorical label referring to an ethnocultural group, which provides little information on the richness and cultural variation within ethnocultural groups and ignores the unique cultural differences found in individuals. Finally, one of the most prominent and noticeable challenges to effective provider patient relationship is language. The inability to communicate due to different primary languages, the lack of trained interpreters, and inappropriate non-verbal communication are cited as the most significant barriers to care (Hayes, 2012).
Patient interactions present several other challenges for the provider and organization. Research has identified several factors that patients report impacted on medical encounters. These include the use of, and openness to complementary and alternative medicine, interpersonal styles that are sensitive to modesty and submissiveness, understanding the potential role of the family and spirituality in medical decision-making and the healing process, and the deductive and objective culture of medicine which may be viewed by some patients as insensitive to their individual needs. Moreover, interpretations of issues of poverty, conflicting cultural values, folk medicine, skin color, and illiteracy are factors repeatedly noted for separating the patient from the health care professional (Hayes, 2012). The interaction of patient characteristics, beliefs, and language and those of the provider create a complex communications web that needs to be clarified for effective services to be provided.
Session Long Project Background
Cross-cultural competence (sometimes called multicultural, transcultural or intercultural competence) should be considered a journey and NOT a destination. Many books and articles have been written on the topic of cross cultural competence. Several of these resources have focused on individual groups by making sweeping generalizations about the members of the culture about which they are written. Unfortunately texts of this nature do not dispense much practical advice in terms of “how to” learn cultural competence. According to the California Endowment (2003), “While factual information is important, educators should focus on process-oriented tools and concepts that will serve the practitioner well in communicating and developing therapeutic alliances with all types of patients” (p. 2). Having said this, in this course, we will not focus on “generalizations”; instead we will explore methods that will enable us to effectively learn about other cultures.
Research on cultural competence dating back to the 1950s has underscored a number of desired outcomes related to the phenomenon. Early research on cultural competence suggests that the desired outcome was to recognize cultural differences within one’s environment considering an individual’s origin, education, social class, and religion to assist in explaining their behavior in medical treatment. In a review of literature by Hayes (2012) four major themes were identified across nine frameworks of cultural competence including: (1) an awareness of diversity among human beings, (2) an ability to care for individuals, (3) nonjudgmental openness for all individuals, and (4) the long-term process involved in enhancing cultural competence.
As of August 12, 2009, there were 6,777,249,674 individuals on the face of the Earth (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). When one considers this number we quickly come to the realization that it is impossible to know all that there is to know about every single cultural group in the world. How then can we attain cross-cultural competence?
Numerous theories of multicultural and cross-cultural competence have been proposed. Under the background readings of this module, specifically, the “optional reading” section, you will be able to explore some of the different models that have been used in the study of culture.
Cultural Competence using the Purnell Model
In this course, we are going to focus on one model for studying culture. By learning how to use a model for the study of culture we can apply the models constructs (or parts) to any culture and explore it in a systematic manner. The model I have selected for our use is the Purnell model. In addition to serving as the framework for this course, this model will serve as the underpinning for our session long project.
Dr. Purnell’s model is a conceptualization of cultural competence. He built his model using different theories as well as research from many disciplines. Under the required reading section of this module, we will learn more about the Purnell model. In each module of this course, we will consider two to three constructs of the Purnell model and apply it to our study of culture. Our work with the model will be reinforced by readings that echo key themes of the model.
We shall begin our study of the Purnell model by considering the totality of the Purnell model. Before moving on with your reading, you should click on this link in order to refer to the model as we explore its parts.
Model Overview
The outer circle of the model represents the “Global society”. This encompasses such ideas as “world communication and politics; conflicts and warfare; natural disasters and famines; international exchanges in education, business, commerce, and information technology; advances in the health sciences; space exploration; and the expanded opportunities for people to travel around the world and interact with diverse societies” (Purnell&Paulanka, 2003, p. 9).
Within this outer circle we find another circle that represents the concept of “Community”. A community is a group of people who have either a common interest or live in a specific geographic location. Sharing a language or a specific dialect, lifestyle or history are symbolic characteristics of a community (Purnell&Paulanka, 2003, p. 9).
Within the circle of community, we find the circle of “Family”. In its simplest terms a family is “two or more people who are emotionally connected”. People who make up a family may (but do not have to) live with or in close geographic proximity to one another (Purnell&Paulanka, 2003, p. 9). These people share an “emotional” bond that holds them together despite their geographic proximity. In addition to emotional bond, there can also be a biological relationship in a family (such as a mother and daughter) or it can also exist in the absence of a biological relationship (such as a woman and her fiancé). However defined, the concept of “family” has a powerful impact upon the next circle that comprises the model—“person”.
Although it seems like a simple definition, the concept of “Person” is quite a complex. We are biological (or those aspects that make up our bodies), psychological (those aspects that encompass our thoughts and feelings), social (those aspects that deal with how we relate to one another in society) and cultural beings. We will focus on the cultural aspects of persons throughout this course.
Within the circles, we find what appears as “pieces of a pie” which represent what Purnell refers to as the “12 Domains of Culture”. In each module, we will explore two or three of these domains (or constructs) in depth and they will be used to inform our session long project. In this first module, we are going to begin with an exploration of “Overview/Heritage” and “Communication”.
Sub-constructs of this domain include:
•    Origins
•    Residence
•    Topography
•    Economics
•    Politics
•    Education
•    Occupation
Sub-constructs of this domain include:
•    Dominant language
•    Dialects
•    Contextual use
•    Volume/tone
•    Spatial distancing
•    Eye contact
•    Facial expression
•    Greetings
•    Temporality
•    Time
•    Names
•    Touch
With an increasing emphasis on using science to improve treatment outcomes; health care providers must also improve their capacity to better understand individual culture as it affects patient decisions to access and use care and to follow treatment recommendations. If not, better and more targeted treatments may be undermined leading to poorer health outcomes and increased costs for some of the most vulnerable. This process begins with first understanding the barriers to communication between patients and providers.
Required Reading
California Endowment (n.d.).Principles and Recommended Standards for Cultural Competence Education of Health Care Professionals (Gilbert, J. M., ed.)
California State University at Chico. (2007, June 19). What is a Scholarly Journal? Retrieved from http://www.csuchico.edu/lins/handouts/scholarly.html
Perlez, J. (2006, August 1). Indonesian province embraces Islamic law, and canings. The New York times, A. 3.
Purdue University (1995-2011). APA formatting and style guide. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
Purnell, L. (n.d.). The Purnell model for cultural competence. Retrieved from http://www.tcns.org/society/PurnellModel2.pdf
Purnell, L. (2005). The Purnell model for cultural competence [Electronic version].Journal of multicultural nursing & health, 11(2), 7-15.
U.S. Department of State (n.d.). Countries. Retrieved from http://www.state.gov/countries/
Optional Reading
Hayes, E. D. (2012). The impact of organizational culture, climate, and provider characteristics on perceived cultural adaptability of disaster health care providers. TUI University).ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 199. Retrieved from proquest.
Jirwe, M., Gerrish, K., &Emami, A. (2006).The theoretical framework of cultural competence.Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health (JMCNH), 12(3), 6-16.



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Describe the importance of the clinical problem and why it is significant to nursing practice; •Describe the added expectations for BSN-prepared nurses in terms of implementing evidence based practice; •Describe the clinical practice guideline developed by governmental source or professional association; •Describe the impact on patient and/or a community;

Chronic Pain Management

Paper details:
Write a 4-5-page paper in which you: •Write an introduction and purpose statement; •Identify a practice setting problem; •Describe the importance of the clinical problem and why it is significant to nursing practice; •Describe the added expectations for BSN-prepared nurses in terms of implementing evidence based practice; •Describe the clinical practice guideline developed by governmental source or professional association; •Describe the impact on patient and/or a community; •State the costs of this problem to the health care system; •Describe evidence based practice changes in nursing care that have occurred due to research. ?An example: National Guidelines Clearinghouse guidelines TEXTBOOKS Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (Eds.). (2012). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research. (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. American Psychological Association. 6th edition


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Using the Epidemiologic Triangle concept, consider the relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors. Then, respond to the following: •As a BSN-prepared community health nurse, what steps should Debbie take next? •How might information systems be used to support Debbie’s efforts?

Using the Epidemiological Triangle

Order Description

To prepare for this Discussion, review Chapter 12 in the course textbook and the media program. Then, read the following case study:

This is Debbie’s first year working as a nurse at the local health department in a rural county. Most of her days are spent in the clinic seeing clients who often do not have health insurance.

Over the past month, Debbie has noticed that several young Hispanic men have come to the health department, each diagnosed with tuberculosis. Debbie is concerned about what the outbreak of tuberculosis among the migrant workers could mean for the community. Through a community health profile, Debbie identifies the group of migrant farm workers as being at highest risk for contracting tuberculosis.

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle concept, consider the relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors. Then, respond to the following:

•As a BSN-prepared community health nurse, what steps should Debbie take next?

•How might information systems be used to support Debbie’s efforts?

•Course Text: Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community

?Chapter 6, “Application of Ethics in the Community”

Chapter 6 presents a historical overview of ethics, a branch of philosophy that addresses moral decision–making, in the nursing domain. Principles of ethical decisions and steps to maing them are also discussed.

?Chapter 12, “Epidemiology”

Epidemiology is the study of the spread of infectious, mental, and chronic diseases in addition to health-related events like injuries. This selection offers methods for describing health phenomena, epidemiologic models for explaining relationships that affect one’s disease risk, as well as outlines for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention in reducing the spread of disease.

?Chapter 17, “Promoting Healthy Communities Using Multi-level Participatory Strategies””

In Chapter 17, the authors talk about the shift from illness management in individuals to wellness promotion in communities through multilevel community health projects, which target individuals, families, aggregates and communities.

?Chapter 14, “Communicable and Infectious Disease Risks”

This chapter focuses on HIV, STDs, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and clinical signs thereof. The author illustrates trends in cases of these diseases, identifies risk groups, and analyzes behaviors and activities that increase one’s risk of contracting each disease.

•Aldridge, A. (2014). The role of the community nurse in psoriatic comorbidities interventions. British Journal Of Community Nursing, 19(1), 38-42. Retrieved from the Walden University Library Databases.

Web Sites
•Center for Disease Control


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Meanwhile, as a smart individual, they should figure out by now that the Facebook and other social media are not the right places to vent their frustration or brag out their job. Furthermore, social media is not a large community as people might think; people add friends, co-worker, and people with the same interest to follow them. It’s not by far a larger place to hide. People can put two and two together to figure out who they are and where they work. As a professional nurse, stop and think before you tweet; for your sake and for the sake of the patient who trusted you with his/her life. Think of your professional dignity that comes with the profession of caring for people. If this doesn’t work for you, then think of your colleagues, your patient, and your boss as potential readers.  Yes, hospital managers are looking over everyone’s shoulders now and having close eye on what might put their reputation and money at risk. Guess what!! Courts are taking sides with employers and I don’t blame them, do you?

Guidelines for Using Electronic and Social Media: The Regulatory Perspective

I started to work on my paper. I don’t know if structure and over all is good enough. If it is not , you may start all over1. Provide a one paragraph critique of the article. Included in this paragraph is the main theme of the article and your opinion. 2. A second paragraph is your interpretation on how this relates to an experience in the clinical setting or project on how this will relate to you as a registered nurse.3. The critique must be written professionally and follow the APA format.4. Please include your reference.5. This paper should be one page in length.




The growing number of the inappropriate use of social media and HIPPA violation has become an alarming concern for health care organizations. Apparently, the negative side of the use of social media has its lucrative way to lure nurses to share their vivid moments that involve life and death situations or to vent off their inner negative feelings about their patients, their boss or the work. A published journal by AANA (N. Spector and D. Kappel, 2012) presents three actual scenarios of which nurses unintentionally violated the appropriate use of social media, therefore, they reprimanded for their breaches of patient confidentiality.


A Michigan hospital nurse posted a tweet that she was assigned to care for evil and she hoped that her patient; the cop-killer; will rot in hell. She didn’t identify her patient by name or referred to the hospital by name either; however, she received a phone call from the Hospital management that they became aware of her post and they were highly disturbed by her unprofessional action. She thought that she will be in corrective action at most. A Few days later, she was fired for ruining the hospital reputation. “Two nurses in Wisconsin posted and discussed on one of the nurse’s Facebook pages a photograph of an x-ray image showing a sexual device lodged in a patient’s rectum”. ( Header and Brown, AANA, August 2010). The FBI investigated for possible federal violations. The nurses were terminated for violating company policy and the State Board of Nursing was notified. Another case scenario where a nurse, in her public blog, called her physically challenged client as “my little handicapper”. Some readers disliked the use of her unprofessional language and reported her.


Apparently, these are perfect examples of how our judgment fails us at times. These nurses may have sincerely believed that they have no intent to cause harm in some scenarios, while they were actively violating the HIPAA law. The use of unprofessional language or even failure to report a questionable HIPPA violation can cost job termination, disciplinary action by State Board of Nursing, ,and even criminal investigations and sanctions. Nurses must become aware that breach of confidentiality online is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. The cyber place violations are not within the local or the State jurisdiction, consequently, the FBI will knock on their door instead.


Meanwhile, as a smart individual, they should figure out by now that the Facebook and other social media are not the right places to vent their frustration or brag out their job. Furthermore, social media is not a large community as people might think; people add friends, co-worker, and people with the same interest to follow them. It’s not by far a larger place to hide. People can put two and two together to figure out who they are and where they work. As a professional nurse, stop and think before you tweet; for your sake and for the sake of the patient who trusted you with his/her life. Think of your professional dignity that comes with the profession of caring for people. If this doesn’t work for you, then think of your colleagues, your patient, and your boss as potential readers.  Yes, hospital managers are looking over everyone’s shoulders now and having close eye on what might put their reputation and money at risk. Guess what!! Courts are taking sides with employers and I don’t blame them, do you?


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Topical headings to delineate systems. For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would do the assessment. Detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings and include normal laboratory findings for client age.

Head-to-Toe Assessment

Order Description

Head-to-Toe Assessment

You have performed assessments of different parts of the body as part of your application assignments. For this assignment, perform a complete head-to-toe assessment. Your analysis should include the following:

Topical headings to delineate systems.
For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would do the assessment.
Detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings and include normal laboratory findings for client age.
An analysis of age specific risk reduction health screen and immunizations.
Your expectation as normal findings and what might indicate abnormal findings in review of systems.
The differential diagnosis (disease) associated with possible abnormal findings.
A plan of care (include nursing diagnosis, interventions, evaluation).
Provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document.

Support your responses with examples.


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Briefly discuss what assessments are necessary to enable Audrey to be admitted to a nursing home. Who does the assessments? What ongoing assessments are necessary to be conducted by the registered nurse in the aged care facility?

Written assignment ageing and chronic disease self managment

Order Description

Audrey Williams is an 89 year old lady with a history of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, obesity, and Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). Audrey lives in her own home with community nursing services who assist her with meals, blood sugar monitoring, medications and showers as she has chronic pain in her legs from the peripheral vascular disease causing decreased mobility. Recently Audrey has become increasingly debilitated and severely depressed and her family want to move her into a nursing home. However, Audrey is adamant she wants to stay in her own home. She has been asking her GP to increase her opioid medication and pleading with her doctor to ‘please just knock me off’. Audrey is already on maximum pharmacological therapy and her GP is reluctant to add further medications. Both Audrey and her family are becoming increasingly distressed.

Select EITHER Option A or Option B and answer and discuss the associated questions as a member of the community nursing team.

In both options you will need to apply understanding of integrated care concepts, as well as the principles of primary health care, person centred care, chronic disease self management, and clinical reasoning as you present your case study.

Option B

Audrey’s family are concerned for her safety and are unable to offer the necessary ongoing support so she is able to stay at home. They decide to move Audrey to a nursing home. In the home Audrey’s physical and mental health rapidly deteriorates. She becomes withdrawn and refuses to eat or take any medications resulting in increased pain, distress and malnutrition.

*Briefly discuss what assessments are necessary to enable Audrey to be admitted to a nursing home. Who does the assessments? What ongoing assessments are necessary to be conducted by the registered nurse in the aged care facility?
*Briefly discuss the loss and grief issues Audrey might encounter in moving to the nursing home. Identify and justify which model of care would be most useful to support Audrey to come to terms with her very changed life circumstances and help to improve her quality of life.
*Briefly outline issues Audrey’s family might face in this situation, what is the role of the aged care nurse in relation to Audrey’s family?

Structure and presentation

This assignment is a piece of academic writing and needs to be structured as such, with an introduction and conclusion. You may use sub-headings as needed. Use the marking criteria to guide you with respect to aspects of presentation and formatting of this assignment.

Marking Criteria (strong)
Content and Focus- Essay demonstrates professional reflection with only minor digressions. Essay sufficiently integrates current and relevant reviews

Analysis and clinical reasoning- Exhibits strong higher order clinical reasoning skills: synthesis and analysis, application, comprehension, knowledge

Development is logical and clear to reader; some points may be bunched together or not clearly linked


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Choose only one of the following populations for your assigned focus group: e Indigenous males, Indigenous females or Indigenous children Step 1 — Introduce your assignment and by stating who your assigned focus group will be (200 words) – (2 marks) Step 2 – It is important to gain knowledge of the historical (pre-invasion) and contemporary (presentday) health status of the Australian Indigenous population in order to understand the impact caused by Australia’s Policies. Your opening paragraph after your introduction should identify and outline the historical and contemporary health status (physical and mental) of the Australian Indigenous population. (Refer to focus group). (400 words) – (2 marks) Step 3 – Analyse and explain the intent of the Assimilation Policy and up to date sources). Provide examples of how Assimilation physical and mental health status of the Australian Indigenous population group). (400 words) – (2 marks)    Vccz-lccvncc//

Historical within Australia Government policies have directly impacted upon on the overall health status of Indigenous Australians. “Discuss how Assimilation Policies have impacted on the physical and mental health status of Indigenous Australians today”.
Choose only one of the following populations for your assigned focus group:
e Indigenous males,
Indigenous females or
Indigenous children
Step 1 — Introduce your assignment and by stating who your assigned focus group will be (200 words) – (2 marks)
Step 2 – It is important to gain knowledge of the historical (pre-invasion) and contemporary (presentday) health status of the Australian Indigenous population in order to understand the impact caused by Australia’s Policies. Your opening paragraph after your introduction should identify and outline the historical and contemporary health status (physical and mental) of the Australian Indigenous population. (Refer to focus group). (400 words) – (2 marks)
Step 3 – Analyse and explain the intent of the Assimilation Policy and up to date sources). Provide examples of how Assimilation physical and mental health status of the Australian Indigenous population group). (400 words) – (2 marks)    Vccz-lccvncc//
The effects from trauma, grief and loss associated with resulted in multigenerational effects on Aboriginal and within Australia society today.
Step 4 – Identify and critically discuss the links between Assimilation and mental health status of Indigenous Australians specifically
• Social and emotional wellbeing (500 words) – (8 marks)
Step 5 — Therefore with this knowledge how can the Registered Nurse/ Midwife ensure that
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people from your designated focus group are provided with culturally safe nursing care (400 words) – (8 marks)
Step 6 – Conclusion (100 words) – (2 marks)
Between — 8 and 10 references are required — The Assimilation Policy must be referenced.
Due Date: Friday the 18th of September (Week 9), 2015, 5pm — Assignment to be submitted via Moodle on NUR3030 study desk — No cover sheet is required for this assignment.
Weighting: 30% – (30 marks)
Length: 2000 Words


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This scholarly paper addresses the elements noted below: 1. System and Setting Description 1. Describe the clinical documentation system including its intended use and function 2. Describe the type of the setting the system is used in and the clients served.

As a nurse leader assess how a clinical documentation system functions in your workplace setting. ( The workplace setting is in a hospital on a labor and delivery unit)

The paper is on the topic of ……As a nurse leader, you have been asked to assess how a clinical documentation system functions in your nursing workplace setting. For this written assignment, address each of the elements noted below. This assignment is limited to 6-8 pages (excluding the title page, abstract and references), must be in the form of a scholarly paper, and reflects APA format.
This scholarly paper addresses the elements noted below:
1. System and Setting Description
1. Describe the clinical documentation system including its intended use and function
2. Describe the type of the setting the system is used in and the clients served.
2. Data Collection and System Analysis
1. Describe how and when is the data collected?
2. Identify who uses the data and how is it retrieved?
3. Analyze if the system functions as intended?
4. Analyze if the system supports the work of the clinicians (workflow)?
3. Safety and Outcomes Analysis
1. Describe how the system supports patient safety and safe care environments.
2. Analyze the impact the system has on improving client outcomes.
3. Discuss the strengths and limitations the system has on supporting clinical decision making and promoting
quality outcomes.
4. Evidence-Based Practice
1. Explain how the data collected from this system can support and serve as the basis for the development of Evidence Based Practice standards of care and clinical practice guidelines.
5. Collaboration and Information
1. Describe how the information generated by the system is or could be shared across healthcare disciplines.
2. Explain how the multidisciplinary exchange of information promotes collaboration and continuity of care.
6. Scholarly Paper.


American Nurses Association (ANA). (2008). Nursing informatics: scope &amp; standards of practice.
Springfield, MD: Nursesbooks.org

Mc Gonigle, D., Mastrian, K .G. (2012). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge. 2nd Ed,
Burlington, MA: Jones &amp; Bartlett Learning.

TIGER Informatics Competencies Collaborative (2007) Wiki. Accessed on November 20, 2009 at
Reflect the material learned from the course plus other outside sources.


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1) Exploration of Jeremy Oxley’s experience and concerns about his mental health An accurate and clearly articulated exposition of Jeremy Oxley’s experience, using clearly explained examples.

Mental Health

Order Description

This assessment requires detailed information based on AUSTRALIAN medical nursing interventions, so please ensure that you base your information from an Australian perspective.

Assessment requirements: Mental Health Assignment: Due 10/09/2015 8am AEST
Please ensure the following:
1)  be 1500 words
2) include only a brief introduction and conclusion
3)  be double spaced
4) 3cm margin
5) have a MINIMUM 14 recent sources (Less than 7 years Old).
6)  comply with APA Referencing Guide Lines.
7)  be written in the third person
8)  be Australian and the Australian health system guidelines

You are required to
1) Exploration of Jeremy Oxley’s experience and concerns about his mental health
An accurate and clearly articulated exposition of Jeremy Oxley’s experience, using clearly explained examples.

2) Exploration of brother and partner’s understanding.
An accurate and clearly articulated explanation of both perspectives, comparing and contrasting differences with clearly explained examples.

3) Recovery principles and medical model of mental health are explored and applied to Jeremy Oxley’s Lived Experience of mental health issues.
An accurate and clearly expressed analysis of Recovery principles and the medical model is articulated and applied with appropriate examples to Jeremy Oxley’s experience.

Content is logically and succinctly structured to create a coherent and analytical report which consistently uses formal academic language, correct nursing terminology and adheres to grammatical conventions.
APA guidelines for in-text referencing and the reference list are consistently adhered to, with no errors.
The chosen patient is Jeremy Oxley from “The Sunny Boys” concert/life experience 2013 is available on youtube appox 90mins


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